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Bill 2010-01-20 06:21 PM

Anyone else wonder why porn companies don't track&sue tube uploaders RIAA style?
I was reading about how the obama administration supports the RIAA sueing and winning a judgement of 600+K$$$ from a college student for sharing music.

Wouldn't the same strategy work against the tubes? Sue the tubes to reveal the IPs of "uploaders" and then sue the uploaders?

You can win judgements of $150,000 per upload. Thats gotta be an attractive lure.

Torn Rose 2010-01-20 07:05 PM

+cost of all legal fees.
+ time.
- the amount the person you sue actually has.
- the amount that you will actually get.
= High odds this is a losing effort.

Just because you sue and win a judgment against someone for $600k in no way means you will get $600k or even a profit after it is all said and done unless the person you sue is very rich and the evidence is over whelming.

I just don't see that many very rich people out there to sue.

Just MHO...

Bill 2010-01-20 07:55 PM

Yes, but one case would both scare off all the theives, and put the kibosh on the tubes gimmick of having employees steal and "upload".

And, you can sell off the judgement at a discount to those people who are willing to wait for their money, and at least pay the lawyers.

Yeah you'll get a couple of people that will remain judgement-proof forever, but most people will grow up and want to be able to buy a car and house.

The big payoff would be the theiving scam of "user generated" would be hurt, and the urban lore that if you upload to a tube you can be hunted down, shamed, and ruined will be promulgated.

Mostly I'm wondering if this idea is being discussed anywhere, and who is discussing it if anybody is.

cd34 2010-01-20 08:12 PM has appeared to have some success

ArtWilliams 2010-01-20 09:24 PM

The servers are located in third world countries (Cypress, Panama, etc.). Pornographers would never win in court in these back waters and if they did the servers would just be moved. The only leverage is the U.S. Government threating trade sanctions (as they have done with RIAA) and that is highly unlikely.

Torn Rose 2010-01-20 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by artwilliams (Post 474388)
The servers are located in third world countries

Damn, I wanted to include that in my first post... stupid brain.

Bill 2010-01-20 11:07 PM

Welp, I guess we can just kiss the biz goodbye then.

Cant do nuthin. We're beat.

ArtWilliams 2010-01-20 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Bill (Post 474392)
Welp, I guess we can just kiss the biz goodbye then.

Cant do nuthin. We're beat.

The world of porn 2 years from now will look vastly different than it does now.

tickler 2010-01-21 01:24 PM

If you read through the the guy is having some success & is also defining the process for the rest of us. |thumb

Also in a lot of these third world countries porn is illegal. There was a fairly recent mass copyright case done in Korea against 10,000 heavy uploaders. Also some similar stuff in GB. Whether or not these copyright charges payoff in court, a whole bunch of uploaders have been outed to the cops & courts in a country where porn is illegal. With these massive copyright suits, a lot of people are probably being scared away from any uploading. |catfight|

I think the best thing would be if a DCMA would force the disclosure of the uploaders, and then we proceed to ........ |club|

LeRoy 2010-01-21 01:51 PM

I wish we can actually have a posse. This is the wild wild west.

When I was detailing/washing cars and someone was in my area. I'd be in his face telling him to GTFO. That's just me

I like the idea of sending some guy like "Too Bit Tony" or "One Eye Jack" to that server and take it down.

Bill 2010-01-21 05:30 PM

Well, for me, the interesting question remains, which is, does anyone know of any group or people who are seriously talking and planning any such efforts to attack the "uploaders"?

I already agree that for all of us little guys, the small affiliate model, this business is dying.

I'm just curious wether the content makers are going to accept the death of porn content.

Since we are all dead anyway, we might as well try to take some of the "uploaders" down too, or at least take some pleasure in watching some content creators try to do so.

tickler 2010-01-21 07:43 PM

There are some people over at that are pretty much into trying to do something.

One sponsor there, has already started using some stuff, and already caught some members uploading content.

I'm personally tinkering with some Steganography ideals for upload tracking. I hope to have some working stuff probably later in the year for pics, zips, & video.

I've noticed a few other people working on the problem also.

ecchi 2010-01-22 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by tickler (Post 474436)
Also in a lot of these third world countries porn is illegal......... stuff in GB.

Are you saying that GB is a third world country? |chainsaw|

On a more serious note do you have a link to any articles on the GB case as I'd liketo read them.

