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bluebrit 2008-08-06 07:08 AM

Good Wednesday Morning
Good morning all.
Emmy and I had planned to keep things fairly quiet today and rest up before the mayhem of the wedding and everything that, that entails but like all good ideas, ours lasted a fast five minutes.

So later this morning were heading to Toronto followed by a stop off on the way back to pick up food and drinks before we begin getting the house ready for Friday.

Have a good day whatever it brings you |thumb

FanTC 2008-08-06 07:29 AM

Good Morning.

Swigging down my second pot of Wake the Fuck Up and trying to sit still.

Court went well yesterday. I got my case continued until next month and got back without drawing new charges.

Smoked sausage, biscuits, and wake the fuck up with a hogleg or 3 is being served. Bring a plate, cup and some zig zags and let's rock.

Have a glorifabuful day and if ya can't, just have a regular old day.

Cleo 2008-08-06 07:38 AM

Morning all :)
I seem to be feeling almost human again. Amazing what a few days on antibiotics can do.

Just another boring day of errands and work planned although I may do a little more gardening in my backyard if the weather doesn't turn nasty.

lorsha 2008-08-06 07:41 AM

It is raining this morning. Surprise! |club|

Enjoy your day everyone. |waves|

Twiceshy 2008-08-06 07:47 AM

Happy Hump Day :).Well going to be cooking and doing laundry and packing for my weekend away.Might try get some work done but who knows what might happen.

T Pat 2008-08-06 08:03 AM

Mornin All
whittling away at my todo list planned for the day
I hate the list, but it sure feels good when I cross something off
Coffee's On

redraven 2008-08-06 08:16 AM

Morning everyone!

terry 2008-08-06 08:21 AM

Good Morning and Happy Raining Wednesday!

4 inches of rain is expected to fall over the next 24 hrs, and its on the cooler side today as well... yeah, what a great day. Ugh.

Time to get some work done. Have a great day!

bluemoney 2008-08-06 08:24 AM

Word up Porn Slingers!

Toby 2008-08-06 08:28 AM

Mornin' y'all,

Well, Edouard was pretty much all hype. Both wind and rain were significantly less than forecast. The rain we did get was very welcome, and the lower temps were also a nice change, but we are headed right back into the 90's again today.

|coffee is on, help yourself...

ArtWilliams 2008-08-06 08:37 AM

Good morning. More nothingness at the cottage which is exactly what I want. It rained here again too, but unlike when I was a kid, the teens could hide in their room and watch DVDs on a computer. Have a great day!

Ramster 2008-08-06 08:52 AM

Good Morning

Still in Italy until Sunday. We're in Florence right now then off to Venice for the last few days. Been a fun trip but looking forward to getting home. Not much internet here and when there is it's expensive $25 euro a day ($40-45 US) so you pay by the hour most times at $4-6 euro.

With the US dollar so bad it is damn expensive here. Not sure how you Europeans do it.

GMPcash-jack 2008-08-06 08:56 AM

good morning! cant sleep.... exciting day ahead... happy wednesday to everyone!

Tekster 2008-08-06 09:17 AM

Good Morning,

Same day as yesterday, figuring out sponsor problems, working on projects that I seem not to finish, and some house chores.

Have a great day everybody.

Emerald 2008-08-06 09:42 AM

As blueBrit mentioned, we were going to relax today but of course that isnt going to happen -My Sister is depressed, broke and unemployed so we need to drive 2 hours to downtown Toronto to pick her up so she can attend the wedding. I sure hope someone else will give her a ride back!

Still worried that it will rain Friday but hoping for the best :)

Have a great hump day you porn peddlers!


MrMaryLou 2008-08-06 09:51 AM

Good Morning All :)

Bobc01 2008-08-06 09:56 AM

Afternoon all. :)

Hot and humid here in old blighty today.

Hope you have a good one friday emerald and brit. |waves|

RedCherry 2008-08-06 10:03 AM

Morning all. MadHatter and I are heading into town to the Fiesta Henderson. They have a room/pair of tickets to the movies / dinner package. Plan on seeing Mummy and Dark Knight. :D Haven't been to the movies for well over a year, so looking forward to it. My only bummer is Hell Boy is no longer playing, I wanted to see that too.

Trying to get some work done before we go, have a good one all!

stuveltje 2008-08-06 10:08 AM

Good morning all:) its 3:57 midday here and hot!
Yesterday we went to Six Flags with the kids........i am still in pain ..what a hell rollar coasters|cry| i went in all, except the Xpress or something like that, that thing was not open, because my daughter forched me to get into the rollar coasters i surprised her with the "sky Diver", i believe i never hear my daughther screamed that loud when they released the rope she was hanging on, we even got a little movie of it:D (my revenche was great:D)
Today our new telly arrived, while the damn thing would arrived tomorrow, i even got an sms message this morning from it on my mobile phone, 3 hours later the guys where at my house. You know a big telly in the shop is totally different then in your living room:D all my hubby said was....."i have a moron wife"...heay but i can live with that, i have my telly:D
I checking some emails and doing the reviews and then i am gonna put my hurting musscles into a hot bath:D
I wish you all a great day and eve|waves|

NY Jester 2008-08-06 10:19 AM

Happy Hump Day. Rained this AM but its a sunshiney day now. Finally getting down to the DMV to renew my license. Said I had up to 2 years but I didnt want to push it past 2 weeks LOL

Hope the rains hold off for Emmy and Blu - May the weather Gods be with you.

Happy slinging all.

Jim 2008-08-06 10:20 AM

A fine Wednesday to everyone. Again, catching up with a shit load of email today. Besides that, I have a roommate moving in. For those interested, the new roommate is a "male" friend of mine that was looking for a move. His new room has it's own entrance and I have 5 bedrooms and sleep in my office. I can spare the room and I think it will do me good.

JustRobert 2008-08-06 10:30 AM

Good Morning :)
I have a massage and chiropractor appt today |bananna|
Other than that, it will be lots of work on the agenda.

LeRoy 2008-08-06 10:43 AM

Good morning all. I received a couple PM's yesterday that made dance around for about 10 minutes.

Just more building and some mainstream stuff today :)

Greenguy 2008-08-06 11:02 AM

Good Wednesday Peoples |waves|

Not much on the agenda work-wise today, but I do have to pack & prepare for my trip up North to Casino Rama |bananna|
(I guess there's a wedding up there too, but what do I know)


Originally Posted by Emerald (Post 413667)
...I sure hope someone else will give her a ride back!...

I sure hope that wasn't a hint |couch|


Originally Posted by Jim (Post 413680)
...Besides that, I have a roommate moving in. For those interested, the new roommate is a "male" friend of mine that was looking for a move...

It's not gay if you don't push back...that what you've always told me |thumb

bDok 2008-08-06 11:34 AM

I'm up. Good morning. Got a fun party to go to tonight with the couple we went to Thailand with. They are moving to Denver so it's little going away party as one of them will be gone by the time the lady and I get back from Chicago.

Going to be just working on some new projects that I thought would see the light of day by the end of this week.

Last night I checked out this cool animated short story by Stephen King called "N." Check it out here. They are releasing a new little episode every day.

Have a good day everyone.

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