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ynuahayt 2005-02-24 09:51 AM

Sponsor Blacklist
Heya this is my first thread in here so please play nice if this is the lamest idea you've heard today :).

I just read a bit in the Reality Cash thread and I'm thinking: Why not make a GGnJ's sponsor blacklist? Or just a list of "We think these guys suck because....". It would be nice when your looking for a new sponsor and this one sounds oh-so-great but then you find out they are cheating bastards that don't pay or what have you.

I do realise that for a sponsor to get on the list you would need more than one dude coming in here saying he got cheated by xx. But I'm sure you guys already have some sponsors that you would like to see on a list like this ^_^.

What do you think?

grzepa 2005-02-24 09:55 AM

As for the realitycash - they shouldnt be on the blacklist, they have some mess in their organization but they have great converting sites , and Im getting paid by epassporte always on time.
Just the checks are messed up, Im also waiting for my lost check to be resent for a long time but lets not cover a sponsor in dirt just because of that.

Linkster 2005-02-24 10:00 AM

Actually - there are a few sponsors that each LL wont take - but its usually either in the rules or has been discussed here quite a bit when we find a sponsor cheating. If you look at GG's rules you can see that he has two listed if I remember correctly, and I personally wont accept MartinPeak stuff
The problem with an overall LL sponsor ban is that there are some LL owners that will list stuff others wont

Greenguy 2005-02-24 10:04 AM

Not gonna happen - everyone's views on sponsors posted on the board are opinion - for us to have anything official would not be good for business.

Jim 2005-02-24 10:07 AM

I used to do this on the GBU and who knows...I may do it again one day. I don't think Reality Cash should be on anyones blacklist. They just have to rearrange their priorities a bit.

ynuahayt 2005-02-24 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Linkster
Actually - there are a few sponsors that each LL wont take - but its usually either in the rules or has been discussed here quite a bit when we find a sponsor cheating. If you look at GG's rules you can see that he has two listed if I remember correctly, and I personally wont accept MartinPeak stuff
The problem with an overall LL sponsor ban is that there are some LL owners that will list stuff others wont

Ah yeah I can see that it might be hard to get everyone in on a ban, but then it could be a GGnJ "Who we thinks sucks ass"-list :). I don't, maybe there is no need for a list really. And I heard the stuff about Martin Peak (I'm getting through the radio show archive actually reaching it's end - gonna be a sad day when I do ;) ), so I think I'm gonna stop promoting them, a damn shame that they use dirty tricks when they got a nice site with lotsa free content :/.

And I've got nothing against Reality Cash, I'm just a newbie posting what's on his mind :)

Useless 2005-02-24 10:34 AM

One can avoid possibly troublesome sponsors by doing a search for their name on the board and reading the results. A list of boycotted sponsors would be dangerous. Possibly grounds for legal action. (I'd have to ask Hazel for more clarification though ;) ) The boards do all of the sponsor filtering we need. I'm sure that that month old thread about Reality Cash popping up in boardtracker has done them much more than $175 worth of harm. Once they pay me, I'll start accepting galleries and sites that promote them again. I may or may not promote them, but I'm not about to tell others to avoid them.

The sites that have banned sponsors is because they were really burned by them and have proved those sponsors to be cheats. That takes a lot more than a missing check.

Greenguy 2005-02-24 11:32 AM

Yeah - if you hit Board Tracker with a couple sponsor names, you'll see who's good, who's bad, who has a problem, who resolved it in a pleasant manner & who got fucked.

spookyx 2005-02-24 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior
(I'd have to ask Hazel for more clarification though ;) )


that was just the perfect answer


dareutwo 2005-02-24 01:17 PM

With the exception of Jim - I have never banned any sponsor.
However, some webmasters have been blacklisted because of overused content and/or template sites.
Never banned the sponsor, just the individual webmasters.
Like I don't get checks from them too??
hint, find another category than lesbian!

xxxjay 2005-02-24 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy
Not gonna happen - everyone's views on sponsors posted on the board are opinion - for us to have anything official would not be good for business.

How true...there are 3 sides to every story:

1. My side
2. Your side
3. And the truth

If someone is out cheating people, you can usually catch wind of it pretty fast.

Lizzie 2005-02-24 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by xxxjay
How true...there are 3 sides to every story:

1. My side
2. Your side
3. And the truth

If someone is out cheating people, you can usually catch wind of it pretty fast.

So true, and this business is not very forgiving either as far as cheaters of any kind go.

LB 2005-02-24 11:10 PM

Yeah I agree with useless warrior ... definitely grounds for legal action...

... unless there is solid proof of a sponsor doing something bad, and it would be hard for greenguy and jim to take that stance going off what someone else is reporting... and quite risky too.

tickler 2005-02-24 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by xxxjay
How true...there are 3 sides to every story:
1. My side
2. Your side
3. And the truth

Hehheh! Reminds me of a sci-fi series I read many years ago. The aliens had 3 arms and always argued trinary logic with "this" or "that, but "on the other hand".

Kath 2005-02-28 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy
Yeah - if you hit Board Tracker with a couple sponsor names, you'll see who's good, who's bad, who has a problem, who resolved it in a pleasant manner & who got fucked.

Good point... sit down some night with some popcorn and have a good read. It can really be eye-opening to see how people act/react to negative program threads.


plateman 2005-02-28 05:19 PM

I have 3 sponsors I wont use or list on my LL, one that fucked me out of money and 2 that fucked other webmasters and started shit with them..


All Assholes and cheats and spamers..

gt68lt70 2005-03-05 05:52 PM

I would suggest a rating system instead.

Only members can rate sponsors and only once.

Maybe a list of fixed reasons for the rating (so people can't write insults etc):

1- They owe me money and won't pay.
2- They never return their emails.
3- They cheat with the stats.
9- Great list of sites.
10- Converts really well.

No legal problem and it would be more reliable in the long run.

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