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Old 2004-06-27, 05:57 AM   #1
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'
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Red face Lets make some money with free sites, shall we?

A lot of newbies comes and say they wanna make money out of porn and asks a zillions of questions. Although there is a tons of tutorials and articles on several fine sites I'll try to do something little different: step by step tutorial on daily basis. And I'll try to do it for 100% newbies without using any of traffic or cash I made so far in porn biz.

Ok, here we go... First of we need domain and hosting. These two things are a MUST! Domain would cost you around 7-9$ per year and you can start with so small hosting that will cost you like 5$ per month so there is no excuse not to get these two things. If you unable to pay for it shot me an email and I'll provide you with both for free. Ofcourse I'm not filthy rich but each month I'll try to help out few people

Second thing we need is content. As I already said I am newbie and don't have any money to buy it so I'll use sponsors content. We know that sponsor content is overused but that fact stands only for big, well know companies so I'll use brand new sponsor which provides a nice amount of content: . I am using toons sponsor because I bought toon domain.

Now when we have domain and hosting we must chose what would we do and that's free sites. Free sites will burn you a waaay less bandwidth and you will get waaaay much better traffic quality 'cause link lists are on top positions on google and other SEs. Second thing is that on free site you have 4 pages to put ads instead of 1 on gallery.

So lets build our first free site. Each free site contains 4 pages: warning,main and two gallery pages. You can also add 18 U.S.C. Section 2257 Compliance Notice page because some link lists recently started to request that.

So I builded my first free site: and that site contains 5 pages:

1. warning (index) page: this page must have warning text clearly saying that our site contains adult material! On top of that page I putted site name. Under that there is first ad from my sponsor. Always put ads there! First thing what surfer should see when he come is ad! That's where from most sales will come. Those surfers who will enter your site probably just looking for some free porn (not all of them of course!). Under that ad there is warning and recip links to link lists I submitted my site. Each link list request recip link and some of them request niche recip link so before submitting you free site grab recip links and put them on your site. As you can see there is recips for 6 link lists and we want to get our site listed on all link list so we make copies of our free sites and simply change recips:
I could make several index pages with different recips but most of link lists prefers to have their recip on main page of site so I put each site in different folder. Recips always MUST be above enter link! Under that I putted another sponsors link. It's for penis enlargement pills and it's just addition because with this free site I am promoting only one site. If you using sponsor content ALLWAYS check with sponsor if its ok to have another sponsor link on site with their content! Some of sponsors doesn't care if their site is main thing that you promote. At the very bottom there is a link to 2257 Compliance Notice page and its ok to have it

2. main page: contains just 2 ads and links to free galleries. Always try to get surfers focus on ads.

3. gallery pages: almost every link list out there requires at least 20 pictures to be listed each of my galleries contains 10 pictures and more ads. As you can see I am using only text links on galleries to get some SE traffic. If you're using your own content you can also put there ads for email programs because surfer who seeing galleries already saw your ads for pay sites and he didn't clicked so maybe he would be interested in some more free porn.

While submitting my first free site I added each link list submission page to my favorites in IE. For each copy of site I made new folder in my favorites naming them freesite1, freesite2 etc so next time when I am going to submit it will be easier to do it.

I submitted this free site to 40 link lists (2 have closed submissions due to server moves) and now I can only wait for results. For link list there is no confirmation link to click on. After submitting it takes only a day or two to get listed on most link lists.

Because I got toons domain I will build toons and hentai sites so I will need more sponsors so here is the list of sponsors I'll use because they have free toon and hentai content:

Other than these I will use some pills sponsors because with just one sale I may earn up to 125$ (even more than that!) and after my free sites hits google it could be nice addition to sing up earnings:

Tomorrow I'll made new free site and check what happened with one I made and submit today.

