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terry 2010-10-25 08:26 AM

Wake Up Its Monday!
Good Morning and Happy Monday Everyone!

Rain rain and more rain again today, yeah!

Have a good one.

Cleo 2010-10-25 08:37 AM

It's a wet start of the day here too although it looks like it should turn into a beautiful day.

Doctor's appointment this afternoon that is actually a consultation with him so that I can make an appointment to have a stress test with him. I guess all the copays are part of the stress test.

Other than being charged to go talk to a man with initials after his name just a day of marketing erotica planned for today with a slight chance of some late afternoon yard work.

babymaker 2010-10-25 08:39 AM

Hi all, n rain here 4 once not sure why lol it always rains here now. Hard to belive its already monday time moves so fast now that i am old :D

hashbury 2010-10-25 09:12 AM

Good morning everyone.
Had a crazy weekend. My car broke on saturday morning, and I worked till 3 or so fixing it. Then we had to leave by 4 to take the kids to a halloween party at the local park. That was followed by a party for a friend that is moving today. Sunday I spent most of the day helping load shit in a uhaul (my wife signed me up for that :( ). Every muscle in my body hurts and im kinda glad to be at work lol.
Have a good day everybody.

ArtWilliams 2010-10-25 09:24 AM

Good morning.

I bought a new laptop last week [Lenovo Edge 13 (AMD model)]. As you might expect, it had Windows 7 on it. I was impressed. So much so, that I have loaded my data on to it and will give it a whirl. Perhaps I'll decided not to use Ubuntu. I can't believe I just wrote that. Anyhow, all the open source software I use is available for Windows (OpenOffice, GIMP, KompZer, Thunderbird, etc.) so there is really no adjustment needed on my part (other than to load and use a malware and virus checker).

Day 1 of Weighter Watchers on-line. I weigh 197.2 lbs (89.6 kg). I am hoping to lose 20 - 30 lbs (9 -14 kg). A couple of years ago I lost 20 lbs (9 kg) but let the stress of my difficult daughter get to me. I ate and drank it back on. With the situation in my household much better -- my daughter is no longer nasty and violent plus she's in therapy -- I think I can try this again. There is significant heart disease on my Dad's side of the family so it is important to keep my weight under control. I know from experience that the first week is always the worst in terms of hunger pains. So call me Mr. Crabby Pants for the rest of the week.

Other than that it is work interrupted by flying a friend to the airport and later picking up my daughter at school. Oh yeah, local elections here so I have to go vote.

Have a great [sales] day!

bDok 2010-10-25 09:53 AM

Good morning. Had a great little weekend. Went to an awesome charger game yesterday. Oh wait. Never mind. Oh well. I still had fun. Got piss drunk and had a bunch of good food.

Rest of the weekend was really nice too. Was able to reset up and got to feeling better.

Time to get to a full monday of work / a full week of work.

Have a good one.

Ramster 2010-10-25 10:08 AM

Good morning.

Chargers are fucked up this year. They cost me a pick in one of my suicide pools losing to Oakland couple of weeks back. Of course Oakland just put up 59 points against Denver... 59 pts WOW

JustRobert 2010-10-25 10:18 AM

Good Morning :)
Have a chiropractor and massage today. Need to work before and after, thats it.

Jim 2010-10-25 11:00 AM

Morning Guys
Yet another shitty weekend. Hoping for a good week for all of us. :)

Mike-mijen 2010-10-25 11:13 AM

Good Morning Porn World!!!~

Fonz 2010-10-25 11:15 AM

Good afternoon folks,

Another lazy monday today. Did some reviewing and submitting before noon and after my healthy pizza lunch I ordered "Iron Man 2" and watched it. The perfect movie for a lazy Monday if you ask me :)

Anyway, of fto dinner at the inlaw's now.

Have a good one!

RedCherry 2010-10-25 11:53 AM

Morning all. Just getting my first free site ready to submit, and petting my cat Oreo. We are both getting used to living together in my office. :) She has learned if she gets in my lap, and lays down, I pet her a lot during submissions, and if she sits on the desk in front of my monitors, its on the floor for you. Bad Kitty.

I'm a pornographer, and the cat woman of Pahrump. |cat

Art, good luck on the diet. I know how hard it is, as I can't stick with mine very well. I need to lose about 30 lbs, and it is hard as hell. Hope you are much more successful then I am right now. I'm doing pretty good at the exercise part, and I can feel my muscles getting stronger and more toned, but the diet part, not so good.

Cleo, good luck at the Dr.

Have a good one all! |waves|

Cleo 2010-10-25 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by RedCherry (Post 492835)
Cleo, good luck at the Dr.

Doctor took another EKG (third one in less than a month), blood pressure and listened to just about every part of my body and said that I seem very healthy. Plus there is no heart disease in my family but still, dispute not having any symptoms what so ever, I still need to come back next week for a stress test.

No wonder medical insurance is so fucking expensive.

Greenguy 2010-10-25 03:22 PM

Good Monday Peoples |waves|

I've had a horrible stomach ache for the last 2 days, so most of my time has been on the couch & the toilet :D

bDok 2010-10-25 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Ramster (Post 492825)
Good morning.

Chargers are fucked up this year. They cost me a pick in one of my suicide pools losing to Oakland couple of weeks back. Of course Oakland just put up 59 points against Denver... 59 pts WOW

Yea. fucked is the right word. I feel like chargers have a v8 motor yet are going in reverse. |banghead| Sports radio this monday has just been a AJ smith hate fiesta. That and the normal calling for norv's head.

Couple more weeks of this nonsense and it's season over. At that point I won't really be going to watch the game. It will be more about just partying on sunday with friends and going to the bar in the stadium watching other games.

MeatPounder 2010-10-25 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by bDok (Post 492859)
Yea. fucked is the right word. I feel like chargers have a v8 motor yet are going in reverse. |banghead| Sports radio this monday has just been a AJ smith hate fiesta. That and the normal calling for norv's head.

Couple more weeks of this nonsense and it's season over. At that point I won't really be going to watch the game. It will be more about just partying on sunday with friends and going to the bar in the stadium watching other games.

I really wasn't going to mention the Pats game seeing how it was totally the Chargers losing rather than anything the Pats did to win...but after you posting about it twice........

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