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Mr. Stiff 2005-12-09 06:44 PM

How to become a real adult webmaster in 5 days!
Look what just got submitted on my site:

Oh my god, I want that!! Gimme a gay TT and 40K per week too! |jester|

Signup looks free, so I signed up and since I couldn't find a copyright anywhere on the site, i've mirrored it here for your convience.

It's things like this that bring in the noobs, cheaters and saturation.

The F*cking site even has instruction videos!

Btw, for anyone who wants to know:


Submitter details
Country:  United States (US)
Domain:  [BlackList]

Whois info
Created:  2005-06-29
Name:  Domains by Proxy, Inc.
Address:  unknown

MadMax 2005-12-09 06:47 PM

Yeah, great. Probably instructions on SE cloaking and multisubmitting too. Asshole.

Linkster 2005-12-09 06:49 PM

Check out the bios page LOL:

Allfetish 2005-12-10 06:31 PM

Someone else was doing something like this selling an ebook I recall. I think most of the people trying it will quit in a week when they get 0 signups. Maybe .5% will ever make anything. It is still work and takes a lot.

I remember my first start with the porn industry was with the old cyberthrill casino while at university. They still owe me $200! :lol:

Linkster 2005-12-10 08:59 PM

ahhh - cmon it sounds easy - and for 25 bucks you even get 7 days access to their site for help

Elias 2005-12-10 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Linkster
ahhh - cmon it sounds easy

and that should put you on guard cuz good things rarely come cheap

Chop Smith 2005-12-10 10:23 PM

|pokefun| Linkster, you dumby

Linkster 2005-12-10 10:30 PM

I love these places that get ya to buy the book (cheap) and then charge a weekly rate to "join their site" for mentoring. I think Im gonna sign up and see if I can make $40k next month LOL

MadMax 2005-12-10 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Linkster
I love these places that get ya to buy the book (cheap) and then charge a weekly rate to "join their site" for mentoring. I think Im gonna sign up and see if I can make $40k next month LOL

Fuck No You're Not.. ME FIRST, ME FIRST!!!! :D

Chop Smith 2005-12-10 11:38 PM

Linkster and Madmax:

Me no tell you once more


Surfn 2005-12-11 12:37 AM

That's how I started Chop :)

Belie dat and I have some swamp land on the moon for sale cheap. lol

RonaldBiggs 2005-12-11 01:25 AM

I am with Linkster.... sign me up.....


Mr. Stiff 2005-12-11 03:41 AM

*sigh* .. Another one!


Submitter details
Country:  United States (US)
Domain:  [BlackList]

Whois info
Created:  2005-08-29
Address:  unknown

jds 2005-12-11 08:09 AM

That's one of those articles that brought me in adult. It was explaining how to make easy money with YMM. I kind of got 2 lessons in one, but I'm still there :)

xprimer 2005-12-11 10:07 AM

Hey Stiff,
Funny how you don't mention anywhere on your site that you blacklist, and promote blacklisting of webmasters who have links to sites that teach people how to make money from porn. After all, isn't that exactly what you do.

I am considering putting together a blacklist of TGP owners. You know the kind that stab good honest people in the back. The kind that blacklist submitters without good cause.

I have NEVER cheated, and NEVER will. BTW, most of the "cheaters" out there are not noobs.

I have been doing this for about 4 months and have not made anywhere near 40k a month. I never expected to. I was and am very realistic about my expectations on this business. What I did not expect was someone like you trying to screw me over because I tried to sell the program that brought me in.

I'm with you JDS, only a bit newer. But I'm not going anywhere. I have made some money with this and I have done it honestly. I will continue to learn and earn. |angry|

smitty 2005-12-11 11:24 AM

|popcorn| |popcorn| |popcorn| Here we

MadMax 2005-12-11 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by xprimer
Hey Stiff,
Funny how you don't mention anywhere on your site that you blacklist, and promote blacklisting of webmasters who have links to sites that teach people how to make money from porn. After all, isn't that exactly what you do.

I am considering putting together a blacklist of TGP owners. You know the kind that stab good honest people in the back. The kind that blacklist submitters without good cause.

I have NEVER cheated, and NEVER will. BTW, most of the "cheaters" out there are not noobs.

I have been doing this for about 4 months and have not made anywhere near 40k a month. I never expected to. I was and am very realistic about my expectations on this business. What I did not expect was someone like you trying to screw me over because I tried to sell the program that brought me in.