It can't be easier that this. At start you'll have a problem to collect all those recips but once you got it you can build free site in half hour.
I will continue to build free sites for next 30 days and each day I'll report you what have I done and what the results I got.
For any question feel free to shot me email: adultbiz at or simply send me message on icq 270-269-078
Each month I give away few domains and paid hosting for a month for free so feel free to apply. If you are from easter europe and have problems to get hosting and domain because of paying problem (no credit card and such things) shot me email and I'll help you.

Any question is welcome. Feel free to ask me anything.
Stay tuned for day two
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Old 2004-06-27, 06:00 AM   #2
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'
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Day 2 - Another day, another site

If we wanna make money we must work. It's that simple. If you work in factory you need to work at least 8 hours to get a paycheck so it simply can't be different in porn biz! Work,work and more work and checks are on the way! So let's keep this going on.

After building first site and submitting it I received few mails that my site is listed. I didn't go to check all stats because people told me that I need to wait few days to get listed everywhere so for today I'll skip checking stats and build another site.

In each biz important thing is growing so I added another 6 link lists to my submission list and made new free site:

I changed design of my second site a bit because link lists owners won't list my site if I am using same templates each day. After 30 days I will have 30 free site templates and than each day I will use one of them. This time I linked "exit" link to non-adult sponsor because someone told me that if surfer clicks on "exit" link its a waste so I'll try to make money out of those surfers.

It took me a bit over an hour to submit to all those link lists over dial up so it's ok. There is a lot more link lists out there but I'll add like 6 per day because I am too lazy to get more than that. . Now I have 8 free site directories in IE favorites and recip links for 56 sites and with this second site I done making it and submitting it much faster that with first one.

Because I am not using any counters I need some tool to track stats so I asked around boards for good and free one (believe it or not boards can useful sometimes!). So nice dudes provides me with two programs for analyzing server logs so I picked both of 'em and will use them to see which one works better for me: - lite version is free

I made my two sites using dreamweaver. For making thumbs I am using cool piece of free software that can be found on this link:

Tomorrow I will add more link lists to my submission list and change sponsor just to see how will another sponsors site convert with link lists traffic. Also I will download server logs and analyze it to see how much traffic I got so far and how much bandwidth I have burned.

Drink some beers and lick some boobs 'till tomorrow
__________________ oriental porn
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Old 2004-06-27, 06:01 AM   #3
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'
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Day 3 - Traffic started to flow

Ok it's a time to see some stats but first lets build another site:

This time I added 6 more link lists to my submission list and next time I'll add some more. More places I submit my free site to means more traffic, more traffic means more chances to make some money. Again I change design a bit so now I have 3 free site templates and need 27 more to have templates for whole month.

Lets see some stats now..

So far my previous made free sites was listed on several link lists and in past 2 and half days I received 1638 visitors. Its too early to see where my free sites listed because some link lists have big back logs so I'll skip where from most of the traffic comes.

Stats from my sponsor showing around 100 visitors to his site and no sales yet. So now you can see why its good to start with free sites: CTR is waaaay much better that from galleries because you have 4 pages to show ads to visitor.

I burned around 350 megs of bandwidth so far.

Tomorrow I'll change sponsor and in next 3-4 days will post screen shots of all stats so stay tuned.

Grab some boobs and drink some beer and see ya tomorrow
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Old 2004-06-29, 01:46 PM   #4
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'
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Day 4 - A li'l brake to see some stats and do some search

Ok, 4th day I took day off to analyze stats so far and to look for more sponsor. When you analyze stats don't just look at raw numbers! Try to understand those numbers! Usually whem webmasters talks about conversation rates they do not talk about small details that can make a big diference! To show you what I mean here is my results so far with my 3 free sites...

After submitting them I got listed almost everywhere. Got just one recejction email but its from smaller link list so didn't bother to see whats wrong
My 3 free sites received 5046 visitors in total. Be aware that this thread is hot and lots of webmasters visit my sites so we must deduct that number from total count. It's hard to tell how much exactly surfers visited my free sites but as you can see from stats there is less than 3400 unique ips

You can also see that I burned 670 megs of bandwidth so far.

