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MrMaryLou 2009-12-17 08:01 AM

Good Thursday Morning :)
Good Morning All :) Have a good day :)

Cleo 2009-12-17 08:11 AM

Christmas seems to have come early for me with a gift of a mild head cold just in time for the weekend.

Just another mundane day of making promos and adding ads into OpenX planned for this sniffling rainy day.

Rowdy 2009-12-17 08:25 AM

Morning all :)

Jim 2009-12-17 08:28 AM

Good Morning
Work, work, work... :)

baphomet 2009-12-17 08:30 AM

Morning all

Ramster 2009-12-17 09:22 AM

Good Morning

Usual work load today then playing basketball tonight

stuveltje 2009-12-17 09:25 AM

Good afternoon all:) its 3:20 midday here and a temp of -1c and a lot of snow outside.

I woke up this morning because of the hubby nagging about the tons of snow we have outside.....son couldnt get to school on his slippery and i couldnt drive him by car...also to slippery and a huge traffic mess where i had to be. So my son stayed home and my daughter went to school because her school is just around the corner...well almost:D

They expect tons of snow this eve and night also, so i gues my sons christmas holiday has started today.

Nothing more to say then ....i am working and keep working..till the work is done:)

I wish you all a great day en eve!|boobies||waves|

JackDaniel's 2009-12-17 09:47 AM

Good Morning Everyone |waves|

ArtWilliams 2009-12-17 10:05 AM

Good morning!

I've decided that this is a day to get my shit together. You know make some lists, do some things that should have got done but didn't, etc. I need to ratchet down my emotions regarding my daughter who sadly seems to be regressing somewhat. Hopefully, I will look back at the end of the day satisfied with what I have accomplished.

I hope you have a great day too.

John-ACWM 2009-12-17 10:12 AM

Enjoy the Thursday!

Preacher 2009-12-17 10:19 AM

Woke up grumpy, and now I have to take my wife's car into the shop as she so generously took mine to work. Grrrr :(

Greenguy 2009-12-17 10:41 AM

Good Thursday Peoples |waves|

Had to take The Bitch to a Dr's appt today - her lap-band surgery is doing just fine |thumb

Work is on tap for today.

Simon 2009-12-17 10:48 AM

Good morning world |waves|

Just a lot of work on the schedule for today.

Looks like we're going to have a white christmas down here this year. One of the residents of Summerland Key (neighboring island) won the Weather channel's "Guaranteed White Christmas" contest so they're sending a snow making team down here to cover his house and yard with snow. They'll be broadcasting live from his back yard on the 25th from 8am until 2pm (EST) if you want to check it out.

Wishing everyone a good today.


Mike-mijen 2009-12-17 10:50 AM

Morning to all!

bluemoney 2009-12-17 10:54 AM

Good morning all!

JustRobert 2009-12-17 11:48 AM

Good Morning :)

Time For Work...YeeSniffleHaa!

MIKEY69 2009-12-17 12:33 PM

|waves| Good morning peeps. Finely got all my x-mas shopping done!! Did'nt do any thing yesterday to much holiday cheer the night before. Going to play catch up today.

bDok 2009-12-17 01:41 PM

Morning. Got loads of catching up to do. Was suppose to have a meeting up north with some people about something. That isn't going to happen. Friend called and had some work up north as well to cover as he is sick. Not going to make that. Bah. At least along with some normal sales got a new sale to a new program I started pushing... Nice that it converted at 1:1000 area. Which these days I'm happy with. LOL

Got loads of catching up to do today as well as more box cover scanning and trailer clipping to get through as well. The fun just doesn't fucking end!!! Oh and more xmas shopping too.

What I can report as good news is at the start of the year I'm partnering on a new site. (no affiliates will push this at the moment besides us. Down the road maybe.) Then on top of that there will be a new partner program that I'll be actually part owner in. Have over 600+ DVDs of content. Early March I'll be flying up to seattle to spend some time sorting and preparing it all for sites. :) :) Talks with a web designer is starting now too. Good news to have the year starting with more of a bang.

Just means lots of work. Whatever though.

Have a good one.

J-SiN 2009-12-17 02:12 PM

Good morning, guys! Two more days before the weekend. I just need to go through today and tomorrow. Today and tomorrow... today and tomorrow...sigh...

bluebrit 2009-12-17 07:19 PM

Hi all. We have got a connection issue at the house which is stopping us getting online as usual.

The main modem is screwed and apart from intermittent connectivity were basically offline and just to top that off they cannot get to us until tuesday of next week |banghead|

We have one redeeming option and that is to go to a rogers store tomorrow for a new modem but the tech guy said this may not fix the issue and that it could also be cable related so we may still be screwed.

I can only hope this works or the link reviews will pile up until the following week. Worse still Emmy will have withdrawal symptoms by then and I'll be in hiding until it's sorted out!

I hope your having a better day out there than we are.

Oh and Simon... Enjoy the snow, it's kinda cool when you get used to it :)

terry 2009-12-17 10:50 PM

Hey Wait??? What happened to Thursday? Where the fuck did the day go?

Hope you all had a good one.

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