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graphicsbytia 2004-03-26 12:33 PM

what's your best newbie tip?
I thought it would be cool to get some, "if I could tell you only one thing that would help you it would be this" tips from the more seasoned webmasters

Here's mine..

If I could tell you only one thing that would help you it would be this: Don't tie yourself down to one thing, there are all kinds of opportunities in the adult business, be open to them when they present themselves, look for these opportunities in other people, two or more heads are always better than one. I've partnered up with people in my business, and it was the best thing I ever did ;)

dionysos 2004-03-26 12:47 PM

Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - .................................(And get paid hosting) :)

Surfn 2004-03-26 01:19 PM

This is all part of one tip: Listen (posts to boards), read/research then do. |shake|

There is no short cut for the long term.

Greenguy 2004-03-26 02:37 PM

Learn to be patient or learn to flip burgers :D

tofu 2004-03-26 02:57 PM

If one armed midgets is what gets your blood pumping, promote one armed midgets. If you like Fat girls, promote fat girls. You are more likely to sell what you are truly into as opposed to something that you have no interest in.


Kath 2004-03-26 03:27 PM

Great advice posted so far...

Mine would just be the old adage... "If at first you don't succeed... try, try again!"

Too many webmasters try one thing and then just quit - sometimes you just don't know what your niche in the industry will be. I advised this one newbie a few years ago to just start building sites in every niche - something to cover all bases, you know... and he found out about 1/2 way through that he converted tranny sites better than anything else. It was something he had no personal interest in - but he just had a knack for it! In fact - his personal fetish was ethnic girls, mainly Latinas - but he couldn't sell a Latina site to save his life. lol

What's your thing? You might be good at running a link list - but bad at making TGP galleries... you'll never know until you try!


KristianF 2004-03-26 04:04 PM

Don't go into this seeking money, fame, etc.

When I started toying around maybe 3 years ago, I thought a tgp would make me rich, lol. Not that it can't, but hey I used to work in a factory, lol. I really think its all in the motivation to suceed, trial and error until you find something thats works.

DangerDave 2004-03-26 04:11 PM

Listen to people who know

not people who think they know


With anyone that ever "quotes" how much money they make, divide it by 10 and it will be close to the truth...


KristianF 2004-03-26 04:15 PM


Originally posted by DangerDave
Listen to people who know

not people who think they know


With anyone that ever "quotes" how much money they make, divide it by 10 and it will be close to the truth...


Lol, that is the most TRUE thing I have ever heard. If somone is making a crazy amount of money they dont tell anybody, lol.

JustAnotherDude 2004-03-26 04:42 PM

It's a lot more work than you think it will be, but (and this may just be a personal thing), I get a "thrill of the hunt" from figuring out what's going to get 'em to click and sign up.

Special bonus advice: Don't go it alone. The foolish man learns by his mistakes. The wise man learns from other people's mistakes.

graphicsbytia 2004-03-26 07:46 PM


Originally posted by DangerDave
Listen to people who know

not people who think they know


With anyone that ever "quotes" how much money they make, divide it by 10 and it will be close to the truth...


Good one DD and it bears repeating

Syke 2004-03-27 05:52 AM

Try not to burn yourself out. If it begins to feel like you're banging your head against a wall and getting nowhere, take a break, step back and look at things from another perspective, don't be afraid to ask for others opinions. enjoy your work.

teamperfecto 2004-03-27 07:43 AM

My one tip for newbies?

"Never Give Up"

Nickname 2004-03-28 06:33 PM

network with people and get partner accounts.......|afro|

kamilla 2004-03-28 07:38 PM

My newbie tip would be Link trading. Set up your site so those that don't signup will atleast click on a traffic partner link and keep your traffic flowing. I see too many newbie sites where they hide all their link trades on a links page (and yes, I did the same misstake as a newbie lol). If you prefer adding all your link trades on a links page and not in your tour, then use your links page as an exit console.


security_man 2004-03-28 11:21 PM

i would say mine would be to pick a sponsor and stick with it till you get checks on a regular basis with them... far too often i see folks get antsy and they drop a sponsor after only a couple of sties built cuz they thought it would be easy money, the move through a couple of sponsors cuz it couldnt be them that was the reason they werent selling anything. and by the time they figure it out they have two or three hundred dollars sitting out there that they cant get cuz its spread out and not meeting any minimums.

at least thats the one thing i know i would do differently LOL

soggy 2004-03-28 11:31 PM


Originally posted by dionysos
Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - Build Submit Learn - .................................(And get paid hosting) :)

spazlabz 2004-03-29 07:57 AM

understand that what you expect, and what is reality, are probably wildly different.


