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keke 2005-01-31 06:11 AM

sponsorchat owes me $$$ delete my account
David aka Thebutcher, NFV deleted my account (sneak on me while he knows im sleeping at night) and make controversy to get rid of me in sponsorchat. Thought i know it will happen after i saw how he treat people on his board i still trusted him.

either him or one of his people set me up so he doesnt have to pay me. He does that before to spideriux and doing it again to me so watch out for this guy dont ever transact with him or his board.

if you need any info guys i can tell it to you. i been with the board since the beginning and he dumped me just not to pay me. i want his members to know how phony that board is and more than half of its members are thebutchers own nickname.

keke 2005-01-31 06:20 AM

Im sure here my post wont be deleted and yes i know thebutcher will be reading this as always.

When thebutcher doesnt have any members yet he make a deal with me to refer for $1.00 each then he changed his mind and said 50 cents each and $200 a month for moderating. This was the start of november. Sends me 2 paypal $20 and $30 with bounced. He then told me he'll send a check, never came. Ok the next month December, paypal me $295.15 cleared at first then he reversed it (together with other accounts like Camouflaged and Teedy) He settled Teedy but not Camouflaged who is still waiting to be paid up to now and a lot of members there are still waiting since november to get paid. So the 295.15 is gone, he blames it on paypal while paypal said that he reversed the payment. Well January came and so im getting pissed & on the back of my back im not trusting him especially with the $1000 red cross check that i won and he didnt send. I promised to send it western union then WU doesnt accept company check, thats his excuse. He then promise to send another check.........its been 3 weeks when he said he sent it. Its obvious now that he didnt, isnt it? Yesterday he said he'll take care of it. Wow, this is how he takes care of it. Delete my account.

Thanks thebutcher and hope you rot in hell for screwing me and the others and the others to come.

Im now happy with the boards that iam a member and dont need your money. Eat it and buy your kids some things from aunt angel, ok?

urb 2005-01-31 06:32 AM

Welcome to Greenguy and Jim keke. :)

kristian 2005-01-31 07:46 AM

If once you start down the dark path, forever it will dominate your destiny.

Welcome aboard |thumb

Jim 2005-01-31 07:49 AM

Welcome keke :)
I don't think it would be a surprise that some of us watched that thread unfold.

Taass 2005-01-31 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by keke

Damn that's just too much.. Can't believe you even bothered explaining to that guy.. Should have told him to go stuff it.
Looks like it's some really fucked up kid that thinks he's the center of the world becaurse he has his own webmaster board*lol*

Welcome to a real webmaster board. I'm sure you'll find your time spent here much more usefull :)

keke 2005-01-31 08:50 AM

I should have listen to greenguy and jim when they posted there that this guy is a scam but i learn my lesson from this experience.

The thread might be deleted soon but i have it saved. I have all our conversation saved and even his PM's to me. So if he ever lies i have the proof i can slam on his face.

And yes all the rumors going around that this thebutcher has lots of fake nicks on his board is true and that his contests are fake too. I won a few contests and he didnt pay me.

By the way, im angelmaries there and "scissorhand" who post the other day is my husband. Didnt know he'll exposed him but now im glad he did.

Greenguy 2005-01-31 09:13 AM

Holy Shit! Now I know why so many people like this board compared to others. The sig files are fucking annoying as all hell over there. The one guy has 2 468x60 banners & 6 lines of text in his sig!

If it was a table, it'd be 840x288 - Nice way to annoy your members, Douche Bag! :D

Useless 2005-01-31 09:25 AM

That board is such a lump of shit and that child/owner is an obvious winner of the imbecile award. I really can't understand why anyone would waste their time over there. The guy has an admitted newbie as a moderator for christ's sake.

keke 2005-01-31 10:17 AM

well i dont know the others but i know a few newb moderator there, was one.

and i remember a few incident that he PM'ed me about what we are discussing about using another username, when asked he said he told that member to PM me, what was that he forgot that he wasnt logged in as thebutcher and PM me from his other fake nick.

I was reading netpond and theres a post there about this guy having a board before and didnt pay him members too. If its true, then history just repeat itself.

neticule 2005-01-31 01:04 PM

yeah i wouldnt count on getting a penny from the butcher, that message board is a scamming piece of shite.

Like others said, welcome to a REAL webmaster message board! Hope you stay around! |waves|

keke 2005-01-31 02:23 PM

some members actually believed what he is saying and even posting against me on justblowme.