I'm with you JDS, only a bit newer. But I'm not going anywhere. I have made some money with this and I have done it honestly. I will continue to learn and earn. |angry|

Since you're admittedly new to the business I'm going to take a few minutes to give you some information that you certainly didn't get from whoever tried to give you the five minute course on adult webmastering. I'm a smart ass, but please understand that nothing below is intended to be sarcastic or insulting...I just don't have the time to sugarcoat it all so here goes:

There is no such thing as "honest easy money" in porn. Anyone who tells you different is lying to you. The site you're promoting looks like absolute hell in Firefox, and FF is quickly becoming the browser of choice for adult webmasters because it isn't nearly as vulnerable as IE. The only time I ever open IE is to check my own sites and make sure they look right in IE as well. If you looked at the page you're promoting in Firefox you wouldn't even be able to read half of it, and you would see that you've got someone trying to teach you how to be a webmaster doesn't even bother with one of the most fundamental rules of being a webmaster: make sure your sites look good in all the major browsers.

In case you're wondering, I can tell you why you got blacklisted: Private Whois info. If you continue submitting to Link Lists and TGPs with private whois info, you'll end up blacklisted at all of them. Hidden Whois info in our business is usually a clear sign of a cheater. DO NOT use private domain registration. If you're afraid that somebody might find out you're an adult webmaster you may want to give this line of work some second thoughts.

Your 2257 link on that gallery would get you 5 years in a federal prison. You are not "Rage Cash". You must keep YOUR OWN records and publish the address where YOU keep those records. 2257 is a big hairy mess that I won't even try to explain at length, but if you do a board search for "2257" at any adult webmaster board you'll get an encyclopedia back that waters down to this: Consult your own adult industry attorney to see what you need to do in your situation.

Your gallery also scrolls horizontally at 800x600 screen resolution, which is an instant decline at most TGPs. It seems you weren't taught to read the rules of every TGP you submit to.

Most of us get irritated by any program that promises to teach people how to make money from porn because most of them ARE ONLY OUT TO MAKE A QUICK BUCK FOR THEMSELVES. They didn't even take the time to teach you how to keep your ass out of jail with 2257 or keep yourself from getting universally blacklisted because of private whois info. Anyplace you haven't been blacklisted already just hasn't noticed (i.e. you slipped through the cracks).

Sites like the one that got you make life more difficult for everyone in this business who takes submissions of galleries or free sites, because they give everyone who falls for their sales pitch a false sense of what you need to do to make money and what is and isn't acceptable in this industry. Submitters are the lifeblood of a Link List or TGP, and we (as a group) have absolutely nothing against new people getting into the biz. The problem is that at least some of what these scammers teach is just plain wrong.

Look at the situation right here. You came to one of the best boards in the biz and flamed someone for blacklisting you without even taking the time to find out why you were blacklisted. You probably wouldn't have done that if you'd come into this biz any way other than the way you did.

Want to learn how to make money on porn? Start spending some time on boards like this one and ask questions. This is the only business I've ever been in that has a huge number of veterans willing to give newbies any help they take the time to ask for. You'll get honest answers from experienced people that aren't trying to sell you something.

My suggestion to you is to post your "hello" in this thread , become a part of the community and start reading and asking questions. The board archives here are FREE, the help from the veterans is FREE, and it's worth one fuck of a lot more than any ebook.

So I'll say "welcome to the board, feel free to have a look around FOR FREE and learn how to make money on porn." :)

I'll be happy to go on at greater length, but I won't take the time to unless I know you're listening ;)

Papa 2005-12-11 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Allfetish
Someone else was doing something like this selling an ebook I recall. I think most of the people trying it will quit in a week when they get 0 signups. Maybe .5% will ever make anything. It is still work and takes a lot.

I remember my first start with the porn industry was with the old cyberthrill casino while at university. They still owe me $200! :lol:

Cyberthrill ? Wow that's way back in time. Those fucks from Verdun/Montreal owe me money too !
TheHun also (at the bottom of the page)

Check this out*/
Robots.txt Query Exclusion.

We're sorry, access to has been blocked by the site owner via robots.txt.
Read more about robots.txt
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MrYum 2005-12-11 01:39 PM

Very well said Max |thumb

No one here begrudges new people getting into the biz, after all we were all new at some point. But, getting bad advice...then propagating that advice...then coming here and flaming a respected member of the community is definitely not the way to proceed. If you're serious about this business, you really should read what Max said very carefully and take it to heart. From the sounds of things, it's probably the best advice you've received to date regarding online adult.

xprimer 2005-12-11 03:53 PM

Great Advice - Mostly
First, thank you for taking the time to write such a long reply. Perhaps if Stiff would have just sent me an email just to say WTF we would not have gone this route. The fact of the matter is that this "respected" member of this board did not bother to do ANYTHING except blacklist one of his "partners". He certainly did not have a problem with anything on my previous posts until he saw my EPS promotion. As a noob I am always looking to do things better and learn from those that have come before me. Every thing you said is sinking in. However, I would like to make a few more points here:

1) I did not flame Stiff. I have been on the internet for many years and if you think that was a flame, I could write one for you that will make you re-think that. But that is not why I am here.

