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Cleo 2012-12-30 01:37 PM

It's afternoon of the last Sunday of 2012, am I the only one awake?
Been up since before sunrise, not that I wanted to be.

Went kayaking yesterday to see the manatees that swim in the warm water discharged from the electrical generating plant at the port. Got pulled over by the sheriff while kayaking, that was a first. Can thank 911 for the draconian harbor enforcement. I guess two women in kayaks might be terrorists guiding sharks with lasers on their heads into Port Everglades.

So far today I've edited the pictures that we didn't take of manatees (again we can thank 911 for this) and made a blog post of kayaking without any manatees.

Now getting ready to head over to the gym and also go by a locksmith to get all the keys duplicated from our one remaining set of keys since I seem to have lost the our other set of keys yesterday. I think I left them on the tailgate of my car before driving to the gym the other day.

Fonz 2012-12-30 01:51 PM

Good evening,

It sure was a lazy Sunday today, did a lot and nothing all at once. Now it's times for the weekly Sunday take away dinner and after that there's a few good shows on TV (Grimm, The Walking Dead, The American Horror Show, ...) so that's how the rest of my day will look like.

Have a good day all!

papagmp 2012-12-30 02:00 PM

Been awake all night updating nearly 100 wordpress sites, setting up redirects and deleting dead links. Time for a smoke and some rest.

Simon 2012-12-30 02:14 PM

Good morning world |waves|

Seems my neighbor still had a few things she needed help moving so that was part of my morning. Aside from that it's been good coffee and building some blog galleries. Aside from some submits I think that's going to be it for today.

Wishing a good New Year's Eve Eve to all.


JustRobert 2012-12-30 02:16 PM

Good Day :)
Up in San Francisco for a few days. Drove up yesterday after one of our kids came over to stay at the house to watch the cat and get away from roomates. It was raining when we left, drove thru falling snow in part of the trip before being greeted with clear skies in northern cali.

I have had the worst sales week in 10 years and it's got my head spinning. Feel like I pissed off the sales nazi, No sales for you! (seinfeld reference) Gotta keep in good spirits since I am with family and friends :D

Wishing all a |shave| free day!

Greenguy 2012-12-30 08:37 PM


I honestly forgot to stop by here this morning LOL

I guess I better make sure the place isn't on fire.....

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