I would like to add that im not alone on thinking that thebutcher, NFV, David, Dave is lying about the activities in his board. I know he is reading this so i want you to know that we (your 2 other mods) Jag and Camouflaged 123 discuss the board constantly and noticed all the peculiar activities there, fake contests winners (who's creep will use a charitable institution for a contest and not giving them the money), you post with different nicknames, fake stats and guess what i have the copy of our icq conversation that even includes they are ready to ruin your board if you dont pay them. Now what? you get rid of what you owe me but you have to pay them or they'll be the next one to post on all boards how you "SCAM" them. Yeah, Jag predicted that Monica Lewinsky is not real and just one of your illusions haha and we also know that you will delete the payment thread we started on mod folder coz you dont want Shannon of RealBigCash & Perfecto to see that you dont pay your members. And we also predicted that you are going to get a mod from the adult industry then dumped your newbie mods.

Its just funny coz you cant ban or delete my post here so i can tell all the truth about you.

yeah that keke thread you forgot to provide the members the link of the thread here that "scissorhand" posted so they can read and see for themselves why you are so pissed at keke. well i guess it doesnt matter since out of your 7000+ members only 50 are legit.

Otto 2005-01-31 02:30 PM

Something I don't get keke. Greenguy and Jim posted all of this on both sponsorchat and this board. Why is it that nobody listened?

I am not really new here. I used to post all the time before the board crashed last year. ;)

keke 2005-01-31 02:41 PM

When Greeny and Jim posted there he Pm'ed me and asked if i believe them. I do, all they said were true and theres proof to it. But i didnt say that to him, dont want to pissed him off and ban me. He owes me money and i was really hoping that if i waited long enough than 3 months i will get paid. Too late now im banned.

Im glad he wont ban me here and delete my posts :)

swedguy 2005-01-31 02:44 PM

That guy got major issues. What's up with editing Urb's post where he asked why he doesn't pay people?

Sorry to hear about your bad experience with the douche bag keke :(

keke 2005-01-31 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by swedguy
That guy got major issues. What's up with editing Urb's post where he asked why he doesn't pay people?

Sorry to hear about your bad experience with the douche bag keke :(

Im ok now. He is really sneaky you know. I told him yesterday im going out then he started talking about me in his board when he knows i cant reply right away. Then last night we were talking, posting and talking about it then he said he'll making it private but need to fix the permission so i said im going to bed and we will talk about it in the morning. But guess what he deleted my account so i cant access the board and reply to his accusation.

Dont have any intention of going there to read his lies and he prolly deleted my reply and only show his |devil|

Yeah, nobody cant mention about payment or something that he will look bad to other members. He has to delete and ban that members.

He banned AdultSiteTraffic for mentioning about why there is a need for reputation and about the site cookies/stats.

Greenguy 2005-01-31 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by keke
some members actually believed what he is saying and even posting against me on justblowme.

You sure it wasn't him over & over & over again with different usernames? |couch|

keke 2005-01-31 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy
You sure it wasn't him over & over & over again with different usernames? |couch|

You are right it might be him |dizzy|

I remember theres this member L and B always seems to be fighting there. L won the most popular contest but didnt even post that she's excited about winning $1000 and B only comes out when depending thebutcher. The first one is when thebutcher said he is helping a fellow member of one board bcoz her husband died and asking the members of sponsorchat to donate. Suspicions arise when the paypal account is a new biz account with a fake website there that sounded like his other fake site northfieldventure. This B guy depended him then didnt hear from him for a long time until somebody apparently hacked (i think its you greeny) his board and lost thousands of post.

Now if im correct this 2 is only a part of thebutcher's multiple personality.

Read the rest of the thread here
And here

Greenguy 2005-01-31 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by keke
...This B guy depended him then didnt hear from him for a long time until somebody apparently hacked (i think its you greeny) his board and lost thousands of post. ....


Did you just accuse me of hacking their board?

Jim 2005-01-31 05:06 PM

Greenie is lucky to be able to turn on his pc much less hack into anything :)

swedguy 2005-01-31 05:16 PM

I didn't know you were a hacker Greeny ;)

keke 2005-01-31 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy

Did you just accuse me of hacking their board?

well he blames everything to others, that was the time after you tried to get a piece of his little head....but then he admitted to the mod forum i think that he was doing some updating of some sort and then slowly all the forums were gone. After that he blames other board owner of trying to hacked his board. What a retard!

Jim 2005-01-31 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by keke
well he blames everything to others, that was the time after you tried to get a piece of his little head....but then he admitted to the mod forum i think that he was doing some updating of some sort and then slowly all the forums were gone. After that he blames other board owner of trying to hacked his board. What a retard!

So then why did you just say you thought it was Greenie?

Boogie 2005-01-31 06:12 PM

worst thing greenguy's ever hacked into was a leg of lamb i think. |headbang|

keke 2005-01-31 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jim
So then why did you just say you thought it was Greenie?

im not sure if it was greenie or whoever access his boards stats before (whichever was it thebutcher was exchanging post before on his board) that thebutcher thinks trying to hacked his board. he blames the lost of post to those who hacked his board.

im not the one who thinks of greenie as the hacker though he outsmart thecreep on that thread that thebutcher deletes right away.

i know he will be reading this board and tries to explain his side over there.

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