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papagmp 2009-01-19 07:00 AM

It's Monday Morning - Yipee
Morning all - fighting a cold that I caught from Violet - maybe I'll kick her out of my bed and try to get some work done today.

Simon 2009-01-19 07:21 AM

Good morning small world |waves|

Well, small 'cause I just said hello to Papa in the GG&J chatroom.

I'm trying to get some work done but I keep finding myself checking the news to watch some of the preparations for tomorrow's inauguration. I know it's just my perspective on the ways of the world, but for me tomorrow will offer the kind of target-rich environment that's so appealing to so many terror and hate groups, before even considering all of the 'loner' possibilities.

Of course I'm hoping that nothing bad happens tomorrow (or at least nothing that we get to see on tv), and in part I know I'm watching because this is an historic event on many levels. I don't remember ever seeing the people of this country so interested and excited by the change from one democratically-elected president to another. The idea that there could be in neighborhood of two million people there in DC for the ceremony is both very scary and a bit awe-inspiring.

Well, I only meant to say 'good morning' but I guess something inspired me. And inspiration is something we can all, always, use more of in our lives.

Wishing everyone an inspiring day, whatever it may be that inspires you.


ladydesigner 2009-01-19 07:24 AM

Morning everyone. Not much going on here today. Taking sick kids to the doctor then back to work for me. Hope everyone has a great day. :)

MrMaryLou 2009-01-19 07:59 AM

Good Morning All :)

LD 2009-01-19 08:06 AM

Good morning, all.

Ramster 2009-01-19 08:11 AM

Good Morning.

Home from Vegas and getting back to a normal day of work. My Mother is leaving today after watching my daughter while wife and I were in Vegas. Coffee is on.

Toby 2009-01-19 08:31 AM

Mornin' y'all,

Didn't accomplish diddly over the weekend, so it's back to the grind stone for me today.

|coffee is on, help yourself...

Fonz 2009-01-19 08:35 AM

Good morning folks,

No offline work today. But I recorded a bunch of CSI, Las Vegas and The Shield episodes so that's what I'll be watching today.

And did I mention the crime rate in Fonztown is way up? I don't think I did huh? :)

Have a good one all!

Cleo 2009-01-19 08:37 AM

Just as I finally feeling better I get to start a round of nauseating antibiotics for the surgery I'm having tomorrow, oh joy.

Am I the only one that thinks spending a record amount of money on an inauguration ceremony during one of the worst recessions that we have ever had sends the wrong message?

Watched Mulholland Drive last night. It was a very interesting movie until near the end where it just stops making any sense at all.

Useless 2009-01-19 08:45 AM

Every time I've looked out the window for the last 24 hours, it's been snowing. Yet somehow, there's only a couple of inches out there.

Wifey is working from home, so maybe I'll convince her to take me out to lunch today. That will be the excitement of my day. If not, then this will be the excitement of my day.

Great post, Simon. (If they managed to keep Bush safe, there's no valid reason they can't catch the hate groups who aren't exactly known for their cunning and intelligence.)

Happy MLK Jr. day.

pc 2009-01-19 08:48 AM

Morning Everyone.|waves|

Jim 2009-01-19 08:51 AM

Good Morning
I did nothing yesterday except watch football and football hype. I have a full day of work today.

terry 2009-01-19 09:00 AM

Good Morning Everyone!

A wonderful snowy Monday here today... and I am in no mood to work.

Have a good one!

spookyx 2009-01-19 09:23 AM

its monday already?


ArtWilliams 2009-01-19 10:03 AM

TGIM! Good morning.

pornocruto 2009-01-19 10:08 AM

Good Morning to you all.

Let today be a good one, and many more to follow!

HowlingWulf 2009-01-19 10:12 AM

I'll be working hard today, and timing myself on how long it takes to do my daily tasks and see if I can hold to a future schedule.

LeRoy 2009-01-19 10:19 AM

Good MLK day everyone. I spent a bit of time with some photoshop tutorials yesterday.

Gonna submit some good looking freesites this week ;)

HowlingWulf 2009-01-19 10:20 AM

I'll take em no recip even needed from GGaJ members.

sue-fl 2009-01-19 10:50 AM


Have a busy day today because yesterday I sat on my ass all day watching football.

My dog has a really long coat and it's all coming off on my floor, what a hairy mess...|banghead|

Have a nice Monday all |thumb

RedCherry 2009-01-19 11:21 AM

Morning all. Just getting some submits done, then is out to the garage to continue to work on getting ready for our garage sale this weekend. Finally got the garage cleaned out, and tables and shelfs set up yesterday, now we just have to transfer everything in the back yard to the garage and start marking prices. Oh joy. Glad we have a few more days to get ready.

Have a good one all.

NY Jester 2009-01-19 11:24 AM

Getting a late start today, but started just the same. I just installed Dw and Ps on the laptop so I can be more efficient with my time when Im not at the desk. |banghead|

Im smack dab in the middle of a couple projects hope to be finished by the week's end.

Hope the start of the week goes well for everyone. Im looking forward to the inauguration tomorrow.

bluemoney 2009-01-19 11:36 AM

Good Morning Gang!

docholly 2009-01-19 11:55 AM

|yawn| Morning.. Happy New Year's Eve!!! (yes I do believe that the New Year starts tomorrow @ 12n EST)
it's Payroll Recovery Day for me.. Had a great Bingo Marathon with The Bitch and her (to quote RugDawg) "Hot Daughters" ...which is kinda funny since he never comments on "hot/not" ... |thumb

I'm sad now that I didn't take advantage of going to DC for this upcoming historic day tomorrow. But we'll be glued to the TV watching it. and lets hope some single nut job doesn't get through all the security.

Have a good one.. and make some money so your mailboxes will be full by this time next week.. |thumb

smutguy 2009-01-19 12:02 PM

Good morning everyone

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