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Licker4U 2008-10-29 08:07 AM

Obama Not A U.S. Citizen?
Not sure what to make of this: Obama

Greenguy 2008-10-29 09:39 AM

I know what to make of it: Savage is a douchbag.

And what's with this "Savage Legal Fund"? This asshole is a "best selling author" and he needs a legal fund set up for free speech. I can't find any other info on his site as to what this legal fund is for other than that.

docholly 2008-10-29 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Licker4U (Post 426785)
Not sure what to make of this: Obama

only if McCain produces the 5x5 cage from where he lived as a POW

Cleo 2008-10-29 10:21 AM

Next thing someone is going to be bitching that Obama isn't really black or white. |huh

Jim 2008-10-29 10:21 AM

In June, the Obama campaign released a digitally scanned image of his birth certificate to quell speculative charges that he might not be a natural-born citizen. But the image prompted more blog-based skepticism about the document's authenticity. And recently, author Jerome Corsi, whose book attacks Obama, said in a TV interview that the birth certificate the campaign has is "fake."

We beg to differ. staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said."

saucygirl 2008-10-29 10:59 AM

I find it incredible that people can actually believe that Obama isn't a citizen. I just got my Obama t-shirt that I plan on wearing it the day after election day to gloat! haha

Jim 2008-10-29 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by saucygirl (Post 426840)
I find it incredible that people can actually believe that Obama isn't a citizen. I just got my Obama t-shirt that I plan on wearing it the day after election day to gloat! haha

I just got my "I fucked Sarah Palin" shirt that I am wearing election day. :)

saucygirl 2008-10-29 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Jim (Post 426843)
I just got my "I fucked Sarah Palin" shirt that I am wearing election day. :)

Hahahaha that's funny. I think if I wore a shirt like that around here (battleground state florida) I would get shot! Every time that woman speaks my teeth hurt and I can't wait to see what happens to her career when she returns to Alaska!

Agent 2008-10-29 11:26 AM

McCain was born in Panama but gets his status of natural born US citizen because his father was stationed there at the time. It's funny to imagine a rabid McCain supporter arguing that "Obama wasn't even born in the USA!" to disqualify him from the presidency (and you know the people who perpetuate the rumor to discredit Obama are thinking just that.)

SirMoby 2008-10-29 01:41 PM

What is there to make of it?

People that obviously feel the need to abandon the most important American values of innocent until proven guilty are trying to profit from spreading hate. Michael Savage hates American values but loves the money he makes from spreading hate and dividing the nation.

What don't you understand?

saucygirl 2008-10-29 02:04 PM

Savage and Ann Coulter benefit from spreading hate along with Beck, Hannity, and Limbagh. They all make me sick.

RedCherry 2008-10-29 07:56 PM

If Obama had been a little older, he would have been born in the TH, or Territory of Hawaii, lol. Would that have made him a citizen or not? lol

McCain is trying to find anything that would stick, pathetic really.

Element115 2008-10-29 09:36 PM

First he was too black, then he was a muslim, then he was a racist, then he was unpatriotic, then he was an elitist, then he was too liberal, then he was a celebrity, then he was a terrorist, then he was a socialist, then he wasn't even a citizen.

Then people go "Nothing sticks to this guy! His supporters must be brainwashed". Can you say "desensitized?"

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