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Greenguy 2010-11-28 04:21 PM

Twiceshy Had A Heart Attack, In Stable Condition
This was posted to her Facebook account early this morning by a relative:


Just so friends know Jaymie had a Massive Heart attack tonight far she is stable i will keep yopu all informed...
Thoughts & Prayers to Twiceshy |smooch|

Bill 2010-11-28 04:29 PM

Crazy! The holidays are a crazy time.

Hope all goes well for her.

Cleo 2010-11-28 04:41 PM

Oh Damn! :(

dunc 2010-11-28 06:19 PM

Bugger - Hope she is OK

MeatPounder 2010-11-28 08:11 PM

Oh my, get well soon!

plateman 2010-11-28 08:16 PM

thats terrible hope she recovers fast like I did... and stents fix the blockage

I had mine with no insurance the first one, then some months after that I got on my wifes insurance and had what they called a cardiac event, the only symptoms to that one was a little pain in the chest the size of a fifty cent piece when I talked and a little dizzy, infact I drove myself to the ER to get checked out and another stent placed

infact the doctor who put the stent in told me that a women came in with just pain in her little finger, no where else

people dont fucking wait when a small pain in your chest doesnt go away, quick thinking and acting and not waiting around increases your chance of a normal life after an attack

all and all i was very lucky to have hardly any heart muscle damage
and a treadmill stress test showed a near normal ejection fraction

women are different then men, often they don't have hardly any chest pain and have pain else where and that's often why they have a lot of muscle damage, cause they dont think there heart needs serviced, women also have smaller coronary arteries and stents are to hard to place farther down in there coronary branch and often more women then men need a bypass

all the info I just gave is fact and after I had mine I did a lot of research on heart disease

and hang in there jaymie

Greenguy 2010-11-28 08:44 PM

Plateman - I know for a fact that she does not want you in this thread.

Mike-mijen 2010-11-28 08:58 PM

Hope she gets better soon!

pc 2010-11-28 09:03 PM

Wish you well Twiceshy |waves|

Voltar 2010-11-28 10:14 PM

Hope you get well soon TwiceShy! Sorry to hear of the heart problems!
Listen to the Docs and take it easy, we are all pulling for you!

bluemoney 2010-11-28 10:48 PM

Hang in their babe! . . . Get well soon!

SheepGuy 2010-11-28 11:18 PM

Oh shit
Hang in there sweety! Fuck, you're a good friend of mine and we've never even met face to face yet.
My prayers, for whatever they are worth are with you buddy. Hang in there, please!

plateman 2010-11-29 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Greenie (Post 494791)
Plateman - I know for a fact that she does not want you in this thread.

wow that hurts my feelings - delete my post, i still wish her well

JustRobert 2010-11-29 01:47 AM

Kim and I wish you a speedy recovery!

dif0r 2010-11-29 03:13 AM

Hope she's ok

MrMaryLou 2010-11-29 06:15 AM

Your in out thoughts and prayers here TwiceShy

Simon 2010-11-29 07:01 AM

All good thoughts your way, Shy one.

Ramster 2010-11-29 08:20 AM

Damn! Hope she comes out okay.

ArtWilliams 2010-11-29 08:51 AM

Get better soon TwiceShy!

hashbury 2010-11-29 10:02 AM

Please get better soon Twice, I dont pray much anymore but I will for you.

Greenguy 2010-11-29 10:20 AM

Just so everyone knows, there's been no new news posted on Facebook, but as soon as I hear something, I will let everyone know.

RedCherry 2010-11-29 11:00 AM

So sorry to hear that, hope you get better soon!

Fonz 2010-11-29 11:41 AM

Damn, I hope she'll get back on he feet real soon.
My thoughts are with you Twiceshy!

CrazySy 2010-11-29 11:48 AM

Wish you a speedy recovery TwiceShy.

LeRoy 2010-11-29 11:50 AM

Oh man. That's no good.

I hope she's ok.

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