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Greenguy 2016-06-16 01:56 PM

Thursday June 16th (aka Better Late Than Never)
Afternoon! |waves|

Slept late, then I had to drive the almost-step-son-in-law around since he can't |banghead| but I did get 2 checks in the mail, so 1 lucky past due bill will get paid today |thumb

So the NBA game starts at 9 PM EDT tonight? Yeah, that makes sense on a weeknight when 1 team is in the Eastern time zone |zzzzzzzzz

Well, time to sling the porn...

Cleo 2016-06-16 02:25 PM

Just finished up my adult work at the same time as dealing with clueless clients.

Time to go run some errands...

Nymph 2016-06-16 03:58 PM

Still hoping I get the car back today. Waiting for the little shit to get home so hopefully I can use the truck (with a/c) to go get my mani/pedi. Other than that, work as usual.

ecchi 2016-06-16 05:02 PM

Major football (soccer) tournament in Europe at the moment, which is great if you like football. --- I don't!

The Welsh qualified, this is the first time a Welsh football team qualified for any major football event since 1948, so it is a big thing for them. England just beat them. They don't like the English at the best of times, so now the hatred must be at boiling point. Fortunately we are not at the knock out stage yet, so Wales are still in. If England had knocked them out I think there would have been bloodshed. And my father lives on the England/Wales border.

Pagan 2016-06-17 07:12 AM

We are having a nice, cool, rainy summer so far which is fine by me. Odd, but living in Texas all that time never persuaded me to love extreme heat. I figure I can layer clothes all I want when it is cold, but I can only take off so much in public in the heat.

MILs latest cancer scare has proven to be an infection of unknown type/origin. At least we don't have to make the trek to Helsinki until December, and best of all she is not dealing with more angiosarcoma.

Other than that, we are settling into our routine. I porn while he sleeps and pretty much until dinner time. Then I stitch sitting next to him in the evenings. Lets us both get stuff done.

Since this is porn time, I had best get to it.

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