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kit 2005-11-28 07:38 AM

Deletion from DMOZ - enemies in action?
I have a serious trouble with project.
Over a year ago, I've submitted my review site to Reviews section:

The site has been listed there without any problem.

You can see it here:

Today I found out there is no my site in parent DMOZ section:

Anybody can explain the possible reasons for this deletion? Why did it happen? How to restore standings in the listing?

docholly 2005-11-28 10:19 AM

You know, Kit..I really think the "editors" are just arbitrary in their listings and 'de-listings' because I’ve found most times they make no sense.

I can't tell you how many times I’ve submitted sites to categories that are totally empty..*like 2 or 3 listings* and never gotten listed even though the content and site matched exactly and the # of times I’ve submitted to a general over 'stuffed' category and gotten listed immediately only to be de-listed 3 to 6 months with zero explanation. and zero response to email asking why.

who know how the "gods of dmoz" think?

kenny 2005-11-28 11:24 AM

The editors usually build the same type of sites that are listed in their categories.

Your site might have been competing with theirs for a keyword phrase in google or something.

You can submit sites to DMOZ and not have it reviewed for years. You're lucky to get anything listed if you're not a editor or don't know a editor.

kenny 2005-11-28 11:35 AM

On second thought I submitted a noncommercial site and it was listed promptly within a month.

I think you got a less than 1% chance for adult

kit 2005-11-28 02:35 PM

I think it may be truth :-(
One my friend show me this domain:
It's a clear spam of DMOZ directory, but it's a "right" spam from "right" person (I think so).

Bill 2005-11-28 04:31 PM

It's the old AOL trick - repeat the keywords multiple times in the domain name, and it used to push you right to the top of the old AOL listings (based on dmoz at the time but with a really simple minded keyword algo).

There was a time when that trick could make you a bunch of bucks off of that creamy AOL traffic.

And you used to see it used all the time by crafty dmoz editors, who figured out that hack on AOL early on.

Pretty much useless now, in fact, there's a bunch of speculation that google penalizes for too many repititions and hyphens in domain names.

Linkster 2005-11-28 10:46 PM

Kit - I think youll find that there is no category editor for that cat. - and it doesnt seem to have anyone in the category above it - so I would guess this was an auto removal not a manual removal. Im not familiar with all of the reasons for the auto-removals, but I also know that google will keep the sites in there for a while. Keep in mind that Google recently changed their "Directory" listings so that they no longer carry a bunch of categories that DMOZ has so you may have just gotten lucky with the google dir.

Bill 2005-11-28 11:04 PM

What reasons for auto-removals do you know about Linkster?

Do you get the impression they are doing more of that kind of thing lately?

kenny 2005-11-29 02:16 AM

Auto removal?

I thought their entire deal was to have humans do everything by hand.

kit 2005-11-29 11:20 AM

I found the reason. One of the DMOZ editors helped me. The editor, who deleted my site, is named Jezebel. This is a deletion note:


Originally Posted by Jezebel
Delete Adult/Computers/Internet/Searching/Link_Sites/Reviews [14/Oct/2005 07:43:37 EDT]
Notes: Although this site is quite heavy on content (pictures etc) all links I tried were affiliate links. It is also connected to which has been unlistable (rednoted) here for a long time.

So the deletion turned out to be a result of my request to restore in DMOZ listing. 4 Years ago, it has been deleted and blacklisted due to some multi-posting issue. We made AVS sites for multiple AVS-systems and submitted them to related AVS categories. I think I atoned my guilt long time ago.

There was another reason mentioned : "links I tried were affiliate links".

1) We have dozens of non-commercial reviews, like als-scan, fleshbot, literotica:

Review sites usually review the sites that have affiliate programs. You can easily find another "too commercial" sites there.

After appealing for rehabilitation of Penisbot, I've got deleted instead, just because I'm the owner of

kenny 2005-11-29 01:17 PM

You're getting shafted - thats my opinion on your situation

Surfn 2005-11-29 01:42 PM

There are some very old networks in this biz. People should think before pissing someone off.

kenny 2005-11-29 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Surfn
There are some very old networks in this biz. People should think before pissing someone off.

You shouldn't have site "B" deleted because you made a mistake with site "A" some years back.

Pissed off or not DMOZ editors aren't suppose to treat the directories like their own personal link list

You're not suppose to become a editor just to list your own shit and to maintan a edge over your competition..

But let's face the facts - why else would anybody do it?

plateman 2005-11-29 03:08 PM

I been waiting 2 + years to get my LL listed there.. And I truely believe that the reviewers of most of the adult categories are corupt.. they dont want you listed there.. And I really dont give a shit less...

kenny 2005-11-29 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by plateman
I been waiting 2 + years to get my LL listed there.. And I truely believe that the reviewers of most of the adult categories are corupt.. they dont want you listed there.. And I really dont give a shit less...

