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Greenguy 2012-02-15 09:27 AM

Happy Scratch Off The Fleas & Take A Nap Wednesday!!
Morning |waves|

The Bitch & my mom are both sick with a cold/flu - I can't wait until I get it :(

Not much going on today, just work & a trip to the |pokefun||loony| doctor.

Have a good one! |thumb

ArtWilliams 2012-02-15 10:02 AM

Good morning.

My wife and I had a fabulous dinner yesterday. Today, I start re-start my food journal (and lose some weight). Hmmmm.

Non-adult work today followed by cleaning and 30 minutes on the elliptical. I am chomping at the bit to do try out some adult ideas I have so maybe I can squeeze that in after dinner.

Oh yeah, 100mg of Zoloft seems to have turned my daughter into a relatively normal human being. As Martha Stewart says, "that's a good thing."

Have a great day! |thumb

Cleo 2012-02-15 10:11 AM

No cold/flu or doctors or journals or elliptical today.

Just finished making two and a half gallons of juice plus cleaning up the big mess that juicing makes.

No big plans for today other than the usual.

lorsha 2012-02-15 10:27 AM

Hospital first thing today for me for a treatment, then some more research about this whole new way of slinging porn. Enjoy your day everyone.

ClickCastX 2012-02-15 10:45 AM

Morning, guys! Hope you had a great Valentine's yesterday. Mine was a disaster.

bDok 2012-02-15 11:13 AM

Good morning. Back from walking the dog and picking up the coffee. Time to do a bunch of blog postings. After that have a ton of phone meetings for awhile about some things. That and it's time to import a bunch more movies and watermark some other movies. Good times.

Have a good hump day.

Useless 2012-02-15 11:27 AM

Dragging this morning. Sipping coffee while listening to Bill Burr's Podcast. Good times.

JustRobert 2012-02-15 01:04 PM

Good Day :)
Took the past 2 days off from the day gig because I was feeling burnt out. So to relax I have been working on adult stuff but with no deadlines to finish anything. Been kinda nice but I think I need a vacation where I get away, unfortunately I do not see that happening. Just about time for a nap :D

cd34 2012-02-15 02:25 PM

Found the oldest Wordpress in production on one of the machines this morning. 1.5.2 - from August 2005. Last post made to the blog was Jan 2006, and, it still gets some traffic. About 14 exploit files in the uploads directory, but, no spam on the blog.

Other than that, just a normal day.

Hope everyone has a good Wednesday.

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