2) I never said that I am trying to make "easy" money. I said I am trying to make "honest" money. And I do that to the best of my knowledge.

3) Your right about FF. I did not check it out in FF until you said something. Man, whoa it looks like sh!t.. That came from using FrontPage and Webstyle. I gotta fix that. I will also re-word some of it while I am at it.

4) What do you mean by private WHOIS? There is nothing private about it. I don't know where Stiff did his whois search but if you go to the authority on the subject you will see he is clearly wrong. I went to
and the info comes up. ON THE OTHER HAND, if you lookup you will get: Registrant Contact:
WhoisGuard Protected (

Now you tell me which one of us is hiding?

5) I have heard different things on 2257 from MANY sources. I hear and believe what you say but not sure what to do about it. Many sponsors will not provide all the needed info until you have been around for a while. It seems like a Chicken and the Egg scenario. Some of my other sites do not house or display any pornographic images. Perhaps I need to go with that approach until I can actually get enough 2257 material to post.

6) As for the screen resolution. I know the general rule about 800X600. I was tired when I put that one together and it's certainly not my best work. Quite frankly, I do not expect to be doing the TGP submissions forever. Rather they seem like a starting point for getting my feet wet.

7) Don't knock EPS unless you know them. Granted they don't have all the answers. But don't judge them by one post that I did, or by the sales page I put together. They actually have an extensive network of resources and some very good 2257 info. The eBook they sell clearly points out that the way I do the 2257 links on my page isn't good enough. (I just went back and re-read it). I guess I won't be posting again for a while anyway until I can find some sponsors that openly provide this information to affiliates. (Got any suggestions?)

I did not come here to make trouble. I found this page by looking at my stats and seeing who liked to my site. I looked at the post and got really p!ssed to see the way Stiff handled it. I am not a trouble maker and I like to learn from others. But I also tend to get offended when someone tries to burn me. That said, I hope the rest of you will forgive my intrusion.


Mr. Stiff 2005-12-11 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by xprimer
Perhaps if Stiff would have just sent me an email just to say WTF we would not have gone this route.

That's Mr. Stiff... :D

First lets get one thing straight.. Site owners own their site. They make up the rules. As a submitter you don't have any rights. I don't need to contact you before blacklisting you.
Hell, i've been blacklisted to by some sites, so be it.

And I'm not a bad guy, my blacklists aren't for life..

I figured you would contact me as soon as I blacklisted you. And it seems you did. I respect the fact your posting in this thread, in front of other webmasters!

The reason I posted this here. is because many webmasters are worried about the saturation taking place and wonder where all the newbies come from. I figured this was a nice thing to get discussion started (and it did.. :-) ). Nothing personal.

As far as your EPS promotion.. I think it's wrong. It might be a personal believe, but I think these kind of things screw up 'our business'.
Sure, everybody has to start somewhere and everybody was a noob once, but this is not the way to do it. If someone needs ebooks and instruction videos to create a site/page they should be creating a familly homepage with pictures of last summers BBQ, not an adult webpage.

As for EPS is concerned; they are killing their own business. They also sent me a (very polite!) copyright notice, so I removed the mirror.


1) I did not flame Stiff.
Indeed you didn't :D


Now you tell me which one of us is hiding?
Yeah, I use private whois,
but there are only two things I'm hiding for, and those are spammers and the outrageous taxes they have over here.. |waves|

Mr. Stiff 2005-12-11 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by xprimer
Hey Stiff,
Funny how you don't mention anywhere on your site that you blacklist, and promote blacklisting of webmasters who have links to sites that teach people how to make money from porn. After all, isn't that exactly what you do.

I don't teach people to make money from porn. And I do make money from it myself, although it will take some time to earn back the investments I made.

And it's basic TGP policy that porn content should promote porn sites. Surfers are looking for erotic content. If they were looking for a new job, they would be surfing to

xprimer 2005-12-11 05:04 PM

Not True
Well, thats not exactly true since I found them by surfing for porn.. Many others have found them the same way. Most are people tired of the 9-5 grind looking for a way out of it.

Mr. Stiff 2005-12-11 05:17 PM

Yes, and that's exactly my point.
I'm not trying to be arrogant or offend anyone, but I think those people shouldn't be adult webmasters.

I guess many people here work even more than 8 hours a day.. Weekends included.

xprimer 2005-12-11 05:24 PM

Day Job
Hell, I'm not even looking to quit my day job.. At least not anytime soon. Right now I am just trying to supplement my income. I work 45hrs/week at my regular job and then another 30 or so at this.

And whether you mean to or not, you do sound very arrogant. I guess you have been doing this your whole life huh? |crazy|

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