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Greenguy 2008-08-19 05:40 AM

Hello Tropical Storm Fay Tuesday!
Good Morning Florida |hurricane
I just realized that I'm leaving for Orlando on Friday for a vacation - Fay better not ruin my good time |angry|

The Bitch & I were still exhausted yesterday after everyone FINALLY left, so we slacked off & did very little. I ended up going to bed at 9:30 & found myself wide awake at 3 AM. So now I find myself a good 2 hours into my day before O & A are even on the air |huh

I'll be spending most of today going over some Fantasy Football stuff as one of the reasons I'm going down to visit Micky & Minnie is for a draft.

JackDaniel's 2008-08-19 05:54 AM

Good Morning Everyone |waves|

Toby 2008-08-19 06:44 AM

Mornin' y'all,

|coffee is on, extra strong, help yourself...

Mr. Blue 2008-08-19 06:52 AM

Morning? Hmm, having trouble sleeping so...I don't think this counts as morning for me.

Edit: Good morning though *grumbles and goes back to work*

FanTC 2008-08-19 07:02 AM

Good Morning

French Market Dark Roast in my cup and yellow haired mexican in my paper. It's a good day.

Off to the beach shortly to feed the squawking masses then back to feed the grumbling pothead. After my belly is full, it's time for a tutor session followed by real work and more marijuana.

Have a smoke filled day!

T Pat 2008-08-19 07:34 AM

Mornin All
I'm supposed to go get blood work done this morning, which reminded me that I forgot to take my pills again yesterday, so I'll be blowing off the appointment rather than going in with my blood levels off.
I'm mad at Netflix season two of Dexter comes out today, their shipping melt down last week screwed up my timing.
Coffee's On

annie_cash 2008-08-19 07:36 AM

Good morning,
I'm already up and I have to be in my doctor office in less than 30 minutes,
Have a nice healthy day everyone.

Cleo 2008-08-19 07:38 AM

Windy and rainy still. Went on generator power last night but our power is back on this morning.

Just another day of work and errands planned.

Simon 2008-08-19 07:53 AM

Good morning world |waves|

Still windy and we'll probably have rain all day today, but TS Fay is mostly gone now from down here. Wind tore off a little roofing from some houses nearby and lots of signs down and debris in the streets. Aside from that we're all fine down here as far as I've heard on our 'coconut telegraph' so far.

GG, you should be okay by Friday in Orlando. Looks like Fay will cross over there a day or two before and may have gotten to Georgia by then. Probably won't be so strong being over land, unless it turns out into the Atlantic and comes back ashore.

Pat, yeah it's funny how you come to depend on the excellent turnaround time Netflix gets you used to enjoying, and when their system burps it's like civilization is falling apart around you.

Wishing everyone in the path of Fay as easy a time as we had, and a good day to all who don't have any big storms headed your way too.


bluemoney 2008-08-19 08:11 AM

Good morning all!

ArtWilliams 2008-08-19 08:26 AM

Good morning!

terry 2008-08-19 08:34 AM

Good Morning Everyone!

A little chilly here this morning but at least its not raining.

Have a good one!

Neon Daniel 2008-08-19 08:40 AM

I just finished lunch... but I need a coffee too. Hi everyone!

bDok 2008-08-19 08:42 AM

Morning. I'm up early for some lame ass reason. This zombie state will probably allow me to get some really horrible data entry out of the way.

Glad to Simon that the storm blew through without that much damage.

Have a good one people.


JustRobert 2008-08-19 08:43 AM

Good Morning :)
Still feeling the effects of the weekend but after a decent nights sleep with no camping, I feel like I am finally getting adjusted to east coast time :D

Tekster 2008-08-19 09:22 AM

Good Morning.

Mike-mijen 2008-08-19 09:41 AM

I am Back to work. Did anyone miss me? yeah right. LOL well Fay will be on top of me soon .
Peace Mike

Cleo 2008-08-19 10:02 AM

Power is back out, running our generator again. I can see one leg of the transformer burnt off and dangling in the air. We have kept all of our trees trimmed but our neighbors have not and their palm hit the power line.

Vacationing in Orlando in the August heat and humidity... if you are looking for some masochism activities you would probably have more fun in Simon's dungeon. :D

Useless 2008-08-19 10:30 AM

Morning, yo.

My back is still killing me, mostly when I extend my 'mouse arm' forward. I'm beginning to think the 11 hours of driving a compact car is not at fault, as I had initially surmised. If I discover that this whole webmastery gimmick is the culprit, I'll kill my sites and drop you all as if I never heard of you. MY BACK HURTS!

Other than that, I have coffee in front of me and another wet day out my window. Damn, I love living in Seattle.

MrMaryLou 2008-08-19 10:31 AM

Good Morning well after a marathon of removing a nasty virus yesterday my pc seems to be back to normal other than some strange google search hijack from the ie tool bar :(
So its back to work :)

Twiceshy 2008-08-19 10:45 AM

Good Morning , Nothing new here same shit different day . Coffee is on :)

cd34 2008-08-19 10:55 AM

FPL has actually kept our power on. I opted not to put the hurricane shutters up, and, Fay's eye is amazingly about 60 miles away. Early predictions put it at 120 miles at its closest. As a result, we're getting about constant 60mph winds and the attic fan vent has been pounding for hours. I'd say we received about 14" of rain last night and we had a possible tornado about 2 miles from here last night that destroyed a horse barn that made the front page of our local paper.

Simon, when I was looking at the tide tables, it appears that Fay crossed right over you pretty close to high tide. Though, it doesn't look like Fay had enough strength to cause much of a storm surge.

Cleo, did you use FPL's web application to report the power outage? They spent hundreds of thousands putting that together before someone said - hey, if they don't have power, do we expect them to be able to access the web? Now with cell phones able to surf the web and all, they could pawn it off as good planning.

In looking at Fay's track, this weekend in Orlando should be ok. Based on their forecast, it seems that it will be hovering over Jacksonville while you're here, and the storm doesn't appear to be large enough to keep affecting Orlando as its backside seems clear. But, FanTC, their revised track has it headed your way.

Sue, it seems your weatherman was right. :)

Hopefully everyone will have a good Tuesday.

RedCherry 2008-08-19 11:08 AM

Morning All! Still waking up. Glad to hear so far all of you in FL are doing ok so far. I can't imagine 14" of rain cd34, glad you didn't have major flooding.

Got the rest of MadHatter's new sound equipment yesterday, so we can now film his reviews with an external boom mike and have sound that you can actually hear him with. But, since we plan on leaving and going into to town for an overnight for my birthday, he doesn't get to play with his new toys until Thursday, lol. The torture. He's got 10 sites he is going to review, and some funny stuff, so next week his site will have more stuff on it.

Other than that, just a day of celebrating my birth with movies and bingo. Have a good one all. |waves|

Cleo 2008-08-19 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by cd34 (Post 415725)
Cleo, did you use FPL's web application to report the power outage? They spent hundreds of thousands putting that together before someone said - hey, if they don't have power, do we expect them to be able to access the web? Now with cell phones able to surf the web and all, they could pawn it off as good planning.

Yes I did for the second time in 24 hours and to their credit they seem to be responding quickly. They have already been out here to replace the wire on the transformer but I'm still in a brownout so back on the generator.

sue-fl 2008-08-19 11:19 AM


Glad to see the the other FL folks are all ok |thumb

Sparky, were I live never gets anything! We stick out in the Gulf like a sitting duck but seem to stay in the clear..|huh

Have a nice day all |thumb

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