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Greenguy 2018-05-28 06:18 AM

Monday May 28th (aka Memorial Day)
Morning! |waves|

Please take a moment to remember all those who died while serving in our country's armed forces

Spent yesterday vegging out on the couch with The Bitch. We watched the new Jumanji which was decent & finished watching Elvis Presley: The Searcher which struck true to it's "focuses on Elvis Presley the musical artist" description because it really glossed over the drugs & never even mentioned Priscilla's age when they met. It was decent, but I never knew how many songs he did that were covers.

My back, hips & (new problem) knees are fucked. Chiro's on vacation for another week, so it looks like I'll limping around until next Tuesday.

2 more wake-up's til we close on the house |thumb

ArtWilliams 2018-05-28 07:29 AM

Morning. |coffee

Allergies are bad today. My hands hurt and I'm getting canker sores on my tongue. |angry|

I am giving my car to my son so I have to take it in for inspection today. I've got an afternoon meeting and then that's it for the day. I feel crappy so I plan on keeping it simple today.

Have a good one. |thumb

Ramster 2018-05-28 08:46 AM

Happy Monday :)

Worked most of the day yesterday, that's the plan today as well to work through the day and into the night. I did buy some burgers so I'll be BBQing for dinner and relaxing for a bit before likely doing a bit more work.

Off to Miami tomorrow for the XBIZ show there and a meeting |thumb

jollyhumper 2018-05-28 10:11 AM

Afternoon |waves|

I's still hot as hell here, most people complains about it.
but they complain about winter and they complain about summer (and spring and autumn are probably to wet) so..

I'm thinking, if I (for health reasons) have dreams about living in, let's say, Thailand during the winter, I would be pretty lame to complain about heat when it comes here.|lol|

Only problem is it's pretty hard to cool down this apartment, it's really hot in here. Despite fans and everything.

Been working for most of the day and I have a lot to do over the coming days.

I just discovered it has started to rain just now, for the first time in three weeks or so. I'll bet people are complaining! |huh

Have a great day!

JustRobert 2018-05-28 06:17 PM

Good Day :)

Thank you for all who served and are going to serve!

Just been watching some movies and finished a little project today that's mentioned elsewhere.

Enjoy what's left of your Monday!

Pagan 2018-05-29 02:26 AM

Yeah, warm here in Finland too. It's the warmest May in more than 30 years, and it shows no sign of letting up. No rain in sight either, which is very bad for the farmers and their newly planted crops. No way is it supposed to be this warm or dry this early in the year.

In-laws are again on their way over.. but I have work to do in my nice cool room. Let them slave away outside!!!

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