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AlexUA 2009-09-03 11:56 AM

Bangbros is f...n cheaters
They close my account for nothing afters 3 years only because I am from Ukraine. And also they close accounts of many other fair webmasters. I was talking with their support, they show totally disrespect. Dont send traffic to them.

InfoGuy 2009-09-03 04:24 PM

1) Did they pay you?
2) Did you violate their Terms?

AlexUA 2009-09-04 01:57 AM

They pay me for 3 years. If I violate their terms, why would I write something here? They close my account for NOTHING! There are huge topic on gfy about this bustards

InfoGuy 2009-09-04 02:10 AM

I'm not a lawyer and these are only my personal opinions. If you need legal advice, hire qualified legal counsel.

IMO, if they paid you, I don't consider that they cheated you.

BangBros TOS


The terms and conditions of this Agreement are subject to change by the SITE at any time in its discretion.


We reserve the discretion to accept or reject applications or to subsequently terminate you after acceptance for any reason including, but not limited to ... The SITE will not accept accounts originating from or related to any location which include, but which are not limited to, webmasters from: ... Ukraine

AlexUA 2009-09-04 06:44 PM

Thats what I am talking about... They shitfuckers.

NY Jester 2009-09-05 12:31 AM

They closed mine too a couple months ago, but I didnt really push their sites. I sent minimal hits, so I didn't bitch. I wasnt owed anything.

Tommy 2009-09-08 08:49 AM

no offense ment ....But have you ever thought that if so many webmasters in your country weren't cheaters you would probably be making a lot more money

They really fucked it up for you

AlexUA 2009-09-10 05:41 AM

Tommy, no offense, but dont you think, that cheaters from any country, not only from mine, has no problem at all to sign under any other coutry? Do you think cheaters from my country cant sign under your country for example?

Allfetish 2009-09-10 11:09 AM

They terminated my account years ago for no real reason known to me but left the weblounge up so that it appeared as if my account were still active.

Tommy 2009-09-10 11:20 AM


that wasnt my point..

I was trying to say.. some countries have a reputation for having a lot of cheaters

and being from one of those countries must hurt your earning capability

again .. No offense ment

AlexUA 2009-09-10 01:38 PM

America is in crisis now, and who knows, after falling down of dollar, USA will be poorer than Ukraine, and US webmasters have to start cheating to have slice of bread for a breakfast.

MeatPounder 2009-09-10 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by AlexUA (Post 463913)
America is in crisis now, and who knows, after falling down of dollar, USA will be poorer than Ukraine, and US webmasters have to start cheating to have slice of bread for a breakfast.

LOL, be real :)

AlexUA 2009-09-10 05:19 PM

Its real. Must be you are far away from reality.

Cleo 2009-09-10 06:12 PM

So you think think that the USA will fail like the USSR did?

Greenguy 2009-09-10 06:46 PM

Soon I'll have to concentrate on banning US submitters |couch|

MeatPounder 2009-09-10 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by AlexUA (Post 463913)
America is in crisis now, and who knows, after falling down of dollar, USA will be poorer than Ukraine, and US webmasters have to start cheating to have slice of bread for a breakfast.

LOL, AlexUA if you had said the Euro Union I would have to nod and say perhaps, China perhaps, hell even India perhaps...UK and Japan no way as they are in even more dire straights then the US

Ukraine? Please, most of Eastern Europe still consists of near third world countries. You guys do have hope that someday you will actually be able to Join the EU rather than just being a partner in the ENP (for those that do not know what the ENP is think of Central American countries and Caribbean islands in their relations with and yes dependence on the US)

Hell you guys are still even under Russia's dominance as seen by them cutting off your gas in 2006 and again just this year.

I'm sure it must be tough living in a country that has been directly (most of the time) or indirectly (such as the last 20 years) under other countries control for almost all of the last 600 years

You are classified as a MIDDLE income state by the world banks, though that may drop as in 2008 your GDP had dropped to 89th in the world and 20% of your people live under the poverty level...

But there is hope, if you can ever pay back that 16 billion dollars we richer countries lent you last year to help stave off your total collapse ;)

Bill 2009-09-10 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 463931)
So you think think that the USA will fail like the USSR did?

Glenn Beck and all the tea baggers scream out that dream every day. Apparently one of the big sponsors of the 9/12 thing is promoting the idea 'as the salvation of the country', you know, to stop that commie fascist hussein obama.

Be that as it may, lots of people around the world seem to think a ussr style collapse is likely.


To get back to the point - I thought everyone knew that bangbros terminates accounts.

