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RawAlex 2005-03-22 01:07 PM

AVNADS.COM and Adbrite: Fusker buddies
I was hoping that someone from AVN, avn online, teddy communications or whoever like aly or whoever might want to drop in and discuss this program. I would like to know if avn is involved in this project, and if so, why do they support and pay "webmasters" who use the hotlink model as the basis of thier business?

Avn, fusker, Philip Kaplan,, all sleeping in the same bed, I am starting to think.

Hello, AVN? Hello?


Torn Rose 2005-03-22 01:20 PM

Just got fuskerd last night for the second time, last time they removed us when I asked them in a few hours after I sent the email. It's been about a year since it happen, so the “black list” I was told my URL was going to be on must have expired.

So far no reply from last night.

My question is, if they have so much traffic that is burning the fuck out of my BW, why not join my affiliate site and make some $?

RawAlex 2005-03-22 01:27 PM

Because there isn't any money in it for them... Fusker's clients are mostly either total sponges (won't ever pay for porn), people without credit cards, or minors. In all of those cases, links to a program that needs them to pay is worthless.

Fusker is the sort of thing that makes TGP traffic look good.

Why AVNads would want to be involved in this is beyond me. I hope someone from AVN can pop over and explain it a little better - or explain that it isn't their program at all.


Verbal 2005-03-22 01:33 PM

I am also very curious about this relationsip between AVN and these Fusker thiefs. The "Your Ad Here" links on all redirect to (same admin contact as

WTF is going on here??

Jim 2005-03-22 01:35 PM

And yet, there are still a lot of people that are going to put money in their pockets for the honor of sweating this summer in Florida.

Aly 2005-03-22 02:35 PM

Hey guys... AVNADs is a relatively new project where we're working in partnership with AdBrite. The people involved are still ironing out the kinks and allowing in the network is, in my opinion, one of those kinks. I'm meeting with the publisher later today to sort this out. Please do email me if you have other concerns with anything AVN is involved in. Thanks!

Aly 2005-03-22 02:37 PM

I have to run to a meeting... keep posting and I'll be back in a bit!

Barron 2005-03-22 02:44 PM

I must be the dumbest clod on the block. I still dont understand what is going on with this fusker thing.

Will someone explain what they are doing, how they are doing it and why I dont want to be "fuskered".

Greenguy 2005-03-22 02:57 PM

Hi Aly |waves|

Barron - if you don't have htaccess in place, fusker (and others) can basically load your images on their site, costing them nothing & you pay all the bandwidth.

Aly 2005-03-22 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy
Hi Aly |waves|

Barron - if you don't have htaccess in place, fusker (and others) can basically load your images on their site, costing them nothing & you pay all the bandwidth.

Hey Sweetheart! |smooch|

Yes, Barron, what GreenGuy said... It's not good, and I certainly don't want to see anyone I'm involved with 'endorsing' this type of thing.

Useless 2005-03-22 04:37 PM

It truly saddens me to see a legitmate program get itself entangled with the likes of Fusker. Fusker is criminal. It is raw, unadulterated thievery. Those who host fuskers, advertise on fuskers, or simply ignore the impact that fuskers have on the common webmaster should have their little hairy assholes fuskered with an antique Kirby vacuum. You could strip paint with one of those babies.

Verbal 2005-03-22 04:45 PM

Perhaps someone from AVN can explain on tonight's radio show what is going on? It doesn't look good.

Jim 2005-03-22 04:45 PM

I am curious, when AVN penned the deal, did they not know about adbrite and fusker? And if they didn't, they really didn't do their homework. That is assuming that this practice is not condoned by AVN. To me, that is a huge assumption.

RawAlex 2005-03-22 04:59 PM

Aly, I trust that someone within AVN will not only look at the situation specific to fusker, but also look at the the way that adbrite has responded whent he subject of fusker and similar sites have come up:


I asked them if sites like were compliant with their terms because they are stealing bandwidth from other people who are ignorant about hotlinking. This was their reply:

"Thanks for writing and welcome to AdBrite! I appreciate your concern about and other Fusker sites. These sites operate in full compliance with AdBrite’s Terms of Service and all US state and federal laws, but they can certainly be a nuisance to adult Web masters. If you’re concerned that any AdBrite publisher is driving up your hosting costs or otherwise interfering with your service, I’d be happy to help you prevent this. Please let me know if you are not already familiar with the steps you can take to keep your content from being hot-linked."