Out of those visitors I made one trial sale. is revshare sponsor from which you get 50% of all sign ups and rebills. In case that I was using per sing up sponsor I would made 30-35$. Now I can only hope that site I just sold have good content I that trail would become full sale and if site is regulary updated I could make more than 30-35$.

These stats are from 4 days and so far I send like 250 visitors to sponsor site so conversation rate would be 1:250. And now we came to small details: I sended 250 visitors to sponsors site with just around lets say 4000 visitors (it's less than than for sure!)! Thats around 6% CTR! Impossible to get it on galleries! 1:250 conversation is not so great but if you see how many visitors I need to make sale thats diferent story. To get better conversations next time I will just make sure that in every ad I clearly state that there is pay site behide ad and in that way much less visitors will click on ad and conversation would look nicer.

Another details is also important:

My 3 free sites are indexed by google and yahoo in less than 4 days! At the end of my little tutorial you'll see how much traffic will get from those two ses. From this stats I can see that I can easily get some search engine traffic for keywords such as "3d sex", "sex 3d", and "free 3d sex" so I need to get them what they are looking for so let's go on 5th day...
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Old 2004-06-29, 01:56 PM   #5
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'
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Day 5 - Don't put all eggs in one basket

In other words don't send all your traffic to just one sponsor! Try them all and see who is best money maker for you. This time I chose to use because they have few gooooood looking hentai sites and tons of free content. For now I'll try their two 3D sites and per sign up program because I had some traffic from google and yahoo looking for that kind of stuff so lets see can I make money with it. Heres my new free site:

This time I didn't expand my submission list because I am waiting to see which one link lists I already submitted few sites will not send me any traffic so I can replace them with new ones.

The end of first week of my tut is near so prepare yourself for a few money making add ons to free sites And also detail statistic after 7 days of making free sites!
Stay cool and lick some boobs for me
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Old 2004-06-30, 05:55 PM   #6
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Day 6 - How much they click on banners?

Another day-another free site:

As you can see I added 6 new link lists to my submission list so now I have 60 link lists to submit to. Imo 7 days in just enough to get listed on every link list that is still alive so after tomorrow I'll start to stop submitting to those link lists that can't send me any traffic. Take a note that this is only for toons-hentai niche!

Also notice difference between my first 3 sites and latest 2! On first 3 I have a lot of text ads and on last two just banners with one text line under it. Surfers clicked a lot on text ads so now I wanna see how much will they click on banners. Probably a lot less because so far surfers are trained that banners are just ads but that doesn't mean bad thing! With banners my conversation will be better only CTR will be a lot smaller.

Also, around 5,000 surfers visited my sites, looked at pics and leave 'em. We have no use of them so we must find solution how to even earn some money out of them or use them to get new visitors and that will be my task for tonight: how to use that traffic.

Talk to ya tomorrow
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Old 2004-07-01, 10:52 AM   #7
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'
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Day 7 - Let's not waste traffic ok?

Before I start my brainstorming for today lets see where from I got most of traffic to my sites so far. To make things easier for ya I added submit page links for those link lists. Some of those link lists listed all my free sites mad for this tutorial so you can expect a li'l bit different results: - submit page: - submit page: - submit page: - submit page: - submit page: - submit page: - submit page: - submit page: - submit page: - submit page: - submit page:

Please note than some of these link lists listed just one of my free sites so far like Penisbot so for more accurate traffic stats I'll wait 'till end of my tut.

Now, lets see how can we make more money out of traffic to our free sites. Traffic is name of the game so we must not waste any of it!

Let us try get into surfers mind. He come to see our site and as I already said first thing what he must see is ad for pay site. When he see it and enter our site anyway he is probably not interested in particular site you trying to sell him so give him another one at main page. After he sees another ad and goes to first gallery chances to get sales is much less but if he likes content that he see there is still possibility to make sale. If he goes to second gallery there is a great chance that he is just freeloader (not all of them!) so we need to find the way how to take advantage of him because he is still visitor. On this place we can offer him link for niche top list! Send them to top list and get another visitors back to your site. As easy as that. On top of second gallery put another ad but on bottom simply offer niche top list and get more traffic to your free site.