So our original poster made his first mistake by sending them traffic in the first place. Shoulda picked one of the sponsors without that reputation.

AlexUA 2009-09-11 03:05 AM

The only thing that USA produces for the world, is green paper named dollar. Ah, also McDonalds, good meal. And Hollywood. When other countries stop using dollar, USA will fall. Where will you find money for buying all this stuff that you have? America is printing money for that now. But when possibility of printing will be lost, USA will be a bankrupt.

AlexUA 2009-09-11 03:39 AM

petergg2 2009-09-11 10:51 AM

these day's every country print money,
for what change You dollar's ?

for Euro ? Yen ? Swiss Frank ? they all print ...

maybe You change it for Rubel or Juan ? ;)

AlexUA 2009-09-11 02:40 PM

It would be fair if new world currency will be currency of some poor african country, this country can grow up like usa by printing green paper for all world.

Pagan 2009-09-11 11:36 PM

Hmmm.. what does the US produce? How about wheat? Corn? cotton? tobacco? wine? porn? books? music? television? movies? cars? I can go on and on and on. Yes, other countries do produce goods, but with many other countries, the US is one of their larger trading partners. I know the entire Eastern Bloc has factories, but many are antiquated to the point of producing little of quality or use. (My ex is a defector from communist Poland, and we did talk about this topic at great length)

Ukraine has been hit very hard by foreign rule and abuse. It will take many generations of hard work to be self-sufficient and strong on its own. You can't just have oil or wheat - you have to have a way to get it to market, process it, and turn it into products your people first want to buy, and second have the means to buy. My ex used to ship home cartons of nice, soft toilet paper so his family could sell it to neighbors and get rich. Why? Because the locally produced product was like sand paper!

The rules about not being accepted if you are from certain countries has been around from the early days of this industry. If your country respected copyright laws, or using legal age models, or not hotlinking or cheating or other devious methods of making a fast buck, you might well be allowed to participate in such programs. I am not saying that you yourself do any of these things -- it just takes one or two bad webmasters to spoil it for everyone. The rules are there, and have been there for over 10 years that I know of. If you didn't read them before you signed up, that is on you. Add to it your countrymen who will join and then cancel or backcharge. Get enough of it and a site decides they don't want to market their products to your area. Webmasters get terminated all the time for this, and not just from any one country. (Notice Nigeria on the list? That is the all time capital for fraud and scams. The former USSR is the third after Haiti)

Now, some of the programs might listen to you if you have a rational appeal such as a good track record or lots of legit sales with few chargebacks. Smearing a program as being a cheat when you were the one who joined from a "blacklisted" country is not the way to do it. Calling them names won't work either. Sounds like you need to look for a Ukranian-friendly sponsor and just move on. Better yet... maybe this adult webmaster thing just isn't for you, and you should quit while you are ahead?

Useless 2009-09-12 10:55 AM

Anywho... didn't Emerald have a problem with Bang Bros.? My memory may be screwed, but I thought she was cheated by them a long time ago and banned them from her list. I could be wrong. It happened to someone well-known, that's all I really know.

It's pretty fucked to ban an affiliate after years of sending sales and not cheating the sponsor. Can't we all agree on that?

Pagan 2009-09-12 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior (Post 464080)
It's pretty fucked to ban an affiliate after years of sending sales and not cheating the sponsor. Can't we all agree on that?

*If* the rule was in place at the time of signup (and I will bet it was because I have seen those rules on almost all sponsors going back over 10 years now), then it is a matter of getting caught in a lie. Is that the only lie being told? My guess is probably not. Sales may have been there, but what about backcharges? Could that have been the reason?

Granted, it is sad to do it without prior notice, but.. sponsors do have the right to decide who can participate. It is a risk you take when you decide to lie.

MeatPounder 2009-09-12 03:10 PM

Useless, I agree that's pretty fucked up

And I do think it's wrong that companies ban the whole because of a few...but I understand it....if belarus or the ukraine had 20,000 honest affiliates with a program but 500 cheaters perhaps it would be worth the programs time to take it case by case....but if the ratio is 500 honest ones and 500 cheaters it is much easier AND CHEAPER for them to just ban the bunch (I am not saying those are accurate ratios)

Hell I have 30 countries banned in my outlook...sure I may miss an email I might want but is saves me from even seeing tens of thousands I do not want ;)

I do think AlexUA got fucked over (if it is what he says that they only dropped him because of his country), but my shackles were raised when he started dumping on the US

I am so fucking sick of foreigners dumping on the USA after all we have done for them through the years

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