Google needs to stop using DMOZ.

We would be better off if DMOZ became useless and just died.

All DMOZ provides now is a level of corruption in the form of a relevant super backlink used by editors as a slight edge.

PhoneMistress 2005-12-01 06:43 PM

Kit - I am not sure if your situation has been resolved.

If you go up the chain you will see all of the individuals who have permission to edit your category. To date that would be gigi, hotpink, hudson, jezebel, wilky, debbiejr, and peterrobson. You can find the information at the bottom of this page:

Also, there is a message board for questions related to DMOZ which is run by the editors. Go to There is an Adult section and you have to request a password.

Jezebel happens to be the meta-Editor for the Adult section. I would definitely contact Jezebel directly and state your concerns.

In addition to Resource Zone another link to have handy is If you believe an editor etc. is abusing his/her privileges this would be the place to start.

I hope this helps and best of luck.

DangerDave 2005-12-01 08:15 PM

Lets get something straight.. there is no "situation" to be resolved

Just because Kit thinks his site belongs in DMOZ - does not make it a fact or certainty.

How to suggest a site to the Open Directory

Please recognize that making the ODP a useful resource requires us to exercise broad editorial discretion in determining the content and structure of the directory. That discretion extends (but is not limited) to what sites to include, where in the directory sites are placed, whether and when to include more than one link to a site, when deep linking is appropriate, and the content of the title and description of the site. In addition, a site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time at our sole discretion. You should not rely on any aspect of a site's inclusion in the directory. Please understand that an editor's exercise of discretion may not always treat all submissions equally. You may not always agree with our choices, but we hope you recognize that we do our best to make fair and reasonable decisions.

Originally Posted by DocHolly
I really think the "editors" are just arbitrary in their listings and 'de-listings' because I’ve found most times they make no sense.

Sorry Doc, but that is not true... There is ALWAYS lengthy discussion on the criteria for inclusion and exclusion for all types of sites, be they adult or non-adult.


Originally Posted by sleeper
The editors usually build the same type of sites that are listed in their categories.

Another completely unfounded sweeping generalisation - so often extolled by people that have never been a DMOZ editor.


Originally Posted by sleeper
You can submit sites to DMOZ and not have it reviewed for years. You're lucky to get anything listed if you're not a editor or don't know a editor.

More unfounded bullshit... - again an opinion so often extolled by people that have never been a DMOZ editor.


Originally Posted by sleeper
On second thought I submitted a noncommercial site and it was listed promptly within a month.

Good to see you are disproving your own generalisations. :D


Originally Posted by Kit
I think it may be truth :-(
One my friend show me this domain:
It's a clear spam of DMOZ directory, but it's a "right" spam from "right" person (I think so).

There IS still spammy stuff in DMOZ.. without question... AND the present Adult editors work most days to rid DMOZ of crap like that.. Dont blame current editors for the system they inherited.


Originally Posted by Kit
I found the reason. One of the DMOZ editors helped me. The editor, who deleted my site, is named Jezebel.

- Nice one Kit... care to let us know who the editor was that gave you that privileged information.?


Originally Posted by Kit
So the deletion turned out to be a result of my request to restore in DMOZ listing. 4 Years ago, it has been deleted and blacklisted due to some multi-posting issue. We made AVS sites for multiple AVS-systems and submitted them to related AVS categories. I think I atoned my guilt long time ago.

Don't let facts get in the way of a good story Kit...


Originally Posted by sleeper
You're getting shafted

.. and what would you base that opinion on? blind assumption and speculation?


Originally Posted by sleeper
You shouldn't have site "B" deleted because you made a mistake with site "A" some years back.

Pissed off or not DMOZ editors aren't suppose to treat the directories like their own personal link list

You're not suppose to become a editor just to list your own shit and to maintan a edge over your competition..

But let's face the facts - why else would anybody do it?

More unsupported generalisations and assumptions based on board roumours..

Site deletions or additions are subject to change or deletion at any time at our sole discretion. This is the guidelines that you agree to at the time of submission!

Lets face facts... you have no idea what you are talking about.


Originally Posted by sleeper
Google needs to stop using DMOZ.

Why? because you said so? I think you credit yourse3lf with too much influence


kenny 2005-12-02 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by DangerDave
Lets get something straight.. there is no "situation" to be resolved

Just because Kit thinks his site belongs in DMOZ - does not make it a fact or certainty.

That site is probably one of the best review sites in the adult Industry - I think it should be rather OBVIOUS that it belongs there.

