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Ronzo 2006-12-16 07:47 PM

What's your main source of traffic?
Just got back into the business after a 10-month layoff to pursue a mainstream internet project which was more than a full-time effort. Prior to leaving the business, I was submitting galleries to TGPs... got 3 or 4 of them into TheHun over the same number of weeks. The hit counter went crazy, but sales were few and far between... but at least there were sales. No big surprise here... I've always been aware that TGP traffic was of poor quality. However, the landscape of the business has changed a bit and now TGP submitting seems to be an even bigger pain than it was before. Is it worth the effort? Would like to know how many people ignore this effort completely in favor of other methods? And, what those other methods are? Have been working hard at SEO, but the rewards of that aren't imminent.

alessandro 2006-12-17 08:47 AM

Currently my main source of traffic is SEs. I know that's not the best thing and I'll work on changing that.

As for your question related to SEO, it does pay off in the end if you do it right away ( no spamming, solid link trade partners etc. ) but I do no recommend anyone to live off just se traffic, because most of the time SE rankings are volatile.

DJilla 2006-12-17 08:50 AM

IMHO, what choices do you have? Galleries, free sites, text links, forums, etc. I don't think there is a "magic bullet" these days. Its hard work on all the above that get you sales and the cumulative content of your site/submissions over time that will bring in sales.

nekrom 2006-12-17 09:32 AM

Se, toplist & bought traffic these are my Primary sources.


Papa 2006-12-17 09:56 AM

You forgot spamming Usenet and using hitbots hahahahahahahaha

Nekrom, signup to our stuff (you didn't do it yet)

Plim-Don 2006-12-17 09:09 PM

My main sorce of traffic is se and spamming nessageboards cause i just can't see no other way.

virgohippy 2006-12-17 09:25 PM

My main source is SE traffic, though lately bookmark traffic has started to become a barely noticible presence in my stats... but that's probably because I haven't been building enough freesites lately.


Before that it was probably hoes/LOR/gremlin's pointed to my freesites. :)

Mr Exotic 2006-12-17 11:10 PM

Mine are link list traffic to my free sites and tgp traffic to my galleries, then se traffic to both of those. Starting a linklist to get some bookmarker, SE, and link trade traffic.

SheepGuy 2006-12-18 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Plim-Don (Post 319781)
My main sorce of traffic is se and spamming nessageboards cause i just can't see no other way.

Can I borrow $20?

j3sUS183 2006-12-18 02:44 AM

Galleries :)

SheepGuy 2006-12-18 02:56 AM

Just kidding about the $20, I need more than that ;)
Seriously, one of the benefits of being around a while is bookmark traffic, don't know if they buy much, maybe they just like the free stuff |huh
I get traffic from trades and SE's as well. Top lists are OK too, I don't use a lot of them, but they're ok when you're starting something new that has a good eye catching title & description.
I have a lot of feeder AVS sites that all link to my LL and have links inside the protected pages as well as outside, so that's good for hits.
Gotta mix it up, don't rely on any one thing coz if that one thing disappears you're fucked|cry|

tina99 2006-12-29 10:45 PM

You can use your rss feed to promote your site in rss directories

Flex 2006-12-29 11:02 PM

Porn bumper stickers |thumb

Halfdeck 2006-12-30 03:45 AM

SEO is a long term thing, and in the end I see it as a time sink unless I have an ultra sticky site.

I have single blog posts that make sales every week, and an entire site that just sits there and burn BW.

SaucyPanties 2006-12-30 05:20 AM

My husband has a couple of sites and I have my own, our search terms are fantastic with Google, I manage 90% of all traffic through search engines and conversions are good but when you are searching for worn, used or dirty panties, your not exactly looking for much else... I am hoping to have a go at freesites myself and branch out during 2007. Search engine traffic is great but if you get used to an income based on what Google sends you just one blip and it is all gone. I am going to focus 100% on non search engine traffic and consider that whatever it sends me for my new project will be a bonus, for the first 12 months at least..

jonnydoe 2006-12-31 01:29 AM

Has nobody mentioned blogging...not my current cup of tea but google loves it right now and the conversions are supposed to be as good as or better than LL traffic.

Papa 2006-12-31 09:55 AM

Nekrom, you forgot Zango

jonnydoe 2006-12-31 11:24 AM

ur fucking kidding right?


Originally Posted by Papa (Post 322200)
Nekrom, you forgot Zango

RamCharger 2006-12-31 04:50 PM

I'm actually getting some good traffic out of Google and other SEs. No sales yet (unfortunately), but considering how long my site has been around (a few weeks) it's encouraging to see the amount of traffic coming in from them. SEO really isn't as much as a pain in the ass as everyone makes it out to be. There are just two things you need to really pay attention to when building a website: character encoding (iso-8859-1 in my case) and doctype (XHTML 1.0 Transitional in my case). Make sure your site at (e.g. and the search engines will be more than happy to index your site. Unfortunately, exactly how long your site will remain at the top of any heap in terms of results is extermely unpredictable (I've seen my site be at the top of some results for a little while then just disappear).

Traffic trading is where the majority of my traffic seems to come from though, but its extremely painful though as some people seem to try and yank my chain with hit bots and other crap. I currently have my system set to obey findtrades, but I really am starting to think about making it exclusive to find trades. Note: if you're looking into traffic trading backends I'm actually thinking of not recommending ePower Trader (I'm actually thinking of replacing it) because some of the numbers that it's giving me and some of behavior it's reporting make no sense.

RSS also does seem to be yielding a lot of return traffic for me so that's something to think about.

u-Bob 2007-01-01 03:23 PM

SEO and bought traffic (mostly from trafficadept and trafficholder).

u-Bob 2007-01-01 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by RamCharger (Post 322280)
Traffic trading is where the majority of my traffic seems to come from though, but its extremely painful though as some people seem to try and yank my chain with hit bots and other crap. I currently have my system set to obey findtrades, but I really am starting to think about making it exclusive to find trades.

instead of trading traffic, buy/sell from/to one of the trafficbrokers. Trafficholder for example does a very good job at filtering out the cheaters...

Linkster 2007-01-01 08:49 PM

I get all my traffic from adult wm boards - mostly the surfers and wm-wanna-bes

FisHY 2007-01-03 09:36 PM

My main source is also SEs. I stopped submitting about a year ago. It is too much work for me with bad result. I do know someone that makes a fortune from submitting galleries.

SheepGuy 2007-01-04 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by The_Adventure (Post 322917)
My main source is also SEs. I stopped submitting about a year ago. It is too much work for me with bad result. I do know someone that makes a fortune from submitting galleries.

LOL! Read Linkster's post just above yours :D

Paul&John 2007-01-04 04:30 AM

Galleries, however they aren't making the most money for me :)

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