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bxy 2012-07-29 12:20 PM

What's gone wrong with porn?
I'm looking around on all these boards where it use to be so crowded, so many people saying this is the magic, or no that is the magic. But now no one? Just a scattered few?

Ok times are hard, but they're hard everywhere. Big Deal. You go on, life goes on, you don't quit. Quitting is a guaranteed loss, and at least this is enjoyable.

Yet here I am sit taking in numbers like I never dreamed of, quarter million a day. No, I'm not making money off of it, but I never have; however I'm sure somebody could. And it's proof the Customers are still here looking.

I just don't understand giving up.

Maj. Stress 2012-07-29 03:15 PM

If it does not make enough money to pay the bills, you move onto something that does.

ecchi 2012-07-30 04:48 AM

Although I still do porn, the majority of my money comes from non-porn websites. However I think the main problem with porn is that people are too set in their ways and doing the same thing that worked for them five years ago. Things change, I used to make most of my money selling website memberships, nowadays the majority of my adult money comes from selling porn eBooks. However despite the fact that I mention this often (and have had my affiliate program as my signature for ages) I rarely see other adult webmasters using this revenue stream. They all believe that the old model will continue to work, and that the 1990's are still with us.

I think the best comparison I can come up with is this: When I moved into the area I now live in, there was a video rental store around the corner from me. DVDs were just beginning to become very popular, but had not overtaken videos. So the guy who ran this shop decided to stick with videos, and not start stocking these "new fangled" DVDs. He went out of business years ago. And that is what most adult webmasters are doing, selling video tapes in a DVD/Blue Ray world. Those that innovate, those that realise it is now 2012, and you cannot even do things the way you did them in 2011, let alone the way you did them in the 1990s, they will survive. But those sticking to old models (sadly the majority) have either given up already or are moaning and whining that there is no longer any money to be made in porn - those WMs, although they don't realise it, are dead men walking.

Greenguy 2012-07-30 08:48 AM

Times are tough & I'll never stop doing this, but fuck me, I gotta blow something up & create a new source of income before I go under in a bad way :(

HowlingWulf 2012-07-30 10:07 AM

I'm having a low sales month (~$5300), but I can't tell how much of that is from summer and how much from Penguin smashing a lot of rankings.

I dipped into a little mainstream and sold a cleaning brush or two and some Google AdSense but nothing to get excited over. I guess I don't have the knack for it.

bxy 2012-07-30 11:39 AM

I'm making a big fat zero right now, no address to get checks, and bank account stolen by bankers changing the rules. But I'm still here.

My point is nothing is making any money. We can't go get jobs, they don't exist. We can't open a store, no one has any money to buy. Even the drug dealers are going out of business. Nothing is going to make money as long as the rich keep hording the money and charging us more. The end result of that formula is not pretty especially if we all give up in everything. We have to continue trying something if we are not to just shrivel up and blow away. So why not stick with something that is at least profitable as fun, as entertaining. Something that can even give us hope in a recovery, as the economy has to come back, well I certainly don't want to see the alternative. Fact is, when the economy does come back guys are going to blow that first paycheck on food, because soup kitchens and food lines are appreciated, but... That second paycheck, it's on, self reward time, and that means porn, but they cant buy from what is not there.

Maj. Stress. Move on to what? Rob a Bank, even they're going out of business. What are you going to do, pull a gun on a teller and get an IOU? Porn is a "Basic Need" it will be back.

ecchi I agree technology changes and we have to adapt. Zango comes along and steals our affiliate money and we have to adapt. Cool on the eBooks, glad their working. Mine was to change to PPV with the payment processor splitting the revenue on gallery trades.

Greenie, things already went that bad, living in the desert running off my solar panels. And fuck them, I will survive!

HowlingWulf, I didn't make that much last year in total. That might not seem like much right now, but treasure it, and keep on trying. Things have to get better.

Jeremy82 2012-07-30 04:24 PM

I'm staying at my model (free sites, galleries and blogs), but I'd like to divert about 50% of all my clicks to something other than "standart adult memberships" (I still don't know where) ...

housekeeper 2012-07-30 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by ecchi (Post 517916)
those sticking to old models (sadly the majority) have either given up already or are moaning and whining that there is no longer any money to be made in porn.

I'm not hearing webmasters openly discussing current sales trends or innovative techniques that are in use. I thought mobile delivery would be the next wave, but I'm not yet seeing that fully blossom. Watching sex being performed on film has not changed a whole lot in my view, the delivery methods certainly have. I started watching porn on 16mm loops using my fathers Bell & Howell projector, so whatever the re-invention of the wheel is, I'm all ears.