There is one more kind of freeloaders: when he came to your site and see that he is in directory let say usually he thinks if there is second site there is probably third and fourth and so on and he will hit hoping to see more porn. So instead of numbering our sites 1,2,3... from now on we will use 2,4,6,8 etc. like this:

Those freeloaders (or just curious surfers) will now hit our 404 page. If you have cpanel or direct admin you can easily make custom 404 page. If you not have that you need change your .htaccess file:

1. Open notepad, then type:

ErrorDocument 404
ErrorDocument 403

2. Save it as .htaccess

3. Then upload it to your /public_html folder on your hosting

For 404 traffic I'll use as sponsor because they offer 3 cents per blind click, 3$ per 1000 raw clicks, 3$ per 1000 popunders and 1.25$ per 1000 simple pupunders. Also I'll use for exit traffic in case that surfers simply close my 404 page.

Ok, I typed too much for now lol. See ya tomorrow :p
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Old 2004-07-02, 01:26 PM   #8
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Day 8 - Once again: smash 'em in the face damit!

Once again I must say where from most of the sales will come: your index page! Heres stats:

As you can see almost 200 visitors didn't even passed index page so they even clicked on my ad or on one of the resipc (now you can see why link lists request recips ). So on index page put your best ad on the top right under your site name and money will come

I made and submitted one more free site with links but tomorrow I'll start with submitting free sites with links because they have cool promo offer and you never should miss chance to get some extra cash! They don't have hentai or toon sites so I'll add to my shared hosting account one more domain so I can track how much bandwidth I'll burn.

Please note that all stats I published so far is for hentai-toons niche which is relative small so from tomorrow you'll see how much other niches generates traffic

It's a friday damit! Did you tough that I would write too much?
Weekend is here so let's get drunk and high! Stay cool!
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Old 2004-07-07, 05:34 AM   #9
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Some other day... lol

To be honest I didn't expect that my tut will get so much attention! I was surprised how many people don't know these things. I didn't update my thread for few days because I was replying on all emails,PM's and icq messages I got. If you didn't received answer from me please wait a day or two. You'll get it. . I want to thank you all for kind words and I whish my tut will help someone to make some bling bling.

Now, let's start brainstorming for today. I see a lot of people asking which sponsor is good and what site converts best. But that simply doesn't work that way! A sponsor doing great for me can do shitty for you and site that converts 1:100 for me can converts 1:1000 for you with same kind of traffic! That's just a fact so you'll need to find right sponsor for you and right niche for you. Do some tests and after that do some more. There is like 100s of sponsors and 1000s of sites so you'll need to find which of them will make you most bling bling.

This time I'll test gay niche with few sponsors. It will take 3-4 days and after than I'll switch niche and again do some testing with other niches 'till I find my cash cow.

For gay niche I picked gay domain: . As you can see there is just few links for pay sites. When I get some time I'll put there a little review of each site on separate htm page to get some more SE traffic. More pages=more text=more SE traffic. I can't use my usual 404 traffic sponsors because they only deal with straight traffic so I'll use 2 new ones: - they have a link option to redirect all foreign traffic to dialer and - they pay 1$ per confirmed e-mail for 6 gay niche sites. Remember! I'll do some tests with my 404 traffic. If this two sponsors makes me no cash I'll simply chose another ones.

For gay niche there is a few bigger gay link lists but most of them require al least 40 pics per free site to get listed so I'll do free sites for them after I build two sites for general traffic link lists.

