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RedCherry 2005-10-18 02:24 PM

I got NOTHING done yesterday, and its all HER FAULT!
We decided our Bengal Cat Loki needed a playmate, so I went to the local animal shelter and found what appears to be a pure 1 yr old female Ruddy Abyssinian cat. (The owners had dropped off an entire family of them). She is small, just a bit over 6 lbs and a year old, and too thin. Loki, is almost 15# by comparision.

Welll she is running the show. She was named Bast, but I'm starting to call her Miss Bossy Britches, lmao. They were following each other doing the whole hissing I'm badder than you yesterday, I got nothing done, worried they were going to kill each other.

Today it is more of a "if you keep 2' away from me, I won't hiss' kinda standoff. I'm hoping eventually they become friends.

Here are some pics of her. She is like the chihuahua of the cat world yesterday, all nervous energy, was hard to get her to stay still long enough to let me take a few pics. She is calming down today.

She has the oddest cry, sounds more like a siamease than anything else. Anyone here familiar with Abys?

If I get a chance today, I'll try to get a pic of her and Loki together to show you the size difference. I hope we can fatten her up, her skin is just hanging on her. All I can do to not go down and adopt the rest of the family. :(

Bill 2005-10-18 02:47 PM

Quite a cutie.

Bast is a great name. And "Bossy" is a pretty good name too.

My cat names always evolve - "Annie" becomes "Annie Banners" becomes "Banners".

RedCherry 2005-10-18 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Bill
Quite a cutie.

Bast is a great name. And "Bossy" is a pretty good name too.

My cat names always evolve - "Annie" becomes "Annie Banners" becomes "Banners".

I hear you, I have a feeling she will end up Miss BB or something for bossy britches, lmao. Still learning her personality. We love the whole Gods/Goddess of mythology naming scheme we have going, but personality wize, she fits bossybritches better. Loki DEFINITELY fits his name, he can be quite the trickster.

Wish I'd of had video of her when I was trying to talk on phone a little bit ago, she was wrapped around my neck, wanting attention, trying to rub against the hand that was holding the phone. I found myself leaning further and further back, trying to keep my hand away so she didn't push the phone away from my mouth and ear. :) Loveable little cuss.

sue-fl 2005-10-18 02:59 PM

That is a neat looking cat!!

RedCherry 2005-10-18 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by sue-fl
That is a neat looking cat!!

Thanks Sue. This is why I think she is pure, take a look at 2nd pic down. I read all the traits of pure, and she has them nailed cold.

MindyBlingBucks 2005-10-18 03:23 PM

What a beautiful cat!! I'm jealous!! :)

SirMoby 2005-10-18 04:07 PM

That's a beautiful pussy you got there

Bill 2005-10-18 04:19 PM

Bee Bee sounds like a good permutation of names. It would stand for both "Bu Bastis" and "Bossy Britches".

Then, of course, when you are mad at her, you always have "You little Bast-tard!". ;-}

MrYum 2005-10-18 04:19 PM

Damn Moby...ya beat me to it!

Cute kitty...does look like that one's gonna rule the roost :D

RedCherry 2005-10-18 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by SirMoby
That's a beautiful pussy you got there

LMAO, I should have titled the thread, I got NOTHING done yesterday, and it was all my pussy's fault.

I've had 3 breeders now tell me they feel she is purebreed that have looked at the pics.

I also found out she is the right size, I didn't know the breed was so tiny, I thought maybe they had her age wrong, and she still had room to grow.

RedCherry 2005-10-18 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Bill
Bee Bee sounds like a good permutation of names. It would stand for both "Bu Bastis" and "Bossy Britches".

Then, of course, when you are mad at her, you always have "You little Bast-tard!". ;-}

I like Bu Bastis, what does that mean? Is it another form of Bast's name?

Bill 2005-10-18 04:41 PM

Yep, Bubastis is another form of the cat goddess Bast. It's been a while since I cracked an egyptology book, but I think it's an older regional version.

Those types of names tend to become more staccato as you go further back in time. Something like Cybele (not egyptian of course) was originally "Ku Ba Ba".

So, it's possible that your new cats oldest orginal name would actually be "Bu Ba".

Which of course would be pronounced "Bubba". ;-}

Tommy 2005-10-18 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Bill
Yep, Bubastis is another form of the cat goddess Bast. It's been a while since I cracked an egyptology book, but I think it's an older regional version.

Those types of names tend to become more staccato as you go further back in time. Something like Cybele (not egyptian of course) was originally "Ku Ba Ba".

So, it's possible that your new cats oldest orginal name would actually be "Bu Ba".