In fact I think the site in question is Superior to any of the sites currently listed in that directory.


Originally Posted by DangerDave
How to suggest a site to the Open Directory

Yes - that is exactly how it's suppose to be..

You mean to tell me you actually think that webmasters volunteer to edit that shit out of the kindness of their hearts?



Originally Posted by DangerDave

Another completely unfounded sweeping generalisation - so often extolled by people that have never been a DMOZ editor.

Run a whois spider through the directories and tell me you won't find multiple sites listed that belong to DMOZ editors under the very directories that they edit.


Originally Posted by DangerDave
More unfounded bullshit... - again an opinion so often extolled by people that have never been a DMOZ editor.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out - if you think these acquisitions are incorrect then you're probably in the minority.


Originally Posted by DangerDave

Good to see you are disproving your own generalisations. :D

I never said all editors were corrupt - besides it's kind of hard to capitalize in a non profit directory.

I'm simply implying the level of corruption increases inside the directories when there is more to be gained.


Originally Posted by DangerDave
There IS still spammy stuff in DMOZ.. without question... AND the present Adult editors work most days to rid DMOZ of crap like that.. Dont blame current editors for the system they inherited.

Probably alot of it belongs to the old editors - lol

Seriously though most of the adult webmasters who apply for that volunteer job do it for their own personal advantage. There is really nothing else to be gained.


Originally Posted by DangerDave

.. and what would you base that opinion on? blind assumption and speculation?

You mean besides the obvious nature of it?

Basicly I put two and two together - I've seen BS like this happen dozens of times in DMOZ. This is by no means a isolated incident.


Originally Posted by DangerDave
More unsupported generalisations and assumptions based on board roumours..

In your prespective


Originally Posted by DangerDave
Site deletions or additions are subject to change or deletion at any time at our sole discretion. This is the guidelines that you agree to at the time of submission!

Yes - their discretion being largely for personal gain.


Originally Posted by DangerDave

Lets face facts... you have no idea what you are talking about.

You're mistaken if that is what you think.

You're trying to tell me that there is no corruption in DMOZ..

The notion of that is utterly ridiculous


Originally Posted by DangerDave
Why? because you said so? I think you credit yourse3lf with too much influence


Because it's a dinosaur. It takes years to review sites.

It no longer serves a purpose with the exception of boosting a search engine rank

DangerDave 2005-12-02 07:14 AM

Sleeper, are you currently, or have you ever been a DMOZ editor?


Surfn 2005-12-02 07:27 AM


kit 2005-12-02 03:57 PM

PhoneMistress , thank you for the advise.
But people tell me, there is prohibited now to ask submssion status on forum. Also I've seen itself meta editor phrase: "rednoted sites not recoverable ever".

But I'm not regarding now. I just want to tell, my sites not more commercial as other sites presented in this category:

I know it exaclty because I know this niche. The 90-95% of reviews is commecrial. My site have the noncommercial reviews and I'll work under them even more in a future, because people ask review of and many other sites without affiliate program. I'll do all for my audience satisfaction.

PS. I'll post appeal in a bit later.

kenny 2005-12-02 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by DangerDave
Sleeper, are you currently, or have you ever been a DMOZ editor?


That is irrelevant.

I've observed more then enough to place an accurate conclusion.

Many commercial webmasters become DMOZ editors for personal gain - that's all there is to it.

You can't tell me otherwise

DangerDave 2005-12-02 10:41 PM

Hahaha..... Irrelevant??!...

It is pivotal to your arguments...

.. and as suspected it proves that you have no idea what you are talking about and that your "opinions" are as I have said - BASELESS!


kenny 2005-12-03 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by DangerDave
Hahaha..... Irrelevant??!...

It is pivotal to your arguments...

.. and as suspected it proves that you have no idea what you are talking about and that your "opinions" are as I have said - BASELESS!


Thats like saying because I don't smoke crack I can't possibly spot a crack head.

Or better yet because I don't cheat for traffic I can't possibly spot a cheater stealing traffic and there for cheating doesn't exsist.

I still think it's amusing that you insist on taking this ridiculous stance that there aren't any corrupt editors in DMOZ.

Opti 2005-12-03 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by DangerDave
Sleeper, are you currently, or have you ever been a DMOZ editor?


I was Dave.

And Jezabel is one of the main problem editors in the adult section. She spends all her time protecting her own and friends listed sites rather than reviewing any new submits.

BTW Kit... when I was an editor I sent several requests through to have the penisbot ban removed for you.

If Jezabel or anyone else cares the check out the /editors/banned/ category there is a long and very reaosnable request for the ban to be lifted sitting there being ignored.

the original reason for that ban is no excuse for removing porninspector in my opinion anyway.

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