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jollyhumper 2018-11-05 06:59 AM

Monday November 5th (The day I actually wrote correct date. (I hope ))
G'day ||scared|

I've been wishing American friends good luck today, so my inner calendar is completely fucked up. (but I mean well).
Seems like it wasn't the 6th after all ...

Starting to get tired of all this therapy, AA, Shrink, drug consultant shit.
But I'll hang in there, I don't want May all over again, ever!!!

Other than that, I'm dabbling around with blogs and galleries and designing of new pitstop/smiling.
Later today I'm going to make a last investment in my musicianship, there's not much money left now ...|violin||lol|

So, lunch --> drug consultant --> library to pick up a book.
Then guitar

Enjoy your Monday

Greenguy 2018-11-05 08:34 AM

Morning! |waves|

Non-drinking hangover for me |pokefun||greenguy| which sucks because I have a busy fucking day |banghead| Have to pick up the ASSIL from work, run him to a Dr appt, get home so The Bitch can pick me up for our joint derm appt, then stop & pick out tile for the kitchen backsplash, and finally Monday dinner.

I suppose I should wash my ass before all that |escape|


Originally Posted by jollyhumper (Post 553987)
So, lunch --> drug consultant --> library to pick up a book.

I'll save you a trip: What do you need to know? :D

JustRobert 2018-11-05 10:25 AM

Good Morning :)

Skipping digging today as the wife wants to drive along the coast with the top down and go to our favorite Italian restaurant for lunch. I've not really left my house in a couple of weeks so I agreed.

Other than that I think I'll just do biz work and maybe a movie. Exciting life I lead.

Enjoy your Monday!

jollyhumper 2018-11-05 02:12 PM

Forgot to tell you guys that I bought Fire and Fury the other day. (I went for the title, that wasn't the Woodward book I intended to buy, but whatever).
Why I'm telling you this? Because I wanted to tell you that I've decided to read it while I'm on the toilet. Thought that would be a suitable place for that book :-)


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