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Stever 2005-07-03 03:26 AM

Who does non-adult sites as well
I've been neglecting my adult site the past couple weeks while i build a few mainstream projects.

Who here does mainstream as well and want to exchange some ideas or even link exchanges?

chat by pm might be best probably. |whisper|

MadMax 2005-07-03 10:53 AM

Hit me up Stever, I do mainstream :)

Tommy 2005-07-03 11:43 AM

what do you guys sell on the main stream sites

smutranger 2005-07-03 12:51 PM

I own a couple mainstream sites.

Those are just a few. I use them to diversify my online portfolio. Espically when things like 2257 are thrown around.

I'll do trades on all of them.

Jim 2005-07-03 01:24 PM

I have wanted to open a Harley Davidson Resource Site like this one for a couple of years now. After Javes and another project, I will probably do that.

smutranger 2005-07-03 01:58 PM

That would be really cool. I found that I was able to leverage a lot of my adult webmastering experience and apply it to mainstream.

Smutferret 2005-07-03 03:02 PM

I've been working on a main stream business portal but I haven't been able to devote enough time to it so it's kinda on the back burner at the moment.


Tommy 2005-07-03 03:07 PM

I allways wanted to do something main stream but theres really nothing good to sell

Smutferret 2005-07-03 03:27 PM


The problem I have with any main stream site I've thought about or tried, is that there always seems to be much more money, for the same amount of effort, in adult.

I've heard you can sell knowledge for a nice profit, maybe you should write a "how to" on starting a link list. :D


Smutferret 2005-07-03 03:29 PM

On second thought, I guess a "how to" on how to start a link list wouldn't really be main stream...:)

Tommy 2005-07-03 03:33 PM

I was thinking about writing a book on how to become an adult webmaster and sell it to surfers

spookyx 2005-07-03 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Tommy
I allways wanted to do something main stream but theres really nothing good to sell

you have a PM |waves|

Smutferret 2005-07-03 03:45 PM


That's not really a bad idea but you might want to markent it to webmasters. I mean, how many adult webmasters on this board would buy your book just because "you" wrote it. I know I would buy a copy...:)


Stever 2005-07-03 06:04 PM

My problem with mainstream is getting traffic. People are less willing to do link exchanges and the competitiion for good kewords is monstrous. I hang out a bit on a mainstream webmaster board but i find people are much less willing to share ideas, advice or traffic. They subscribe to the competition model of business so sharing would thus help a competitor. I like the level of cooperation in adult. Seems we underdstand the benefits of this on the internet. There is so much traffic out there that it is better to share it. If i cant make the sale i'll pass the surfer to you so you can try, and vice versa.

I've only been building sites for 5 months now so i still have a lot to learn. Getting traffic in adult is almost too easy (not that i have made a big commitment to it yet)

pm's being sent to those that responded so far.

Xeno 2005-07-04 07:48 AM

My mainstream is web design.....which reminds me, I need to update my site ...

terry 2005-07-04 08:28 AM

Im doing a couple of mainstream products. Tons of stuff is selling now like the ever popular pills (viagra etc), travel, self improvement, making money, etc. Good luck!

Alphawolf 2005-07-04 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Tommy
I was thinking about writing a book on how to become an adult webmaster and sell it to surfers

I think a lot of people have thought of that at one time or another.

Thing is that there is a rediculous amount of free information.

So, why pay for something people can get for free?

And if they are newbies they won't really consider you've been around for a while.

Tommy 2005-07-04 10:38 AM

I get a few emails a week asking how one gets in to this buisness

also there are lots of html and internet books
like internet for dunnies and all that info is on the web for free

also dont forget your giving away porn and trying to sell porn

the book would have the advatage of being a real product


Originally Posted by Alphawolf
I think a lot of people have thought of that at one time or another.

Thing is that there is a rediculous amount of free information.

So, why pay for something people can get for free?

And if they are newbies they won't really consider you've been around for a while.

2msacras 2005-07-04 11:02 AM

I remember when I first started I looked for a book on the subject and found one that was ok. I really would've loved to have a good one that explained a lot of the basics, summarys of everything etc etc. All the information is on the internet but I would've loved to have it in one place, a book that I could keep going backt to. But then I'm a journalist by trade so maybe I like the written word better than the digital word.

Stever 2005-07-04 11:50 AM


It will still sell even though the free info is out there. Some will not know where to look for free. Some would rather have it all in one place to learn it quicker and some wont even know what they are buying or why.

Just a matter of how long it would take to put all your information down in one organized fashion. Is it worth your time?

Smutferret 2005-07-04 03:19 PM

It's my feeling that an adult webmastering book would sell well, especially if it was written by a successful and well known adult webmaster like Tommy.

I'm not sure how experienced you are at writing Tommy, but a ghostwriter could be a viable option if you wanted to pursue the idea and didn't feel confident in your own writing ability.


Stever 2005-07-05 03:08 AM

thanks to those sending pm's so far

NotThatKevin 2005-07-06 11:17 AM

My main stream sites are all in the jewelry biz.

We have a few more and each targets different keywords.

ladydesigner 2005-07-06 01:41 PM

I keep a main stream design site up for all those busy-body neighbors of mine that wonder what I do all day.

T Pat 2005-07-06 11:01 PM

Hey Stever
I've been spending most of my time lately on mainstream.
I have never admitted to anybody in the adult webmaster community before but I was TraderPat in mainstream for a couple years before adult. The reason It's so embarrassing to mention is for two years I was so busy pissing money away in 100 different directions that I didn't make any money or learn anything. Using what I learned on this board and On The Bench has made a world of difference this time around.
My advice to anybody with a mainstream site (I don't care if the subject is Harley's or your Cat's) is to use googles adsense for two reasons
1, you can use adsense as a tool to help you improve your site by seeing what the surfer is looking for.
2, with adsense you can place a value on all of your traffic I'm getting a 3.8% click through.
I love it there paying me and showing me how to improve my sites at the same time. Another thing I'm doing is filtering some of my adult site traffic down to my mainstream sites if there not going to buy from me I'd rather have them go off surfing something Google is going to pay me for than them hitting there back button and not getting anything.
Give me a few days and I'll be begging for hard link trades right now I'm working on two new sites and a Ezine article both sites are being designed with the intent to get high paying keyword adsense ads (I want some of that viagra money).
The reason I've come out of the closet on TraderPat is the article I'm writing is on the ethics of Adult Webmasters verses Main Stream Webmasters, going back into mainstream after my two year education from GGandJ I see things haven't changed a newbies best chance of getting fucked is still mainstream.

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