I had to delete about 4 paragraphs to stick with the 'one thing' feel of this thread. heh heh

Linkster 2004-03-29 09:09 AM

Understand from the very start that there is NO -

"easy,free,guaranteed,no-work,make-money-overnight,succeed-without-trying,foolproof,can't-miss" method in this (or any) biz.

Anyone CAN succeed - just be willing to listen, and if you don't understand what that person is saying - ask again and again until you do understand :) some of us are still asking and listening each and every day - and I believe that those that do are the most successful over the years.

dionysos 2004-03-29 11:38 AM


Originally posted by Linkster
Understand from the very start that there is NO -

"easy,free,guaranteed,no-work,make-money-overnight,succeed-without-trying,foolproof,can't-miss" method in this (or any) biz.

Anyone CAN succeed - just be willing to listen, and if you don't understand what that person is saying - ask again and again until you do understand :) some of us are still asking and listening each and every day - and I believe that those that do are the most successful over the years.

WELL SAID................But what excatly do you mean?? :) |bananna|

graphicsbytia 2004-03-29 12:12 PM


Originally posted by Linkster
Understand from the very start that there is NO -

"easy,free,guaranteed,no-work,make-money-overnight,succeed-without-trying,foolproof,can't-miss" method in this (or any) biz.

Anyone CAN succeed - just be willing to listen, and if you don't understand what that person is saying - ask again and again until you do understand :) some of us are still asking and listening each and every day - and I believe that those that do are the most successful over the years.

That is an awesome tip Linkster.. I tell my kids that all the time! I have twin boys that are slightly learning disabled, and they've told me a few times that they didn't understand something in school. I told them to raise their hand and tell the teacher they didn't understand, and if they still didn't understand to ask the teacher to explain it to the after school. I told them not to be afraid to do this because the teacher is a tool that I pay for that, and they need to use them to learn what they want to know.

If it takes you asking something 10 times to understand it .. then do that, and don't let anyone stop you from learning what you want to know

and btw.. I know this works because my boys get A's and B's in school, they aren't afraid to go to great lengths to find out what they want to know.. poor teachers.. lol

Linkster 2004-03-29 01:19 PM


Originally posted by dionysos
WELL SAID................But what excatly do you mean?? :)
Good question LOL - I guess the best answer I can give is that although a person "new to this biz" or even those that have been around for ages can learn something new every day - and it doesn't cost a thing but your ears and eyes for reading and listening in these forums and a little time :)
An example I like to give when people ask me questions about this approach - there is a fine young lady in your backyard of Scandanavia - she has spent a lot of time "jumping" on some boards in the adult world - that asked me and others loads of questions about SEs over and over until she understood them backwards and forwards (as best anyone can these days) and she is kicking some serious ass in the SEs now :) (and still asks questions every time she gets a chance)
Most importantly - there are a lot of people on this board that have some good experience and history that are all willing to give it out for free to anyone that wants to really listen - and ask nothing in return - which you won't find in most business on the web, let alone in the brick and mortar world.

dareutwo 2004-03-29 02:53 PM

All of the above are perfectly true -
I would simply add, POST on boards, network, ask questions and get your name out there.
It's actually pretty amazing how fast things get handled if people know who you are.
It's also amazing how many people are willing to help for Free, IF they know the person.
I suggest post #1 - "I'm a newbie, please critic my first free site"
and go from there.

Then once you go full time, if you make it that far. Ask yourself if this is what you really want to do everyday for the rest of your life.
That question, in my case, turned out to be NO, so I turned over the reigns to my son, who has a much better handle on the tech aspect than I ever could. (and it pays his college tuition)

So I'd say networking has been the key for me... and you all know who you are - Thanks!! :)

security_man 2004-03-29 03:04 PM


Originally posted by Linkster
Good question LOL - I guess the best answer I can give is that although a person "new to this biz" or even those that have been around for ages can learn something new every day - and it doesn't cost a thing but your ears and eyes for reading and listening in these forums and a little time :)
An example I like to give when people ask me questions about this approach - there is a fine young lady in your backyard of Scandanavia - she has spent a lot of time "jumping" on some boards in the adult world - that asked me and others loads of questions about SEs over and over until she understood them backwards and forwards (as best anyone can these days) and she is kicking some serious ass in the SEs now :) (and still asks questions every time she gets a chance)
Most importantly - there are a lot of people on this board that have some good experience and history that are all willing to give it out for free to anyone that wants to really listen - and ask nothing in return - which you won't find in most business on the web, let alone in the brick and mortar world.

its always good when folks know what they dont know. so many times people are afraid to ask questions for fear of looking stupid never realising that the only stupid question is the one that isnt asked

sage advice as always linkster :)

th3g4me 2004-03-30 01:49 AM

I am a newbie also, but my tip to other newbies would be go to the IRC Chat and ask every one lots of questions :P

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