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Jim 2007-02-06 07:14 AM

Good Cold Tuesday Morning
Damn, it's cold this morning. -4 when I woke this morning and since the sun started to shine, it has warmed to a balmy 3 degrees :) And, we have Lake effect snow running at this minute. It's supposed to hover above us for a few hours and maybe drop a couple of feet of snow.

Anyway, same thing today as most. Have a good day.

Cleo 2007-02-06 07:57 AM

Cold here too with temps only in the fifties.

Hit the mall yesterday and bought a few blazers plus a leather jacket and it looks like I get to use it this morning.

Up early for a doctors appointment. They are doing blood tests and can't eat anything or have coffee after midnight of last night so I'm sitting awake dreaming of espresso.

I should get lots of things done today starting my day so early but I'm thinking I'll end up on the couch vegetating after seeing the doctor.

Ramster 2007-02-06 08:16 AM

Good Morning!!

I have to get some work done today for a change. So the usual for me mostly.

JackDaniel's 2007-02-06 08:22 AM

Good Morning |waves|

39F and it's raining outside :( I have tons of work to do today

Have a nice day everyone

rachelo 2007-02-06 08:25 AM

Good Morning,

We finally got the Arizona weather back 78F today. :)

Have a nice productive day all!

bluemoney 2007-02-06 08:40 AM

Good morning all |waves|

Should warm up to a balmy 52 today. Other than that, I got nutin.

Have a groovy day

MrMaryLou 2007-02-06 08:49 AM

Good Morning All :)

Fonz 2007-02-06 08:54 AM

Morning all,

It's quite cold today. I've got a bunch of stuff to arrange for the apartment I bought last week so not much time for porn these days :(

Anyway, have a nice day all.

lorsha 2007-02-06 08:55 AM

-9 here this morning. Another 4" in lake effect yesterday. Enjoy your day everyone! |bananna|

Greenguy 2007-02-06 09:09 AM

Good Tuesday Peoples |waves|

Holy shit! I'm still exhausted from this weekend. I might have been ok today if it wasn't for the 3 feet of snow we got dumped on us on Sat & Sun & all the shoveling & getting cars unstuck & cleaning off cars that sat from Fri to Mon. This might be the most snow I've ever seen in a 2 day period.

The weekend was great - went to the Buffalo Bandits lacrosse game on Friday, played a lot of poker & watched the UFC fights on Saturday. Had 30+ people in the Pool House for the game on Sunday. Good times :)

We doing a Radio Show tonight? I do have a pile of work to get caught up on & I really need to get my stats posted since my goal for them was last Thursday :D

Toby 2007-02-06 09:38 AM

Mornin' y'all,

No snow here, currently 56° in Houston headed for a high of 70°.

|coffee is on, help yourself

Simon 2007-02-06 09:50 AM

Good morning world |waves|

Starting to feel something like a human being again. Fever seems to be gone, I can breath through my nose again and I'm hungry. All good things.

Looking at to see the snow in GG&&J world. The lake effect stuff is easy to see on the radar in motion. In the 60s and headed for the 70s here today, so nothing to shovel but we've had a couple days of rain and more today it seems.

A good Tuesday to all.


MrYum 2007-02-06 10:13 AM

Morning all |waves|

First the good news...

Seems as though my lil sex monkey is finally feeling better...a very good thing |thumb

But, of course there's bad news too...

Seems as though I was wrong yesterday when I thought the bug she gave me had done its worst. Feel like crap today...think I'm going back to bed...

terry 2007-02-06 10:42 AM

Good Morning Everyone!

Another day in the -'s. I dont mind the cold, but when its this cold.. I hate it!

Have a great day everyone!

Chop Smith 2007-02-06 10:45 AM

It is a buautiful, winter day! Not a single snow flake, 40°F, cear, wind SE at 7 mph and humidity of 77%. And the roads are clear to travel.

docholly 2007-02-06 10:50 AM

:D Morning..i'd of been here soon but was brainstorming with MML.. and If i haven't said it before MML RAWKS!!! |bananna|

Today will be spent running the RugDawg around then hitting all the goodwill stores in town looking for very used items... :D

ohhh did i mention it is going to be 73 degrees today??? No?? mabad!!

Simon glad to hear you are finally feeling human again.. it took me almost 10 days to get back to my semi-normal self..

Yum-Yum.. chicken soup BROTH only!! and lotza daytime tv while in bed..

|waves| Have a good one!!

wildgirl 2007-02-06 10:55 AM

Hello everyone...have a great Tuesday :)

Mr Exotic 2007-02-06 11:36 AM

Got down to -8 last night and today its suppose to warm up to around 15 and possibly get our biggest snow of the year. Their saying we could end up with up to 6 inches of snow. Just started about a half hour ago and things are starting to get covered.

Got a new TV yesterday. Its a 26 inch wide screen HDTV LCD panel. Its the biggest wide screen I could get that would fit into my entertainment center. Its kinda small, but I like it :)

Work wise I think this is gonna be my last day of downloading and chopping movies, by the time I am done I should have enough clips cut and thumbnailed to make over 200 free sites. For around 5 or 6 different paysites. Guess since its the part of my work that I hate the most I try to get it all knocked out in one big chunk.

Hope you all have a good and profitable day.

bDok 2007-02-06 12:23 PM

morning. I need coffee. ... bad... really bad.

Musson 2007-02-06 01:52 PM

Good morning. We have lived to see it. Nice.

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