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ArtWilliams 2019-03-22 09:44 AM

March 22, 2019 The Morning Thread ...
Morning. |coffee

Just drove my wife downtown for work and now I am at home having my breakfast. My BIL who totalled his car a couple of weeks ago is getting his new car today so that will take part of my afternoon. So, just working at rebranding my mainstream business today plus other boring stuff. My daughter may come over for dinner tonight. Not sure what I think about that.

Have a great day! |thumb

Greenguy 2019-03-22 10:35 AM

Morning! |waves|

I was up past 2 last night getting some |thumb's done for |bow| Ramster, not because he needed them done ASAP, but it was one of those things where you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, so you just push on.

Pretty much just work on the agenda for me today. I do need to meet The Bitch at my stepdaughter's when she gets out of work to help move some stuff around.

But 1st, I need to check on the fire I started...


Originally Posted by artwilliams (Post 556041)
My daughter may come over for dinner tonight. Not sure what I think about that.

JustRobert 2019-03-22 10:50 AM

Good Morning :)

Funk continues but I do have to run a couple of errands. Who knows, maybe the fresh air will help. If not the grandson is coming over tomorrow so that should break it if still around.

Enjoy your Friday!

Greenguy 2019-03-22 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by JustRobert (Post 556047)
Funk continues...

Maybe THIS will cheer you up |headbang|

jollyhumper 2019-03-22 03:08 PM

Evening |waves|

Slow day, still working on getting completely back on my feet after a really busy spring. On the bright side, I got through it alive so there's absolutely improvement.
Due to my muscular disease I've been granted an electric three-wheel bike from the government, I never really used it. (Somehow you tell the world you're not exactly top form, if riding it). I'm charging it now for the first time since I got it in 2015 and I think it can be a good way to exercise my patient |dog

Just watched The Dirt on Netflix, after some green dude made me aware of it, and it got me thinking. I never did this party-thing when I was rockin' around in the 90's, but the way these guys abused booze and drugs, kinda reminded me of my own drinking at times. hmmmm

Enjoy your Friday

Ramster 2019-03-22 04:04 PM

Happy Friday.

Forgot to pop on here earlier. Was up at 5:10am to drive my niece to work so I started my day at 5:45 and have been working since. not planning to go much longer though, going to have a few |cheers|

Greenguy 2019-03-22 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by jollyhumper (Post 556053)
Just watched The Dirt on Netflix, after some green dude made me aware of it, and it got me thinking. I never did this party-thing when I was rockin' around in the 90's, but the way these guys abused booze and drugs, kinda reminded me of my own drinking at times. hmmmm

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