So here is my first gay free site: . As you can see I added a link to main page on domain on bottom of each page. If surfer isn't interested in site I am promoting on my free site I will give him a chance to pick another one

Also, I already mentioned that you can put on second gallery link to top list and you can get additional traffic to your free site. To maximize your traffic on free sites simply make your own top lists and list only your sites! You can get very good free top list script at . So after I get 20 to 30 gay free sites I'll make my own gay top list and add my sites to it. In this way every surfers that see one of my free sites can get to another one of my sites so now I have more chances to get him interested in pay sites I am trying to sell. I'll even open my top list to public submissions but only for free sites because I wanna only link lists traffic on it!

I decided not to publish any stats 'till end of my tut! Most of people contacted me regarding how much I earned so far probably thinks that they can get shitloads of money simply doing 2-3 sites and thats it! Well this simply doesn't work that way. Most of adult webmasters I know works all day long and they get pay for it. If someone isn't ready to work hard and work hard every day this isn't job for them.

At the end... for tomorrow I'll show you how to make money out of 404 traffic. I'll build simple and effective 404 page that will make you nice $

Ok, stay cool everyone...
__________________ oriental porn
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Old 2004-07-15, 02:54 AM   #10
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Whats with that 404 traffic |afro|
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Old 2004-07-19, 08:49 AM   #11
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'
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This isn't "Lets get rich quick" kind of biz damit!

I took a break with my tut just to show you where most of newbies makes mistake. You can't simply build 5-6 free sites and expect to make some decent money. Period. It is ongoing proccess. You need to build one free site each day and submit it to a nice group of link lists. Once when you will have like 200-300-500 free sites you'll see nice money fllowing in. Remember! After some time your free sites will getting nice amount of search engine traffic! If you get 1 unique from google to your free site daily build 2000 of 'em and you'll get 2000 google uniques each day. Its a simple as that!

Don't ever look back! Work like this: build, submit, forget. If you make decent free sites and follow all the link lists rules you should never go back and ask why your site isn't listed! Sometimes link lists owners (or reviewers) don't approve your site simply because even they already seen content you used or simply don't like your site. Going back and changeing free sites and submiting them again is waste of time.

Most of questions I got regarding this thread was something like: How much did ya made $$$$. Once again I'll say: only work makes you money. Period. Ok, I earned enough. Lemme see some stats:

Now I have average 2000 visitors daily to my hentai-toons free sites. I got listed on 99% link lists I submited to. Burned like 8gb of bandwith so far. A how much did I made?

Yep, I made few bucks. Ah, yes, I made few more sales but lets wait 'till end of my li'l tut to see those stats. I am posting this stats just to show you quality of link lists traffic. If you ever wonder how to sell those penis enlargement pills (beside spamming ) now you know the answer. Surfers don't click too much on those ads but when they click you make nice money.

So, only from one sponsor I got 200$ so far and what did I spend? One domain: 8.95$. Cheap hosting package: 9.95$. And of course my time. I think I 'll continue to build free sites

Ok, that's it for now. I am curently working on brand new tutorial because now I see there is need for stuff like this. If any of sponsors, hosters and content providers whants to get into my new tutorial shot me an emial: adultbiz at .I wanna work something out for newbies to get kick start and already have few ideas how to do it so don't be shine! Shot me emial. Its woth it.

Stay drunk and high 'till next time
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Old 2004-07-20, 04:14 AM   #12
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I just got a new hosting package and will start on free sites in the next couple days.

I did a search here to see about using free content as my purchased content is sorta old now.


This is one of the most awesome fucking threads I've ever seen on any board!

I bookmarked it and copied it to an MSWORD document.

THANK YOU for sharing.

