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Licker4U 2009-11-01 11:28 AM

Be Proud
Mom sent me an e-mail with the following and I liked it so I put it on a page: Be Proud

MadHatter 2009-11-01 01:30 PM

Good stuff man.....!

~NH~ 2009-11-01 01:55 PM


Bill 2009-11-01 05:29 PM

blah blah blah

nationalism is the most boring of the vague sentiments

suitable for mothers about to send their sons off to occupy, I guess.

come back with your shield, or on it. now that's a sentiment.

Licker4U 2009-11-01 10:34 PM

Nationalism? Helping another country be free from tyranny is nationalism?

Bill, you must be from France....

Bill 2009-11-01 10:46 PM

Nah man, just a libertarian.

Look, you're going over there to make some bucks, I appreciate that, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

It was an idiotically managed war and now it's an idiotically managed occupation. Having to use the vague sentiment of nationalism to justify it just makes it worse.

You're mom's just doing what she has to to make this as good as an occupation can be. She's a fine mom I'm sure, doing what a mother has to do. I feel for her, and I feel for you.

Nationalism just makes what you are doing cheap and dirty - so, like I said, do what you have to do, good luck to you, try to be a decent occupier, and get back safe.

But don't ask me to drink from the poisoned well.

ed_banger 2009-11-02 01:30 PM

There is never a good war, only a good outcome after the war.

It remains to be determined whether there will be a good outcome after this whole ordeal.

stuveltje 2009-11-02 03:00 PM

I love the text of that...further i keep my mouth shut, its better:D

Cleo 2009-11-02 03:12 PM

I see Country Joe & The Fish have kept up with the times.

For those too young to remember here is the original version.

stuveltje 2009-11-02 04:36 PM

i am on wellfair...
i can earn 50.000k a year...but then i have to do a job i didnt learn for..
Afghanistan....114k a year that isnt enough,so i reject...
i am happy with my lauzy welfair...i told them that....

You could have heard a pin drop.

LD 2009-11-02 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 468757)
I see Country Joe & The Fish have kept up with the times.

For those too young to remember here is the original version.

Country joe and the Fish??? now I'm having flashbacks...

BTW, FUCK the stupid wars this country gets itself into. Politicians say we can't afford healthcare yet they spend more on our military than all other countries combined.

And while I'm on it, Europeans have a little different take on USA's involvement in WW2. I like it here in the USA, but I don't buy all the pumped up US herorism that's taught in US schools about WW2. France fought hard and lost a lot of good men while the USA was deciding on what to do. The French do not deserve to be belittled.

stuveltje 2009-11-02 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by LD (Post 468763)
France fought hard and lost a lot of good men while the USA was deciding on what to do. The French do not deserve to be belittled.

yeah licker you didnt do you homework right:D i agree here and i am an european slut, and we learn this at school:D Btw an other point to show you, you are talking bullshit and not being honest and totally not knowing what you are talking about:D

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