Maj. Stress 2012-07-30 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by HowlingWulf (Post 517926)
I'm having a low sales month (~$5300), but I can't tell how much of that is from summer and how much from Penguin smashing a lot of rankings.

I dipped into a little mainstream and sold a cleaning brush or two and some Google AdSense but nothing to get excited over. I guess I don't have the knack for it.

Mainstream is very different from what I can see. I am creating my own "thing". I've been told in the past that to survive in mainstream you need to push your own product or service to survive. hth

Cleo 2012-07-30 09:09 PM

My income in this biz had fallen to the point of no longer becoming something that could sustain me before I drastically increase how much I work each day.

I'm now working for three to four or maybe even more times as much as I did a year ago and doing more of a variety of things and niches.

I've started to see my income start going back up, but still anemic to what it was around 2007, but at least it has started going in the right direction.

I think I've made enough in mainstream to buy a few pizzas. Really the only mainstream thing I'm doing these days is my outdoors blog and it's more of a hobby project.

What is still making me the most money in this biz is free sites, TGPs, blogs and an occasion sale off of my LL.

Free sites are an odd thing. Not much traffic and often no sales off of new stuff but then when it has aged three or four or more months I start seeing sales.

TGPs or hit or miss. Hun still sends insane amount of traffic but sales are hit or miss. I only have one paid TGP account and again sales are hit or miss. I also submit to some of the smaller TGPs. TGPs convert so crappy these days for me that paid accounts are no longer profitable.

I see sales here and there off of my blogs.

Basically nothing is making killer sales but I've got so much stuff out there and produce so much each day that it adds up.

I really do believe that the economy is the number one factor hurting sales and once the economy picks back up so will our sales.

LD 2012-07-30 09:43 PM

Paying for porn has become like paying for long distance phone service. Nobody does it anymore...:(

ArtWilliams 2012-07-30 10:07 PM

Look at Alexa, tubes are now the most popular sites on the Internet. Why pay to rub one out when you can get it for free. The economy is bad but I think that is a lesser reason. Anyhow, I read recently that some economists think it might be 2020 - 2023 before the credit excesses are worked out of the world economy. (The Great Depression started in 1929 and didn't end until after WWII in 1945. Do the math from 2008.)

So what might work with porn? I think to succeed you have a better chance if you create a community that people want to come back to again and again. Niche news, porn interviews -- personal porn if you will.

Cleo 2012-07-30 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by LD (Post 517944)
Paying for porn has become like paying for long distance phone service. Nobody does it anymore...:(

File lockers may be an even bigger problem.

Entire member's areas including all new releases are uploaded daily to them.

But water is free yet it still sells well.

Jeremy82 2012-07-31 03:31 AM

I also realized that "pay-per-view model" is something that can still convert over 0,02 per click ... I'm still looking for some "side products", maybe Totem would be a good thing ... Another I found is Say No To Porn. :)

ecchi 2012-07-31 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 517949)
But water is free yet it still sells well.

Now that is probably the most useful comment in this thread. Both in the US and UK the laws governing the purity of water are stricter for tap water than they are for bottled water. This means that on average, tap water is better for you than bottled water! Yet every year billions is paid by the public in the belief that it is the other way round. We need to find a way to convince the hilmans that paid porn is better than free porn, even if it isn't!

Cleo 2012-07-31 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by ecchi (Post 517954)
tap water is better for you than bottled water!

It's yellow and tastes nasty here but that is a south Florida thing of trying to keep 85˚F degree water safe to drink.

Organic food is another example of people paying way more for perceived better.

You can get lots of TV channels over the air for free but people pay for cable and satellite.

FM and AM radio is free but people pay for satellite radio.

But everything goes for cheaper and free when they aren't making enough money to make ends meet.

LD 2012-07-31 11:29 AM

Quality is important, but with porn and water, I think it's more about convenience than perceived quality. Buying memberships isn't exactly convenient. You key in credit card info, you get yet another login to keep up with, you get rebilled every 30 days unless you cancel. Even if you've got plenty of money, it's a pia compared to pulling up a tube and hitting the play button.

Cleo 2012-07-31 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by LD (Post 517964)
Quality is important, but with porn and water, I think it's more about convenience than perceived quality.

I think quality is very important.

I've been having good luck sales wise by advertising that Foxy's site is all hand crafted like a fine Ferrari car without using scripts like cookie cutter sites are.

RedCherry 2012-07-31 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 517949)
But water is free yet it still sells well.

Here there is so much calcium in the water, you drink it, you get kidney stones and no way to filter it out, so all we and the cats drink is bottled water.

One thing I do is look at historical trends in Stats Remote. For us, Feb, June and July are always our 3 worst months of the year, so although it is painful to have it dip when we are already about 1/2 of our best income (last year before Panda), I know that August will be better. I also track on my weekly desk calender what I have made each day for at least the last 5 months, so I can see the trends daily.