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Old 2004-07-20, 10:38 PM   #13
If something goes wrong at the plant, blame the guy who can't speak English
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Well done iggysick!
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Old 2004-07-21, 05:33 AM   #14
Hey, can you take the wheel for a second, I have to scratch my self in two places at once
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thanks for telling people to do better freesites!

makes everybodys job easier.
Submit FS's to: MindBlowing Porn | Fetish Links
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Old 2004-07-21, 11:23 AM   #15
Remember to rebel against the authorities, kids!
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very helpful thread iggysick
it's good to read when you're bored with creating new, another freesite design. Simply can give you some motivation to work

at least gave me

(go to build new freesite, coz time=money)

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Old 2004-07-21, 12:16 PM   #16
Let me have it! Traffic is what I $$$
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Iggy you did a wonderful job!
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Old 2004-07-25, 04:54 AM   #17
Heh Heh Heh! Lisa! Vampires are make believe, just like elves and gremlins and eskimos!
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Great job

I haven't seen such a good thread for newbies since the days of Condom Chronicles... GREAT JOB IGGY!
Don't judge me before you know me!
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Old 2004-07-25, 11:28 PM   #18
WHO IS FONZY!?! Don't they teach you anything at school?
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YOU rock awesome post. I have it bookmarked for motivation also.
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Old 2004-07-26, 10:44 AM   #19
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
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Very good thread, Iggysick!

One of the things I haven't understood - and I'm not trying to make myself a Jesus here - is why some webmasters and change and redirect their sites.

All those 404 pages and popup hells won't make surfers to buy, if you ask me, but WTF I know, if they do it, it must sell.

Free site is a teaser, some small free entertainment for horny surfers with a message where to go if you want all bells and whistles.
My free porn sites

Last edited by finnbear; 2004-07-26 at 10:46 AM..
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Old 2004-07-26, 02:57 PM   #20
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'
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Day 30 - "Winners never Quit, Quitters never Win". Ask yourself: which one you wanna be?

The man from which I learned most of the free site stuff, CrazySy, has posted this:

Iggy, let me give you an advice if I may. Don't get too caught up with one on one helping as it will put you behind your own work and I say that because I've been there and done that. After spending hours and hours of helping people on ICQ with AVS and Free site building they decided that's not what they wanted to do, I could have used all those hours to make money for myself but chose to help others. As I write this I am working on a project which has taken my time away from all my other projects and I know I won't be making any money from it for at least two or three months yet I am working on it, It's called hard work, commitment, patience, dedication and positive attitude. It is like any other business, you can't just walk out of the college and into a corporation and expect to be the president of the company, you need to work hard and aim high. I have told people many times in the past years that when you start, prepare to spend 12 hours a day and at least $300 to $400 for the next 3 months without any expectation of making money during that period. If you can prepare yourself mentaly then you are made to be in business and if not, then stick with your day job. When you expect to make nothing in three months and all of a sudden you see 10 to 20 sales which equals to about $600 or so, you get pumped up and work harder but if you expect to make that amount and end up making $30 or nothing then you simply give up. It's all about prepration and YOU can't help people with that, THEY have to help themselves. As I learned in martial arts "Winners never Quit, Quitters never Win"
Read it over and over again 'till you get it. I don't need to add anything to that. Its simply your choice: winner or quitter.

Lets see what I have donne so far. For some strange reason my server logs are late few days (gremlins? lol) so here is traffic stats from 6.23. 'till 7.20. :

So far I made 10 free sites and them stoped to see what will hapen to them. As you can see there is big diference betwen tgp and link list traffic. When you get your gallery listed on tgp you'll get tons of traffic first day and then huge drop but not with free sites and link lists! Yes, traffic will drop but just like 10% in week time. Wonder way? Go to and do a search for "adult comics". Second search result is . My site submited on start of this tutorial is still listed on 4th place. As long as there is enough people interested in adult comics I will get traffic to that site from adult-list and I submited it on second day of my tutorial. So month after I submited there is still nice traffic to my sponsor site:

This stats are from 1st of july 'till today with high converting sponsor that would be nice bling bling but its a long run to find sponsor that would do well for me.

I burned 11 gigs of bandwith so far. These are stats 'till 20.7. :

Average 335 MB per day is next to nothing! I already said how to make money with 404 traffic and from only that traffic my hosting bill is fully covered:

I am using both sponsors only on adultcomicspost! Average 20 cents per day is nothing but my hosting bill is payed by freeloaders

Lets see now which link lists send most traffic:

You can see a lot visit from my tutorial on several boards so if you reading this you owe me money for bandwith! Damn freeloader!

