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I'm addicted to coffee and drink gallons of it every day, when I wake up in the morning, my first thought is that I need coffee. I get aggressive when I don't get it in the morning..

Anybody feeling the same way?

DIVAD3 2009-11-19 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 469998)
I'm addicted to coffee and drink gallons of it every day, when I wake up in the morning, my first thought is that I need coffee. I get aggressive when I don't get it in the morning..

Anybody feeling the same way?

"JAVA" OMG! I am a big coffe freak. Its only 6:18AM, and I am on my fifth cup already. I will have a pot gone by 7:00AM and making another. I drink about 2 pots by afternoon and then let up!

Myspace profile even reflects a Starbucks background. LOL

Rowdy 2009-11-19 07:09 AM

Coffee .. the nectar of those that need to tolerate the everlasting line of BS that seems to greet us in the mornings |jester|

hashbury 2009-11-19 10:54 AM

I switched my smoking habit for a coffee habit. Seems to be a lot better for me.

LD 2009-11-19 11:24 AM

I'm addicted, have been for years. I got in a habit sometime ago making a cup in the afternoon, now if I don't have my afternoon coffee I fall asleep.

I just bought one on these, btw...might as well enjoy being an addict, I say.

No filters, just pop in one of the little prepacked containers, hit the "start" button, place a cup under the spout, and you've got freshly brewed coffee. There's dozens of flavors to choose from.

bDok 2009-11-19 11:42 AM

I love coffee. I generally have one right when I wake up and then later I walk to a store down the block and get another one. At times I get a shot of espresso in my second cup. :)

Toby 2009-11-19 12:30 PM

< = = = = = Instant human, just add coffee and stir. :D

miz_wright 2009-11-19 01:59 PM

I generally have quite a lot of coffee around - I think right now, we have about 16# in the house of whole bean.

Interestingly, we generally only drink about a pot a day, that my partner and I split between us. But we like the gooooooodd stuff ;)

dunc 2009-11-19 04:08 PM

I drink shit loads of coffee.... short black, thick and strong - love it |bananna|

SheepGuy 2009-11-19 06:36 PM

Funny, I used to drink at least 10 cups of strong black coffee every day, but a few years back I picked up some mysterious disease that left me pretty much bed-ridden for about 6 months, I couldn't keep much down and threw up a lot.
I got over it, but ever since then I just don't like coffee at all. Before I got sick I needed at least two cups before breakfast just to get myself pumped for the day. It's been about 4 years since I've had a cup.
No moral to the story, it seems like my taste buds just changed.

pc 2009-11-19 06:37 PM

Coffee addict here too. Coffee in the morning, afternoon and one right after my work. When I visit my friends I drink coffee.

tickler 2009-11-19 07:33 PM

Almost an IV coffee user here! Always a large mug in hand. Although I sometimes start switching over to beer|potleaf| to take the edge off. |virgohippy|

One time I had to work about 110 hrs. straight through. I was actually walking around with the coffee pot in hand rather than bothering with a cup. |banghead|

jacklynlick 2009-11-20 10:43 PM

I drank coffee for years. Then, one day, I met with the owner of a big porn company. He was having anxiety, and he was pacing the office. My inner thought was, 'geez, this guy is weak!'. He explained to me that he had much anxiety. I had no understanding of it, and went home judging him harshly.................... until I woke up the next day with MASS anxiety!!! I thought I was having a heart attack. And rather than going to the hospital, I decided to clean up all the porn in my house, just in case I died, I didn't want my parents to find it all! I discovered anxiety! I had to quit drinking it, even though I still love the taste, the smell, everything! Bummer!

I don't drink it anymore, but, I don't have anxiety anymore either.


SirMoby 2009-11-21 09:24 PM

Coffee is not only what separates Man from Monkeys, it also lead to the civilization.

1. They believe that humans evolved from primates and that that oldest human remains were found in Ethiopia. Guess where coffee was first discovered.

2. Before coffee people were nomads wondering around the desert to grumpy to talk to others. Then a man discovered coffee and wanted some one that chat with so he shared his coffee. Soon the country of Egypt was formed. It doesn't matter how many slaves or whips you have. You can't build pyramids, not even with modern day technology, without something like coffee.

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