Yea, I lost a lot of sales from the Google updates, Panda and Penguin. (animals are out to get me). But we have just tried this month a new source of revenue, selling our 3D work in PDF form from an online store that has traffic for this, and sales are doing good, and we are unknowns. Once we build up a following, sales will be much better as I know their top artists are making bank, and our quality is up there with them.

We have had more sales (as far as volume) for our magazines? comics? in the last 5 days since we started then for our 3D paysites all month. $ wise still lower, be we are incredibly optimistic that will change over time.

We are one of the few people I know that both of us are still doing just porn for our income, and income is tight, but like ecchi said, sticking to the same thing isn't working. I still do tgp's and free sites, but I've added social media posts, blogs, and online virtual words, and stores as other sources of places to find customers. You have to change with the times.

bxy 2012-08-01 12:13 AM

Water, I use a Reverse Osmosis system, Love it! Best water I've had in years. I may be broke, but I still have some nice toys :)

ecchi, Paying for porn is better. Why do you think I pay you girls to get behind my camera.

Haven't actually done any real updates to my sight in over a year yet my hits have gone from between 1 to 4 million a month to a quarter million a day. You know that old, age = rank with Google, but Bing and Yahoo both tossed me to the top too. Honestly wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't gone over quota, and found my logs were insane in size. Not that it matters, it's just people grabbing the free. Certainly not the normal Summer dedness.

Anyhow, what I'm talking about isn't working three times as hard or anything, it's just not throwing away what will come back eventually.

I do agree, new Ideals can't hurt. Thought of moving to a social network myself, well have actually tried a few, just failed so far, that is failed to get the code working, or didn't like how sloppy the pages were in others. Like to find one that is easy to implement but builds small pages, or even pages from code that I supply.

Congrats to those still making it, Awesome.

Oh but I disagree with when this Depression hit. It began with 911 and the rise of the oil prices. Our industry just wasn't hit that hard yet. I think it was Zango and the pick posts that hurt us the most. But hey with so many gone, at least they are running out of stuff to steal.

Panky 2012-08-01 01:47 AM

Part of the problem is that people started giving away so much of the good porn away for free. They forgot what the tease factor was and just started handing out more and more of the scenes people used to have to pay to see, killing the incentive to join. Everyone trying to outdo everyone else by releasing more and more pictures and scenes of the good stuff to the masses for free.

Affiliates started becoming more and more demanding and many of the sponsors started catering to them. When one sponsor started with something, many others followed. Then things began to get out of control and it was too late for a sponsor to put their foot down and say enough is enough.

tickler 2012-08-01 07:48 AM

Visa/MC gift cards have become a problem also because they generally can't be rebilled and some sponsors are discounting them!

housekeeper 2012-08-01 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 517949)
File lockers may be an even bigger problem.
Entire member's areas including all new releases are uploaded daily to them.

If ALL the file lockers and illegal tubes were taken down completely, and the only way adult content was viewable was either by paysites, VOD, or DVD's, everyone here would see a dramatic increase in sales. Unfortunately it's not a perfect world...

Originally Posted by tickler
Visa/MC gift cards have become a problem also because they generally can't be rebilled and some sponsors are discounting them!


ecchi 2012-08-01 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by tickler (Post 517998)
Visa/MC gift cards have become a problem,,,,,,,,some sponsors are discounting them!

In theory you have to be over 18 to own a credit card, but any damn fool at any age can use a gift card type credit card. So they can be (and are) used by kids to buy stuff they are not old enough to buy. This is the main reason that most responsible sponsors won't accept them.

bxy 2012-08-02 11:15 AM

The thieving technologies are here and their not going to go away, well maybe if we sink to their level and flat out attack them, but I'm sure two heads will pop up where you cut one off... and eBooks, pdfs and content trades are all different technologies, as different is a help in overcoming the problem; but what about upping the anti? Add quality or material that dates quickly. You know anybody can get naked and take pix, or screw and shoot video, but add talent and it becomes unique, what is special about you besides naked or sex, the more special / unique the more likely people are going to find you even through stolen content. Up the anti even more, invite friends and make Plays around sex, even if their corny, you'll attract an audience and a following. Or how about a sex Soap Opera, how many people get addicted to Soaps, again something that it doesn't matter if it is stolen, the stolen is only advertisement, as people what to see what is happening "NOW" more so then yesterdays news.

Hey on that, anyone interested, I can write, and a Soap might be fun, care to put one together? Actors. Writers, and Locations; we can work around anything and string multiple plots together.

Hadn't intended in taking this thread here, but why not?

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