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digifan 2009-02-21 07:28 AM

Happy Saturday Morning!
You all have a great one... nice weather, good company, funny parties or what you want. Some of us can appreciate a good long sleep even :)

I was up early again, woke up and had no idea if it was early dawn or late afternoon.. so grabbed my vanilla Belmont iced coffee and started to do wallpapers and mak scheduled posts. The latest version of uugallery rocks, I had problems withh the previus version, out of memory errors so Installed this and voila, all probs disappeared.. touch wood :)

And a hub is also in the works if I can ever understand the template lol which is a classy one but css, thanks to the one and only Ponygirl.

terry 2009-02-21 07:36 AM

Good Morning and Happy Saturday Everyone!

I have tickets for an afternoon Canadiens vs Senators game... and we all know who is gonna win this one.

Have a great day!

JackDaniel's 2009-02-21 07:47 AM

Good Morning Everyone |waves|

Tekster 2009-02-21 08:09 AM

Good Morning,

As usual I have no plans for today, but that does not mean my better half doesn't :)
Hope to be around for OTB.

ladydesigner 2009-02-21 08:18 AM

Morning :) Just another Saturday of basketball games and baseball practice with my son and then work, work, work...

bluebrit 2009-02-21 08:21 AM

Hello all. Emmy and I have been up for some time for no good reason but at least we got some work out of the way early. Not sure what else we have happening today but we'll be around for OTB later.

MrMaryLou 2009-02-21 08:38 AM

Good Morning All :)

Nymph 2009-02-21 08:42 AM

Good morning y'all!

Just finishing up dailys here. I'm on day 4 of a wicked little cold, so I won't be doing any work that requires real deep thought today...maybe I can get some new recipes done though.

Have a good one!

Cleo 2009-02-21 08:52 AM

Looking to be a beautiful day with a high of 74ºF.

Watched the movie Dead Like Me: Life After Death last night. Cute movie for anyone that was a fan of the Showtime series.

Probably going to peddle our asses around town including stopping by the bike shop to pickup a couple of new gel seat covers.

Besides riding bikes going to be just another work day.

Ramster 2009-02-21 09:25 AM

Good Morning.

Gonna watch the Senators beat the Canadians this afternoon ;) at Terry, then I'm going to play some cards tonight. Have a good one all.

Greenguy 2009-02-21 10:01 AM

Good Hockey Day In Canada Peoples |waves|

I started on my CCBill stats yesterday - is it common knowledge that their hit totals only go back 3 years, yet the transactions & money are all time? Kinda skews the stats for programs that are over 3 years old :(

I'll probably work on that a bit more today & tonight Yell & I are going to watch the Sabres/Rangers game.


Originally Posted by terry (Post 441816)
I have tickets for an afternoon Canadiens vs Senators game... and we all know who is gonna win this one.

I'm rooting for Ottawa, this way Buffalo can win & jump over Montreal in the standings :D

I'm sorta pissed that I'm going to miss Sundin's return to Toronto tonight - might have to dvr that just to see the reactions.

RedCherry 2009-02-21 11:09 AM

Morning all. |waves|

Feeling much better now that I've had a good night's sleep. Going to try and catch up on what I got behind on with rebuilding the system, and the fact I dragged around like a zombie yesterday from lack of sleep.

Have a good one all! |headbang|

JustRobert 2009-02-21 11:11 AM

Good Morning :)
Work, OTB & more work...must be Saturday.
Supercross Live from Atlanta on at 7:30pm est on SPEED channel tonight |bananna|
my day is set!

Chariot 2009-02-21 11:36 AM

thanks to Digifan and to everyone! have a great morning and the whole day!

cd34 2009-02-21 11:43 AM

A few years ago I wrote some code. It wasn't anything revolutionary at the time, nor was it anything particularly grand. I never figured I'd have another use for it, and, two laptops later, a client has an issue with some vendor supplied code. I am reminded why that laptop was replaced... after 40 restarts, I finally got it to come up so I could find the code in 609mb of files.

Other than that, a code packed day today filled after brunch with Mom.

Hope to make OTB, forecast says, 45% chance.

Hope everyone has a good Saturday.

Preacher 2009-02-21 11:49 AM

Might take a few hours off today and play with the kids, maybe even watch a movie tonight. Yes, my life is ultra-faced paced excitement. |pokefun|

docholly 2009-02-21 12:41 PM

it's my bi-monthly FedEx watch. If the farking broken down old ice cream van wasn't there I'd be able to look straight out the window instead of twisting my neck out of joint to see what is there.

Been working on my mainstream blog that i've owned for a year but never did squat-diddly with and once fedex arrives it's off for paycheck passout and my bi-monthly contribution to the palms. |yawn|

Got my Oscar bingo card printed for tomorrow.. you can get yours over here. Every time you refressh, a new one comes up. I love the OctoMom-Angelina references.

|waves| have a good one.. Spring is just around the corner.

stuveltje 2009-02-21 01:19 PM

Good eve all:) its 7:13 eve here and i am doing ...nothing:D
I slept in again till 11:45 this morning, but then i stayed awake last night till 4:10....reason : at 2:31 after midnight all the power in our town went dead.....hell i didnt know it could be so dark, so i stayed awake to keep an eye on the kids, they where asleep (well my son then) just to be sure they wouldnt drop from the stairs if they wanted to go to the bathroom. So at 4:10 the power went on again and i could go to sleep:D.
This midday i have bin focussing on our tax stuff and in some minutes i am gonna fill in the whole paper shit for the year 2008....i hope those tax guys are happy.bleeeekkkkkk!!!!|angry|
Further it will be watching movies:D
I wish you all a great day and eve|boobies|

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