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kit-xxx 2006-03-22 05:33 PM

Hey - Linkster
I was wondering if there was a way besides searching on your site to find if a site was accepted. I'm looking for Submitted back in August I think.


Linkster 2006-03-24 08:22 PM

Its a safe bet that it wasnt accepted as I dont see you on the approved submitters list - its what all that text is about right above the submit form and in the rules - normally sites are listed within 10 days if not a lot sooner

kit-xxx 2006-03-25 12:39 AM

Thanks for getting back to me. This site would have been submitted before you had a partner thing going, so that would not have been a problem. I guess it was denied for some other reason. And now unless you change "all that text right above the submit form and in the rules" it won't get listed. But if you get an opening for a new partner and would let me know why this site was rejected let me know because I will submit it again.

Linkster 2006-03-25 05:52 AM

I would say that after taking a quick look, that the things that probably caused the rejection would be the new window that opens for the 2257 notice, the fact that I believe all of the free sites you had submitted used the same template (or at least looked the same from memory) and I probably banned the submits when I found the one site where you had removed the pictures but left up the advertising and I dont think I ever received a notice that you were removing the pics???

kit-xxx 2006-03-26 12:32 AM

You know I didn’t intend to nor do I want to get into any kind of pissing match with you. You said something a little sarcastic and I just said something back. I think you have a good link list going and just wanted to find out why this site didn’t get listed. Now you made it like I was some really bad scammer guy or a free loader and not and I have to defend myself.

All my other sites that you did accept opened a new window for the 2257 notice. I read your rules and don’t see anything about not opening a new window. Except maybe #5 about pop-ups.

None of my sites used a template of any kind. They might have looked the same by the type of site I was trying to design. I was going for an amateur look. But I did change up every site that I ever submitted to the same link lists. I understand that it’s the surfer we are all looking after.

Yes I did take the pictures off a site, a webcam chat host that was getting out of the biz. Now I didn’t know the correct proto call when something like this happens (this was the first time) so I thought it was worse for the link list to have a broken link then to try and explain what happen. What I said on that site was: “Sorry for the inconvenience but AlyssaStorm is no longer a chat host and wanted all her pictures taken off the internet. You can use your back button to get right back from where you came from, continue to read this page or check out some of the other cool sites below”. Cool sites below are the links to all the links lists I submitted to. Yes, thinking now it would have been better to contact the link list owners and tell them what happen and when all the sites were off the links lists, I would take the site down.

By the way this site is still listed on your site. AlyssaStorm's Webcam - Live webcam action with an all natural naughty housewife.

Again sorry if I said something that offended you in anyway. I started my own link list (haven’t got greenguys approval yet to post it) but I was looking to work more closely with a lot of you guys, hope this doesn’t spoil anything.


RawAlex 2006-03-26 01:05 AM

kit-xxx: First thing I want to offer you is a shovel. Your digging yourself a hole, but bare handed it could take a while. A shovel will allow you to finish the job promptly and move on.

First off, the site you mention is listed on Linkster's site has an enter link that doesn't work - click enter, you get the same page back. The exit is, well, interesting.

No windows means no windows. No Popups means no popups. Simple, no?

There are pretty much no link sites that accept new windows on anything, why even go there?

As for the 2257, there are a couple of things. First off, it isn't your 2257, so you are not helping yourself. If you are in the US and attempting to comply with the laws / adjustments as put up, you need to have your own page with your own information on it, as well as a list of others who have provided the content. There is no proof that linking to a sponsors 2257 is going to help you out. From that 2257 page I was able to find my way to the front page of ifriends... 2257 pages are not suppose to have links off.

Good luck.


Linkster 2006-03-26 07:16 AM

kit - no pissing match - just pointing out some things

First off - I didnt at that time normally take outside submits - my LL has been partner only since spring of 2004 - but decided to allow a few of your sites in (I think I listed 2 of them) and the partner thing has been in the rules since at least May of 2004.

As far as pages opening in a new window I think you will find every LL you had recips to on those sites you submitted to me have that rule disallowing those.

I would also think that most LLs would be declining your sites with that javascript you have for the dates (kind of a waste on free sites) as most have autocheckers for that kind of stuff these days.

As far as notifying WMs for that type of change I think if you search around the board you will find a few threads from the days of the 2257 scare that addressed this very issue as I know we were all hand checking every site due to people doing exactly what you did - so yes you got lumped in with all of the scammers - that would be the natural reaction of most LL owners as you will find if you ever get your LL running full time

I dont mince words normally and most people that know me know that I am not very politically correct so Im not going to coddle anyone - this is business - not a playground so my advice would be to just take what you can from this and let it go - and keep working towards your plan

kit-xxx 2006-03-27 02:22 AM

Ok, well said. “Taking what I can from this, letting it go and working towards my plan”. My plan is to be as equal as possible to you big guys. Now, what would it take to get listed under your “Visit Our Friends” header? (on one or as many categories as you think would be the most search engine friendly) I set up my LL and now working on my sponsor list, so what I can offer is a referral signup under a sponsor you’re using and that I’m not already signed up to. Think about it and let me know.


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