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Greenguy 2009-05-17 07:05 AM

Good "What Time Is It?" Sunday!
Morning |waves|

The Bitch's alarm went off. I looked at the clock on the TV & thought it said 8:00, so I got up. Problem is that it really said 6:00 |banghead|

Gonna work a bit & then probably fuck off for the rest of the day - hockey's back at 3:00 |thumb

bluebrit 2009-05-17 07:51 AM

Morning Greenie |waves| and everyone else.

I went to bed late but because of a lousy eye infection that's irritating the hell out of me, I have not been able to sleep. If any of you have ever had red eye, it's something similar to that but my eye is almost completely swollen shut. I have tried eye drops from the pharmacy, which did nothing, so now I am looking for something stronger that will hopefully do the job.

If Emmy wakes up while I'm still awake I'll pass her a hard hat and tell her to keep out of my way for a while because I'm at the shitty irritated stage just now and I'm liable to bite her head off for saying good morning to me, which is not nice but it's true.

I could go on muttering but I won't. I'll just say good morning to all and I hope you have a better day than mine is starting out to be :)

T Pat 2009-05-17 07:55 AM

Think my day will be better than bluebrit's but not as good as Greenies |waves|

Ramster 2009-05-17 08:09 AM

Good Morning.

House full of kids coming today for daughter's birthday party. Other than that work I guess and hockey.

Mateusz 2009-05-17 08:24 AM

Good morning.. ehh.. afternoon (its 2pm here) everyone |waves|
Due to various reasons I had no time to sell porn for more than 2 months
All I managed to do: 4 free sites and some reviews |snail

Finally, it seems I will have time to catch up will all my projects, though to-do list is so fucking huge I don't know what to start with..

Also, I received my |buddy| long time ago but I still didn't thank for it!

Thanks a lot |greenguy| & |Jim

I will shot and post some pics anytime soon |thumb

I'm off to read some older threads to check what I missed

Tekster 2009-05-17 08:26 AM

Good Morning Everyone,

Some work in the AM and then "GO RED WINGS!!!"

JackDaniel's 2009-05-17 08:28 AM

Good Morning Everyone |waves|

digifan 2009-05-17 09:09 AM

Good morning back at ya, peoples.

Bluebrit, you should try a little ice on that eye, who knows it may help a little with the swollen part. Go see a dr. asap.

Cleo 2009-05-17 09:24 AM

We went out last night with a couple that we fixed up six months ago to celebrate their six month anniversary and played two games of pool that lasted over two hours. Did I mention that we all really suck at playing pool?

We might head out to the Sawgrass mall this afternoon to look at snorkel gear incase we actually make it to the Keys next month but since we both hate driving in the rain I may also spend the day with my ass planted in front of the computer working all day.

stuveltje 2009-05-17 10:14 AM

Good afternoon all:) its 4:10 here! Not warm but still nice weather.

I slept in till 11:30 this morning and i felt great when i woke up, since the 2 weeks holiday of my kids i felt like a wreck , i didnt slept enough that time, i only had the chanse to slept in till late, one time in 14 days and i realy need my sleep, i cant take naps, i wish i could!
So since i got up this morning i am going like a tornado thru the house cleaning it |bananna| and i still feel great, hubby and the kids are hhiding upstairs so i can do my thing. Now i have a break so doing the reviews (even weekends is no working bosses days for me) and then i will do some poker online at gamesville and then back to cleaning again.
The only thing what is haunting in my mind now is, how will i spent my days next week!
I wish you all a great day and eve|boobies|

MrMaryLou 2009-05-17 10:39 AM

Good Morning All :)

Preacher 2009-05-17 10:45 AM

Up early today to send my kids down to their aunts for the day, woohoo! And how do we get to spend my day sans kids? The wife is studying for a final and I get to crawl under some dirty desks to set-up computers for a client. :(

Oh, I also watched Hamlet 2 last night and it wasn't nearly as heretical as I had hoped. That's 2 Netflix movies in a row that I didn''t enjoy.

saucygirl 2009-05-17 11:10 AM

Good Sunday!...I sure wish I could make it be 8:00 AM...I'd be so productive if I could.

JustRobert 2009-05-17 12:12 PM

Good Morning :)
gonna do some work for a good portion of the day and thats about it.

Hope your eye starts feeling better real soon Bluebrit

RedCherry 2009-05-17 12:17 PM

Morning all. Feel 1,000 times better than yesterday, amazing what a good nights sleep does. Plan on submitting, working on a project for a client, and cleaning house today. My exciting life, lol. Already almost 90 out and just a little after 9am, so I think summer has arrived in the desert.

Have a good one all. |thumb

BlueBrit, good luck on the eye. I've had mine swell shut from mango allergies (was peeling mangos, wearing gloves, but wiped my eyes) you really should go to the don't want it getting infected. I hope you get better soon. The dr. also has numbing drops that really help.

bluemoney 2009-05-17 12:18 PM

Hidie Ho Neighbors!

Torn Rose 2009-05-17 12:54 PM

Still laying in bed, just chilling out listening to the cats play and fight over the sun beams. Not much planned for the day other than a Starbucks run and watching two game 7's in the NBA playoffs. BEAT LA!!! (still not sure who I want to win in the Boston/Magic seires

Weather is perfect this weekend, so we are just having a chillout all weekend...

ArtWilliams 2009-05-17 01:05 PM

Good afternoon. It's a lazy Sunday here where I am. Have a great day!

John-ACWM 2009-05-17 01:33 PM

Today was the hottest day of the year.Washed my car...

LeRoy 2009-05-17 02:16 PM

Hey Hey. Some blogs to get going and a freesite too. I guess I worked this weekend. Didnt feel like it though.

Go Lakers

bDok 2009-05-17 06:38 PM

Afternoon. Got up this morning feeling 100% shitty after partying all day and night at some friends birthday party. It was an awesome time. Always nice to get together with a lot of people you like that you haven't seen in awhile. My lady made me an awesome breakfast sandwich that righted me and then was off to see Angels and Demons. It was pretty decent. I wasn't expecting much so it delivered in the range I thought it would.

Was glad to see the Lakers got it done. Now it's time to relax some more before a bunch of projects start tomorrow.


pc 2009-05-17 07:08 PM

Good evening everyone. Just woke up from an afternoon nap.
Nothing was planned for today and nothing achieved too.
Yesterday my girlfriend bought me iTouch 16G cause my previous mp3 player stopped working. Bow to Cleo |waves|
Damn I like this toy.
bluebrit , hope you feel better tomorrow.|thumb
and have a good evening everybody.

terry 2009-05-18 07:55 AM

Where did Sunday go????

Hope everyone had a good one.

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