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aj 2008-08-14 03:39 PM

URL + different parameters = duplicate content?
Hey folks,

been asking this question on other places but nobody really seems to know...

When linking to a site with links like this

and the spider sees with any link the same content because the parameter
is passed to an iframe on that site... will the site be penalized for duplicate
content or will the SE ignore the parameters?


justbondage 2008-08-14 03:46 PM

I am fairly sure I read an article on google's blog about when you submit your sitemap to also include things with parameters, so I can only assume they treat them as separate pages.

Far too many sites use this method of content management for them to penalise it.

Greenguy 2008-08-14 03:47 PM

In the past, when I was searching for specific paysites, I'd usually see one lucky webmaster's code attached to the 1st/only result for that domain. Meaning that if 10000 affiliates were promoting using account #'s 0001 thru 9999, I'd usually see's link listed as I assumed it was because 5498 had the most incoming links or 5498 was the one the spider saw 1st or 5498 just got lucky.

I hope that makes sense & I have no idea if it still hold true (or if it ever did - lol)

aj 2008-08-14 04:06 PM

So you guys think it is safe to link like that?
There won't be caused any harm to the site itself nor
to its presence/position in the index?

Linkster 2008-08-14 04:17 PM

"typically" - if they see more than one page with the same content they pick one and ignore the rest - *however* - if you do it alot they also tend to think that you might be a spammer if they see you passing a parameter with the same end result page - of course with it being an iframe they would probably ignore it anyway

aj 2008-08-14 04:31 PM

Ok, here is a more detailed explanation of what I wanna do:
This is about a camsite and the camcontent itself is iframed.
The system behind is unknown to me, but I know that the link
redirects to my chat-site but with the specified camgirl's profile loaded in the iframe.
Now linking to a profile on my site with a link like the one above does nothing for my site's linkpop.
My idea is to pass the paramater on the site so I can link to e.g.
in order to get a full backlink. The result may look the same but a link like
will do a good job for se-position on "sexcam", won't it?

But it wont when my site is being dropped due to duoble content....

Linkster 2008-08-14 04:37 PM

The iframe itself will be counted as a separate page and you linking to that iframe will give the iframe a backlink - but does nothing for your domain - so yes - the iframe page will gain some but I dont think that was what you had in mind since the iframe is served by someone else?

aj 2008-08-14 04:44 PM

Right, I want to link directly to my domain to get the "credit" for the link.
My concern is this idea could be doing more harm than anything else when
kick-out of the google-index for duplicate content.

BUT if it was so easy to produce DC, one could harm other peoples sites by
simple linking to them with different paramaters in the url....

Halfdeck 2008-08-22 06:33 AM


will the site be penalized for duplicate content
A site rarely gets penalized for duplicate content, especially when its due to query strings, which happens alot. Just becareful stacking too many negative quality signals on top of each other (e.g. simultaneous use of keyword-loaded URLs + a ton of cross links + hidden links + thin content page + not alot of legit-looking backlinks)


My idea is to pass the paramater on the site ... in order to get a full backlink.
You're thinking too hard. If you want to rank for [blue widget] just make the page and link to it internally. If the content isn't on your site, well, nothing you do will help.

This link doesn't redirect back to you:


It returns a 200 and uses JS to open your site up.

If you want backlinks, do it the old-fashioned way: either create content and link internally or go hunting for some backlinks.

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