Which of course would be pronounced "Bubba". ;-}

YOu Need A Hobby

Erick G 2005-10-18 05:05 PM

cool looking cat
I am allergic to cats:(

emmanuelle 2005-10-18 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by RedCherry

I'm hoping eventually they become friends.


Coat them both in tuna oil and lock them in the bathroom together. They'll be best friends in an hour

Bill 2005-10-18 05:12 PM

Ha ha ha! Actually, this is all from old hobbies. I used to be real interested in the origins of human thought. When did people start talking and thinking the way we do now, how did we come up with the idea of Gods, shit like that.

I could bore you to tears with all I know about ancient cave paintings, Lascaux, Niaux, that new Cave of the Lions, yada yada yada. I got hundreds of dollars worth of rare books on the subject.

I also like shooting, practicing mixed martial arts, and doing home repairs. Lately I've been getting into bird feeding and bird watching.

So, I think the problem is I got too many hobbies. I need to shut off my head and work harder on getting rich.

Or maybe I'll get into politics... ;-}

RedCherry 2005-10-18 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Bill
So, I think the problem is I got too many hobbies. I need to shut off my head and work harder on getting rich.

Or maybe I'll get into politics... ;-}

I feel for you, I got interested in comparitive mythology between Hawaiian, Native American, and Celtic religions and studied a lot on them, read a lot of books, talked to a lot of people.
I have never done much research on Egyptology though.

I like Loki because he is found in all three, the only one I know that is and is a trickster in all three, which I found facinating.

We are into birdfeeding, we have several flocks that come by every day to our feeder, and I love the hummingbirds that drink out of one of my plants. ;)

In the past was into building model rockets and flying them, chemistry (had my own lab, that was fun) roller skating, free-diving and laying net and hunting fish (hard to do now in the desert). That is just off the top of my head. I'm miss ADD and happiest when doing several things at once, lol.

RedCherry 2005-10-18 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by emmanuelle
Coat them both in tuna oil and lock them in the bathroom together. They'll be best friends in an hour

LMAO! Now there is an idea.

RedCherry 2005-10-18 06:26 PM

Right now the two have a cessasion of hiss / checking each other out, and are sleeping on their own couches, lol



Kassidy 2005-10-18 06:34 PM

That is a gorgeous kitty! I really wish I could have a cat but my boys are both allergic.

I had a siamese cat years ago and he didn't like other cats - sometimes they need to be the only cat in the home. Mine definitely had 'only child' syndrome.

RedCherry 2005-10-18 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Kassidy
That is a gorgeous kitty! I really wish I could have a cat but my boys are both allergic.

I had a siamese cat years ago and he didn't like other cats - sometimes they need to be the only cat in the home. Mine definitely had 'only child' syndrome.

That is so sad to have those allergies, I went to school with a girl and invited her over to study with me, not knowing she was allergic, and watch her go through hell, I felt horrible. :(

I think they are going to be ok, I've seen on the yahoo cat groups 2 weeks to adapt, they are already not fighting and both are making tentitive tries at playing.

sue-fl 2005-10-18 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by RedCherry
Thanks Sue. This is why I think she is pure, take a look at 2nd pic down. I read all the traits of pure, and she has them nailed cold.

Very cool RedCherry she sure does look just like that picture! Seems like a lot of people are allergic to cats here! I'm not but my daughter is so cats are out for me also. Your other cat is beautiful also!! I'm a dog fan here never really had a thing for cats. I always thought they are cute and all, but yours are just down right cool looking! Enjoy them!

RedCherry 2005-10-19 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by sue-fl
I'm a dog fan here never really had a thing for cats. I always thought they are cute and all, but yours are just down right cool looking! Enjoy them!

MadHatter was a dog guy too....until we got Loki. He is so dog-like in that he will play fetch, we walk him on a leash, will drag his toys over when he wants to play...that he won him over.

I've liked both, although I like cats more because if we need to go into town or go on an overnight trip, I can leave them alone and they can take care of themselves. Always amazed the house is in one peice when I get home though, lol.

Thanks for the compliments on them. :)

amber438 2005-10-19 08:00 AM

What a beautiful cat!!
Hope they chill soon and get to be friends

RedCherry 2005-10-19 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by amber438
What a beautiful cat!!
Hope they chill soon and get to be friends

This morning, I saw them get close enough to nose touch without hissing. 2 hours later, Loki couldn't stand it and started batting at her to try and get her to play and negotiations broke down into hissing and yelling.

They are learning that if they stay 2' away form each other, neither will hiss, it is very funny, they were both sitting on the floor, staring at each other last night. You could almost see the line they had drawn between them.

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