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spookyx 2010-10-28 07:37 AM

Happy Thursday
OK, I am up so I will start it. Good morning everyone !!


ArtWilliams 2010-10-28 08:06 AM

Good morning.

I am overly tired and I am not sure why. Just work today and lunch with my brother sandwiched in between.

Have a great day!

MrMaryLou 2010-10-28 08:13 AM

Good Morning All :)

Cleo 2010-10-28 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by artwilliams (Post 493028)
my brother sandwiched in between.

You are a very kinky geek!

Waking up to a very wet one here.

Just my usual day of work, errands and going to the gym although I may go out for sushi with out house guest late this afternoon.

Ramster 2010-10-28 08:30 AM

Good morning.

Nothing new here, work and playing basketball tonight.

terry 2010-10-28 09:16 AM

Good Morning and Welcome to Thursday Everyone!

Another mild day here... must be our indian summer.

Thats about all I got.

Have a good one.

ArtWilliams 2010-10-28 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 493031)
You are a very kinky geek!

Actually, I was going for the meal pun [lunch / sandwich] not the incest pun but glad you got a laugh anyway!

Rowdy 2010-10-28 09:26 AM

Morning .. have a good one!

Simon 2010-10-28 09:50 AM

Good morning world |waves|

Working on promotions for Halloween here, putting together some blog posts to go live in the next day or two as sponsor updates go online. Also made a clean version of an old Halloween site that I'll post about in another thread. Aside from that it's just a rainy and humid day here, so it's perfect for staying inside and working.

And of course Key West is rocking Fantasy Fest as usual, with this year's theme being "Habitat for Insanity" and the Pretenders in Paradise costume contest is "Predators and Prey Come Out to Play." Here are some photos from the 2009 events.


Mike-mijen 2010-10-28 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 493031)
You are a very kinky geek!

Waking up to a very wet one here.

Just my usual day of work, errands and going to the gym although I may go out for sushi with out house guest late this afternoon.

There a new Cat. for you Cleo!
Have a great day everyone

Jim 2010-10-28 09:52 AM

Good Morning
Not much going on today. My wife has a doctor's appointment this morning but I think it's really nothing.

hashbury 2010-10-28 09:56 AM

Good morning all.
Just trying to get in some last minute halloween porn.
Have a good one all.

Greenguy 2010-10-28 11:53 AM

Good Thursday Peoples |waves|

1st day I woke up feeling somewhat normal since the weekend - I think my stomach flu might be gone finally!!!!!

Of course, this just means that I can work more today playing catch-up :(

RedCherry 2010-10-28 12:09 PM

Morning all. Didn't get to Vegas yesterday, but did get all the grocery shopping done we put off, so today I'm playing catch up. Right after leaving in a few for our monthly volunteers meeting for Pahrump SNAPS.

I'm hoping the freezing weather we got last night killed the ragweed, I'm so tired of feeling like my eyes are swollen shut and itching along with the sneezing. |bullshit| Today I feel like my sinuses are trying to shove out all my top teeth. Oh the joys of allergies, may you rot in hell.

Other than the meeting and work, nothing else planned for today. Have a good one all.

JustRobert 2010-10-28 12:23 PM

Good Morning :)

Time For Work...WooFingHoo!

MeatPounder 2010-10-28 12:52 PM

Yea I am so pissed....we had this big marketing drive going on and I had to cancel my reservation...first Fantasy Fest I've missed in 4 yrs

Originally Posted by Simon (Post 493045)
And of course Key West is rocking Fantasy Fest as usual, with this year's theme being "Habitat for Insanity" and the Pretenders in Paradise costume contest is "Predators and Prey Come Out to Play." Here are some photos from the 2009 events.


bDok 2010-10-28 01:04 PM

Hello. Just a day of work. Have a bunch of things to sort out around the house. I've been putting off some things and yesterday I just felt like it was catching up to me.

Have a good one.

Nymph 2010-10-28 02:16 PM

Good afternoon everyone!

I slept in late today, then played away the rest of the morning. I probably should get some work least the dailys anyways.

Have a good one!

Fonz 2010-10-28 03:01 PM

Good evening folks.

I'm doing long demolition days lately, or maybe they seem so long because it's getting dark earlier, I don't know.
I did sleep the full 7 hours without waking up last night so I must have been tired.

Anyway, back to doing some porn stuff for an hour or 2.

bluemoney 2010-10-28 04:24 PM

Sup "Homies"

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