ArtWilliams 2010-01-22 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by tickler (Post 474436)
If you read through the the guy is having some success & is also defining the process for the rest of us. |thumb

Also in a lot of these third world countries porn is illegal. There was a fairly recent mass copyright case done in Korea against 10,000 heavy uploaders. Also some similar stuff in GB. Whether or not these copyright charges payoff in court, a whole bunch of uploaders have been outed to the cops & courts in a country where porn is illegal. With these massive copyright suits, a lot of people are probably being scared away from any uploading. |catfight|

I think the best thing would be if a DCMA would force the disclosure of the uploaders, and then we proceed to ........ |club|

As quick as you can say "rsync" they will move somewhere else. You are also perhaps presuming that the persons responsible live in the country where their servers are located. If my server is in Panama and I live in Cyprus what is the chance that an American porn company can do anything? Zero! I hope I am wrong but I have this feeling I am right.

tickler 2010-01-22 11:13 AM

I've been mainly referring to the uploaders, and on a lot of these sites that is the admin/owner. Sure you can pop servers around. What do you do if they come after you at home?

Go read the WP-Board for the how-to

I said similar stuff in GB.

As far as stuff going on over there.
- The Digital Economy Bill seems to be quite targeted at illegal sharing.

- Also ACS Law has been involved in sending out 1000s of infringement notices in the UK. Digi-Protect in parts of Europe.

ArtWilliams 2010-01-22 11:50 AM

First of all, a lot of third world countries are corrupt. So whether porn is illegal or not has nothing to do with it. It depends on whether the local authorities get bribed or not.

New domestic laws would help but ONLY if ISPs and the backbone are legally responsible for content they know is stolen. In the U.S. that is not currently the case. If that were to change then the playing field is different. That won't come as a result of any porn industry lobbying. It will come from the RIAA and such.

The icing on the case is the first world countries has no real desire to go after resident illegal tube owners since they don't really see pornographers as upstanding citizens. They don't have to destroy the porn industry as it will take care of itself. I am not saying porn won't exist but it will be much different then today.

ecchi 2010-01-22 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by tickler (Post 474498)
As far as stuff going on over there.
- The Digital Economy Bill seems to be quite targeted at illegal sharing.
- Also ACS Law has been involved in sending out 1000s of infringement notices in the UK. Digi-Protect in parts of Europe.


Linkster 2010-01-22 06:15 PM

Another large issue you would have to circumvent, is identifying which is really stolen/uploaded and which is sponsors/paysites that purposely give the tubes the long/full clips. There are many large players that do give the larger tube sites complete access to full size movies/clips in return for advertising and overlays. The only way you are going to distinguish the stolen is to ask - and you might not always get an answer

Bill 2010-01-22 07:24 PM

Well, that doesn't apply in the only case i'm interested in Linkster. I'm asking does anyone know of any _content creators_ that are talking about using copyright tactics. By definition, a content creator knows wether or not their content is being used legally.

I already stipulate that the small affiliate content model is dead. There's nothing we little guys can do but switch businesses. Everything we can sell, content wise, is already being given away.

However, so far the gist of the exchange seems to be that even the content creators have only one option left - give up, try to sell their content at a fraction of it's former value, and hope to pick up some creatine crossells.

Useless 2010-01-22 08:51 PM

Keep in mind, a lot of content producers willingly and knowingly licensed their DVDs to a lot tube sites. Full movies on tubes are no longer necessarily pirated. In the end, the producers and brokers fucked themselves, not just us. The value of content has been greatly reduced.

I wish prostitutes would switch over to this free model. You could fuck them for free, but you'd have to register for a free trial subscription to Outdoor Living and Redbook magazines.

Linkster 2010-01-22 10:16 PM

Bill - sorry I didnt make myself clear enough - what I meant was the paysites that are the content creators, in a lot of cases, are providing the content to the top tubes themselves (kind of a viral marketing scheme) - and UW also brings up the other part of the content creators - the DVD houses/production companies that are doing the same thing.

On the other hand I do know a few paysite owners with their own content that are going the opposite route and filing DMCA's and filing lawsuits but at the cost of doing each filing sitting at $8k and up its tough on some of the smaller paysite owners to try.

ArtWilliams 2010-01-22 11:56 PM

Adapt or die.

ecchi 2010-01-23 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by Linkster (Post 474550)
but at the cost of doing each filing sitting at $8k and up its tough on some of the smaller paysite owners to try.

That may sound like a lot, but if you produce your own movie content $8k is not going to be a large percentage of your budget.

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