MY reply back to them:
"I know how to prevent hotlinking. The point is a lot of other people do not and it can cost them hundreds of dollars monthly. If you allow sites that are stealing from other people great, I'll set up a phishing site and put AdBrite banners all over it. Then maybe you can leave my banners up and just tell my victims "I can help you prevent phishing"."
(as posted by JenC in this thread: )

it would seem that AVN's business partner in this deal doesn't have any problem making money from people willing to steal, which maked me wonder how long it will be before he finds some way to stiff AVN as well.

If they aren't honest on the surface, they aren't honest where you can't see them.


Aly 2005-03-22 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jim
I am curious, when AVN penned the deal, did they not know about adbrite and fusker? And if they didn't, they really didn't do their homework. That is assuming that this practice is not condoned by AVN. To me, that is a huge assumption.

You're absolutely right... whoever penned this deal didn't do enough homework. I agree.

That said, implying that this sort of behaviour might be condoned by AVN is a little over-the-top, darling.

RawAlex 2005-03-22 05:55 PM

Aly, condoned and turning a blind eye are two shades of the same thing. AVN's partner in this project (Philip Kaplan, aka PUD) is well known for less than honest ways to grow his business and make money. His response to the issue as quoted above shows that he truly doesn't give a rat's ass about anything than making money.

I think it truly funny that some of the biggest AVN supporters are getting "fuskered" at this very minute... and AVN appears to be paying for it to happen.


Aly 2005-03-22 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by RawAlex
Aly, condoned and turning a blind eye are two shades of the same thing. AVN's partner in this project (Philip Kaplan, aka PUD) is well known for less than honest ways to grow his business and make money. His response to the issue as quoted above shows that he truly doesn't give a rat's ass about anything than making money.

I think it truly funny that some of the biggest AVN supporters are getting "fuskered" at this very minute... and AVN appears to be paying for it to happen.


I don't think anyone turned a blind eye; I just think they didn't know.

Yeah, it's really funny... I'm laughing my ass off.

RawAlex 2005-03-22 06:06 PM

Aly, never to give you a rough time, but the business partner (pud) was obviously VERY aware that this was happening, and had a nice little prepared piece of advice for people who have been fuskered. That should tell you everything you need to know about how he does business.


Aly 2005-03-22 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by RawAlex
Aly, never to give you a rough time, but the business partner (pud) was obviously VERY aware that this was happening, and had a nice little prepared piece of advice for people who have been fuskered. That should tell you everything you need to know about how he does business.


Indeed, it does.

Jim 2005-03-22 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Aly
That said, implying that this sort of behaviour might be condoned by AVN is a little over-the-top, darling.

Is it???
AVN has shown that money is the only thing that counts when making business decisions time and time again. You are probably too young in this business to remember but, when AVN took over the shows, everyone was pissed. They just knew that the shows were going to become "only" about money. And I'll be damned if they didn't. Damn, Aly, it was a lot easier when you were with Python. Why the hell would you ever crawl into bed with these people? To me, you and AVN are like oil and water.

I guess AVN can prove me wrong by not doing business with the likes of Philip Kaplan. When do you suppose that announcement will be made?

Jim 2005-03-22 06:35 PM more thing. So far, AVN has condoned that behavior. Or did they end the partnership and I don't know about it.

Greenguy 2005-03-22 06:47 PM

Please note that I am not stirring up shit & that I have all the confidence in the world that Aly will rectify this problem :)

Jim 2005-03-22 07:08 PM

Pussy :)

Useless 2005-03-22 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Jim
Pussy :)


Jim 2005-03-22 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy
I have all the confidence in the world that Aly will rectify this problem :)

I have no doubt that if Aly can do anything, she will. She is like that. And I have all the respect in the world for her. I am just afraid that the money is going to cloud other people's involved, judgment.

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