I am not greedy but I want to make as much as I can get from traffic I have so from now on I'll add on each of my free sites link to main page of my domain. If surfer isn't interested in site I am promoting on free site I need a chance to offer him some other sites. So on bottom of each of my new free sites I'll add simple copyright notice with link that will lead him to index page of my domain. Betwen index page and my main page I'll add full page ad (sponsors have lot of them so lets put them to work for us). I'll use little javascript to rotate full page ads:

Random link button- By JavaScript Kit (
Over 300+ free scripts!
This credit MUST stay intact for use

//specify random links below. You can have as many as you want
var randomlinks=new Array()


function randomlink(){
<a href="javascript:randomlink()"><font size="6">Click here to enter Adult Comics Post </font></a>
Script is free for use but please leave owner link on. As you can see curently I have 6 full page ads but I will add all I can find later on. You can go to my site and enter few times. Each time you may see another full page ad. Dont name your full page ad "fpa1" or something like that! Nobody search google for fpas! Use keywords or site names to name your pages with fpas!

You probably noticed banners from banner exchange and form for subscription for newsletter. A lot of surfers will visit my site only once and mailing list is my chance to make some money even from them if they subscribe to my newsletter. I don't expect tons of subscribers but thats my long term plan. Now, if you think I'll lose some visitors because they'll click on banner exchange banner think like this: I offered him few ads for pay sites and he didn't click so I have no use of him. As traffic will grow on my site I will start adding top lists links to exchange those visitors who didn't clicked on my ads for new ones.

As you my see on my main page at top of it there if list of pay sites with prices. On bottom theres my free sites. There I'll list all my sites as I building them but thats my own li'l link lists and MY RULES FOR IT! So for that list I'll made a bit diferent sites than those I submit to other link lists: . Check it out. There is no full page ad for that site but on all others I will put that up. All pics on that site are on html pages and on all that pages there is one ad at top and banner exchange at very bottom. If he is a freeloader I must at least get some banner impression from him. If he find his way to gallery pages thru all that ads for pay sites you can even blind link thumbs and send them to top lists or sponsor whos paying for that kind of traffic. Add also some popup sponsor links to gallery pages. Its your link list and your rules!

I made my own banner for banner exchange. A lot of people using blind banners but I want only visitors interested in hentai,anime and toons:

When making banners allways try to put "click here" on it! Surfers clicks more on banners that calls them on some kind of action and in this case action is clicking. Also, I allways make those words in blue color because there is still a lot of surfers who thinks that links are only blue.

In next few days I'll start adding my site to top lists and start submiting new free sites on daily basis and for sure I'll continue to post all updates.

I chose to be winner.
Iggy |rasta|
__________________ oriental porn
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Old 2004-07-26, 06:12 PM   #21
Ahhh ... sweet pity. Where would my love life be without it?
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Great thread

Nice thread Iggysick.
Thanks for taking the time to write it.
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Old 2004-08-09, 07:40 PM   #22
Heh Heh Heh! Lisa! Vampires are make believe, just like elves and gremlins and eskimos!
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Yeh! Good thread, Iggysick,

But where the f*** d'ya get the time to run sites AND post articles like that for so many days
<a href="">Hazel's Harem</a> - Got free sites? Get them listed
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Old 2004-08-17, 03:30 AM   #23
I'm the only guy in the world who has to wake up to have a nightmare
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Hi Iggysick,
Great reading there, thanks for the motivation man
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Old 2004-08-18, 02:28 AM   #24
They have the Internet on computers, now?
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Every link I clicked on is dead. I hope it's temporary... Damn, I really wanted to see this through.
Hey, what did I do this time?
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Old 2004-08-18, 08:39 AM   #25
Shut up brain, or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!'s Avatar
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as far as I know iggy has lost his day job...
and has not been able to pay his server....
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