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RawAlex 2006-08-16 10:48 PM

Things are moving... watch out for falling bytes
As part of my summer renovations projects, and after 6 solid years at the same host, I am moving to a new host.

First off, let me say that my current host, National-Net, is a top notch company, and that Sweet T, VooMan, LBBV (Bill), and all the staff at NatNet have been wonderful. I wouldn't have an issue recommending them to anyone as a hosting company, and I know many of you do use their services. My first server with national net was Nat33, so you know I got in early. I have been there as NatNet has grown from a very small operation to a darn big hosting andeven sort of general media group of companies. The growth has been amazing! I have had no problem with the service, the 24 hour support, the great ticket system... everything is 110%.

That being said, as many of you know, I have "taken the summer off" from most things posting, most thing board like, and all shows and "personal appearances". That time has been spent to evaluate all of my business, the direction that I want to take in the future, and so forth. The result of this is many, many changes (both online and offline) that will allow me to once again put things in the right direction and grow my business (and satisfaction level overall).

To that end, I have selected Colo-cation as my new host. Sparky (CD34) as you know him here runs a great hosting company, with a level of nuts and blots techie feeling that makes me interested all over again in what I do. Maybe I am crazy, but I like the idea that the boss both answers the phone and knows how to fix the problems. Most importantly for me, much of this stuff sort of plays well towards things I am working on and planning, so this move brings me right into a personal comfort zone that can do nothing except make me more productive!

Anyway, I could go on for a long while. Let me just say that this has been a while coming, not a one minute decision or anything like that. Many hours, many questions, and so on... and it all starts to work out.

The domains are being cloned over to the new network as I type, it is enough work to keep Sparky busy for a while, and his attention to detail makes me sure we will pull it off without any major issues.

This message is basically a note to all posted to Findpics and Link2x: There is a VERY VERY small potential for service interruptions or for the submit form to be disabled on the old servers. This will be done so that we don't get submits that don't appear in the new database. It shouldn't be for a very long time.

For link sites and TGPs I submit to, there should be no outages at all, as everything is being completed duplicated before the switch is flicked, and I will be giving the DNS a fair while to propegate before turning off the old one. There may be minor drops and occassional errors and the DNS plays out, so I ask you to please "curb your bots" and cut me a slight amount of slack during this transition.

thanks everyone, and keep enjoying your summer. Everyone goes back to school soon, so the summer doldrums should be over!


Useless 2006-08-17 02:10 AM

Nice to see you back on the block, Alex. ;) I'll keep my hard hat on if I pass that way. Those bytes can be heavy.

Fonz 2006-08-17 05:21 AM

Good to see you're back Alex :)
When Sparky moved all my stuff over to colo-cation it went very, I repeat, very smooth. You're not going to regret that decision.

sue-fl 2006-08-17 08:26 AM

Hi alex! I just read threw some of your blog damn you are a busy man! Like what you said on your trades page, getting good trades seems to be the hardest thing for me. At least you seem to be fair on trading, so I'll be hitting you up on icq. |thumb

RawAlex 2006-08-19 05:40 PM

Update: The moving is ongoing, this has sort of turned into a series of amusing issues, particularly that the DNS doesn't want to change that easily...

Also, the following domains have not been renewed at this point, so if you happen to have any links to them, assume they are dead. Most of them did not have links to them, so there should not be an issue.



Linkster 2006-08-19 08:28 PM

Alex - all I can say is - good move :) I know you will be much happier with your websites responses (my speed since I moved to colo seems to be 10 times faster load times than I had before) and I love Tux :) Unfortunately (and this came from the owner of another very large hosting company) there are very few people in the world that know how to install Tux and run it correctly - and at the top of the list of expertise is Chris (Sparky/CD34) :)

I also found that quite a few old Search Engine bugs I was having with my former hosting company went away with the proper setup of the servers

Doctor Dre 2006-08-20 08:16 AM

hey alex can you hti me up on icq plz ?

Jim 2006-08-20 10:30 AM

Good to see you Alex :)
As for Sparky and, the first thing you will notice is that scrips that normally took an hour to run, now take about 3 mins :)

I was telling Greenie the other day that our newsletter mailer started taking about 8 hours :) (Something was screwed up) It then dropped to about an hour with natnet. I now get the "message sent" email with the first bounced mail sent. So, I think it takes about 2 mins or less. I think Cleo noticed the same thing with her linklist script.

Sparky is one of the biggest reasons we no longer accept hosting companies as sponsors. I really can't recommend anyone else to anyone from newbie to major program.

Cleo 2006-08-20 10:43 AM

I wonder who Alex is under and on top of? :D

RawAlex 2006-08-20 03:39 PM

Thanks everyone.

The move is about 80% complete. My registrar is having a little issue getting all the DNS changes to go through, so things aren't quite what they should be, but things are getting there.

Cleo, I think I am a bottom. :(

Jim, I wasn't going to make a move unless I could do better. National-Net isn't a bad place to be (many of the "big boy programs" are there), and they certainly have the 24 hour per day support staff and all that stuff. Nothing against NatNet, but for me and some of the things I am working on, my situation isn't 100% compatible with the situation. Hard to describe what goes into it, but there you go.

Linkster, you hit at least part of it. In a world where we are more and more dependant on the SEs to bring quality traffic, your hosting has to be 125% correct. You cannot have brown outs, slow responses, or network weirdness. Things just have to be up, and have to be fast. The same for traffic trades, CJ sites, and whatever else you might have. You need speed to make things go. Sparky knows a thing or two about making things fast, and isn't affraid to get his hands dirty right down to a single line of code to find it. I suspect in the next few weeks things I am doing will become much more effecient and the results in banner views and click thrus (and money as a result) will be there.

So in the mean time, things are still moving around, sort of has me a bit locked up, but everything should be fine in the next 48 hours or so.

Doctor Dre 2006-08-21 12:02 AM

Yo hit me up on icq ... If they are still pending I'l take all of theses domains off your hands (most of it) if possible ;)


ronnie 2006-08-23 02:09 PM

Welcome Back..:)


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