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Tommy 2004-10-27 11:19 AM

what web authoring tools do you use
I write my html by hand
so I just use editpad and photoshop for graphics

I am very curious as to what the rest of ya use

HC-Majick 2004-10-27 11:31 AM

i use dreamweaver for the majority of the coding on my websites, and do the final tweaking in notepad.
all my graphics work is done using photoshop.

lordaron 2004-10-27 11:40 AM

photoshop for graphics, dreamweaver mx for coding, wouldnt use anything else!:)

Alphawolf 2004-10-27 11:40 AM

Dreamweaver MX 2004
FireWorks MX 2004
Easy Thumbnails

These Folks have some excellent materials on making quality sites (good coding) while using practical CSS.

Cleo 2004-10-27 11:48 AM

Adobe GoLive for most everything involving doing page layout work.

ImageReady for doing web graphics and image processing.

BBEdit for doing more complex code and text processing stuff.

iWatermark for batch watermarking of pics.

ABetterFinderRename for doing batch renaming of files.

Lemmy 2004-10-27 12:10 PM

Dreamweaver & Photoshop.

MrMaryLou 2004-10-27 12:38 PM

Namo and text pad for me :)

MadMax 2004-10-27 12:43 PM

Dreamweaver for html and PSP 9.0 for graphics, always been a winning combo for me.

cockNballs 2004-10-27 12:48 PM

"Dreamweaver for html and PSP 9.0 for graphics"

Me too

except I haven't bought PSP 9 yet so I'm using 8

Useless 2004-10-27 01:13 PM

Adobe for graphics
Arles for thumbing and opitmization
ThumbsPlus for quick clean thumb tables
CuteHTML for editing
ReName for, well, renaming things.

I often sketch out my gallery layouts ahead of time. For this I use lined paper and a good #2 pencil. :D

T Pat 2004-10-27 01:24 PM

Banner Maker Pro
Super JPG

Ramster 2004-10-27 01:38 PM

I do my html by hand too. Cut & paste from other pages at times.

PhotoShop or PaintShop for what little graphics I do.

Arles occassionally for thumbs. Jpeg Optimizer for image compression.

Sean416 2004-10-27 01:42 PM

I've been using PS to do my thumbs, but I think im going to follow in the foot steps of some of the other proggies posted in this thread. With photo shop I have to make a new action every time I want to resize the pics, so I usually just end up resizing all my thumbs to the same size. It would be nice if there was an easier way to switch it up..

swedguy 2004-10-27 01:54 PM

I use Homesite, but I do all HTML by hand. I like the tabs and preview in Homesite.
For thumbs and pic compression I use Thumbnailer by Smaller Animals.

Cleo 2004-10-27 02:15 PM


Originally posted by Sean416
It would be nice if there was an easier way to switch it up..
Make your droplets in ImageReady and then you can just double click the droplet and change things.

Greenguy 2004-10-27 02:51 PM


Originally posted by MrMaryLou
Namo and text pad for me :)
Me too :)

I use Paint for my graphics :D

swedguy 2004-10-27 03:09 PM


Originally posted by Greenguy
I use Paint for my graphics :D
That explains a thing or two :D

CelticTiger 2004-10-27 03:42 PM

Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Fireworks. I like notepad for really clean pages.

Jim 2004-10-27 04:05 PM

Acehtml is what I have been using for about 5 years now. I just could never get the hang of any wysiwyg editors.

docholly 2004-10-27 05:09 PM

I mostly use Tart and then i use notepad to tweak.

then i send it back to tart to fix after i screw up her tables.

Tart 2004-10-27 05:13 PM


Originally posted by docholly
I mostly use Tart and then i use notepad to tweak.
don't go telling everyone I'm USED |jester|

I use Dreamweaver MX, Photoshop, and Notetab light for the stuff I handcode.

Steve 2004-10-27 05:22 PM

Hi Tommy,

Dreamweaver MX and Editpad for hmtl works
Fireworks MX for graphics and photo work
Thumbnailer by SmallerAnimals for making thumbs


Opti 2004-10-27 06:32 PM

Usually make the layout in PS.. cut it up in Imageready... edit the html and setup basic table layouts in dreamweaver... then finish it in textpad.

Smaller Animals thumbnailer is my favourite handy utility

Trev 2004-10-27 06:48 PM

dreamweaverMX mostly now.... moving over from notepad. I spend a lot of time in the code view.
PS7 for graphics and editing/resizing pics
Thumbsplus for quick thumbs
renameit for renaming

enoj 2004-10-27 07:16 PM

Editplus for HTML and basic PHP scripts.

NuSphere PhpED for PHP projects.

FileZilla for all my FTP needs, and of course photoshop for image manipulation.

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