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pc 2010-08-02 09:01 PM

Wet Dollars suspending accounts ?
Well at least mine. Today i just wanted to grab few banners and surprise:

Account pending activation
Please contact an affiliate manager to reactivate this account.

ICQ: 586989753

I sign-up with them some time ago, spread their links here and there and lucky me I wanted to refresh my banners and notice that. If not this I would probably send them some hits without knowing that my account is suspended.

More to come.|club|

Cleo 2010-08-02 09:24 PM

I only signed up with them around a month ago after they setup their newer program. Did you ICQ or email them yet?

pc 2010-08-02 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 487533)
I only signed up with them around a month ago after they setup their newer program. Did you ICQ or email them yet?

Yes, I did send very short and very polite message via ICQ
As soon as I get something back I update this thread.

Agent 2010-08-02 10:01 PM

I received the same message Friday night and I started changing banners out. They got back to me today. There seems to be a problem with some accounts after they made a change and they have to manually flip a few over (mine being one of them). They fixed the issue. It looks like they have to do the same to your account.

LeRoy 2010-08-03 11:37 AM

Yep something is up. I don't like where this is going :(

Useless 2010-08-03 12:11 PM

They haven't suspended my account, but they may as well since my sales seem to have dried up with them.

SheepGuy 2010-08-03 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Agent (Post 487535)
I received the same message Friday night and I started changing banners out. They got back to me today. There seems to be a problem with some accounts after they made a change and they have to manually flip a few over (mine being one of them). They fixed the issue. It looks like they have to do the same to your account.

Same thing happened here, nothing to worry about.

LeRoy 2010-08-03 01:02 PM

I'm online with Brad right now. Seems like a mistake.

Janelle 2010-08-03 01:14 PM

Hey All

This is Janelle, one of the affiliate managers at

We recently had to perform some necessary site maintenance which caused some accounts to be temporarily deactivated. Most accounts were reactivated right away, but there are a few that we had to reactivate manually. So if you are having trouble logging in, all you have to do is message me or the other affiliate manager, Brad (ICQ: 586989753, and we'll get it fixed right away.

And DON'T PANIC! Your stats and sales are still tracking! =) Let me know if you have any questions

Greenguy 2010-08-03 03:38 PM

Welcome to the board Janelle |waves| Feel free to stop by from time to time - it's always nice to have affiliate managers around here :)

Greenguy 2010-08-03 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by LeRoy (Post 487566)
Yep something is up. I don't like where this is going :(

Based on what was posted up until this post of yours, what could have possibly lead you to believe that this was anything more then a simple glitch?

Don't jump the gun & assume the worst.

LeRoy 2010-08-03 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Greenie (Post 487586)
Based on what was posted up until this post of yours, what could have possibly lead you to believe that this was anything more then a simple glitch?

Don't jump the gun & assume the worst.

A lot of programs are shutting down these days.

That's why I contacted them to find out whats the deal. I quickly posted that it was a mistake.

I even sent them the link to this thread. I've done this a couple times. One with Dee Cash Nick the other with Hustler Cash.

Dont be so quick to stick me with a pitch fork.

Greenguy 2010-08-03 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by LeRoy (Post 487591)
...Dont be so quick to stick me with a pitch fork.

You're the one that jumped the gun. Especially after Agent posted that it was a glitch on their end.

You jump the gun a lot - this is just the 1st time I pointed it out.

LeRoy 2010-08-03 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Greenie (Post 487592)
You're the one that jumped the gun. Especially after Agent posted that it was a glitch on their end.

You jump the gun a lot - this is just the 1st time I pointed it out.

Yah I do jump the gun a lot. Thanks for pointing that out Greenie

Sorry bout that.

pc 2010-08-03 07:47 PM

I just had small chat with Brad and everything seems to be working again. Like Agent and SG said, glitch in the system.

Janelle welcome on board.|waves|

terry 2010-08-03 08:22 PM

Always nice to have an aff manager come by. Welcome Janelle.

Emerald 2010-08-09 08:41 PM

Hey Janelle,

I don't normally go to the boards but this time I decided to. I have been an affiliate of for quite a long time and I don't know when wetdollars took over that program or if it was always wetdollars but I signed up at

Anyway, I notice the same problem others are having ..cannot log in blah blah blah, so i send a message to Brad via email.. he responds
"Are you a member of any other affiliate programs? If so can you tell us your usernames in them? "

that's it no other explanation - so I'm thinking he cannot find MY username in the program so I send more info for him to locate me in your database, including usernames and possible email addresses I have used in the past. Then I get another response.. still with no solution, just him wanting ME to provide HIM with usernames I have in OTHER affiliate programs and stating this is normal practice and I need them to vouch for my traffic. WTF???? I have owned and operated since 1996 and not once has a sponsor asked me to have another program vouch for my traffic. I get traffic from search engines, linktrades and bookmarks. If you dont want my traffic, close my account but pay me what you owe first and give me access to my account so i can see what ya owe me!

Not sure why I feel so insulted or if i am justified in feeling this way - this is taking too long to rectify me not being able to access MY stats in your program where you changed my password (which worked last time I visited) and now pretending its a glitch! If its a glitch why do I have to have someone vouch for my traffic?

Brad says he knows most of the guys (I am assuming he means sponsors) so you tell me what sponsors you want to vouch for me ...and i will tell you if I am an affiliate with them

and he states this is "normal practice" so did anyone else have to do this from this board? Im just curious.

SheepGuy 2010-08-09 09:47 PM

I didn't have to do anything like that, and I wouldn't do anything like that.
The day a sponsor starts asking me to send a resume so they can allow me to send them my traffic is the day I stop using that sponsor.
I understand that they don't want anyone sending spammy emails and such, but if Brad "knows the guys" he should know that you are a straight up wm and have been so since the infancy of this industry.

Janelle 2010-08-10 03:44 PM

Emerald: Kizzo just e-mailed you directly to explain the situation further. I'm also here if you need anything else. Your account has (obviously) been approved.

SheepGuy: Pls understand that everyone on this forum is on the same team as us. We take these measures to make sure the program stays strong for our legitimate affiliates. There is no ulterior motive here.

If anyone else needs anything feel free to message me. I'll be active in this thread as well =)

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