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Toby 2009-03-23 05:57 AM

Happy First Monday of Spring
Mornin' y'all,

Absolutely beautiful weather here in Houston this weekend. Temps in the mid-70's, a slight breeze, and moderate humidity.

My sleep schedule is completely fubar, so here I am wide awake at O'dark-thirty. I forsee a nap in my agenda later. |yawn|

|coffee is on, help yourself...

P.S. If others don't start rising and shining soon I'm going to start bangin' on pot lids with a wooden spoon. :)

JackDaniel's 2009-03-23 06:31 AM

Good Morning Everyone |waves|

MrMaryLou 2009-03-23 06:46 AM

Good Morning All :)

Jim 2009-03-23 07:39 AM

A good morning to all. :) I am getting a little tired of was off and on all day.

So, I mentioned that my car was keyed last week. I found out yesterday that my daughter's mothers car was also keyed on the same day. The plot thikens... :)

Greenguy 2009-03-23 08:04 AM

Good Monday Peoples |waves|

The Bills sent me a survey yesterday...just another step towards the Toronto Bills in 2012 |banghead|
Bills In Toronto Survey

The Bitch & I got caught up on some TV last night, but I'm still behind on a couple things - is Jenny in The L Word dead?

Cleo 2009-03-23 08:13 AM

Rain, rain and more rain.

It actually stopped raining yesterday for PrideFest and the weather got beautiful (I guess natural loves gays and lesbians) but it's been raining ever since.

Doing the gym and then just another mundane day of nakedness on the computer planned.

Simon 2009-03-23 08:47 AM

Good morning world |waves|

We've had rain on and off for a couple of days, so it's been easy to stay inside and work. The rains are kicking off nice breezes all day so with temps in the 70s (F) it's a windows-open kind of day unless the wet stuff tries to get in.

My sleep schedule isn't on schedule either. I watched Saw V last night since Netflix was good enough to send it to me (all I'll say is: Hoffman!). Then fell right to sleep. I have the season finale of Eastbound and Down, and United States of Tara for later when it's breaktime.

Okay, time to get back to work. Wishing a good day to everyone, unless of course you insist on doing it another way.


hashbury 2009-03-23 08:55 AM

Good morning everyone. This is my first day of being smoke free.
Hope evreyone has a less stressful day than me.

Ramster 2009-03-23 09:03 AM

Good Morning

Work work work for me today as I try to finish up on a long project. I'm out of coffee cream so the wife should be back from Tim Hortons any minute with my coffee :)

ponygirl 2009-03-23 09:20 AM

good morning everyone |waves|

well I'm halfway back to are in school but hubby has another week of layoff. At least I'll be able to get some work done with no rugrats underfoot!


Originally Posted by hashbury (Post 445489)
Good morning everyone. This is my first day of being smoke free.
Hope evreyone has a less stressful day than me.

good luck hashbury, I'll be following you soon - Wednesday I have my doctor's appt and I told her I'd try the drugs she keeps pushing on me! Just remember, we can do it :)

have a great day everyone

Mike-mijen 2009-03-23 09:44 AM

Good rainy Monday to all!

digifan 2009-03-23 09:45 AM

Just a quick hello,

then heading off to see the dr and having tests, checkups and whatnot. The weather is shitty, bloody windy what makes me hurt even more :(

Fonz 2009-03-23 09:46 AM

Good morning,

Finished the offline job early today, just finished my submits and I think I'll start watching Heroes Season 2 now.
Sunshine has been replaced with rain.
That's about it.

Have a good one all!

NY Jester 2009-03-23 10:09 AM

Today is Monday, that means only 6 more days of the work week left. Still a bit behind in my updates, hoping to be finished this morning. And then on to more projects. Spring is in the air but seems to be holding back just a bit this week. Just as well, it will keep me indoors and focused.

Ive got to check today down by the riverfront for a free wifi signal as Ive devised a plan to make my van my office for spring. Well not the entire Spring, cause that'd be way too ghetto but I want to know I can go down and chillax some. I have a 12 hour portable emergency generator that I can plug into and if I can get WiFi from one of the nearby restaurants/cafe's without being inside Im gonna give it a go. Guess the winter has me stir crazy.

Have a great day everyone.

Preacher 2009-03-23 10:18 AM

Just another boring day of work on tap today. |waves|

cd34 2009-03-23 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by NY Jester (Post 445501)
down by the riverfront for a free wifi signal

If your wifi card has an external antenna, or, you are reasonably good with electronics you could make an external antenna. google for 'pringles can wifi' or similar searches. Range is not one of wifi's real strengths. You might see if you can get one of the data plans with your local cellular company. If you use Verizon, Sprint or AT&T, I know you can get decent speeds on their networks. You wouldn't want to be uploading a ton of content, but, for emails/web its fairly workable.

Remember, the first spammers built RVs and Boats full of PCs so they could spam through wifi at coffee shops and marinas. So, you might do a little surveying to pick your location. :)

Well, ton of wasted work this weekend when the library that claims to support multithreaded access, doesn't. One sentence in their documentation says: 'threads are bad' -- which translates to -- we couldn't figure it out, so, we will say it is bad and we don't have to properly code. But, I guess that is what testing is for.

Have a great Monday everyone.

bDok 2009-03-23 10:25 AM

Morning. Time to drink lots of coffee and really start working on things. This one little project that will be a massive time saver is almost complete. Should be finished for sure this week. Yah! Then I can move onto much more exciting things.

Watched the movie Twilight with the lady last night. Expecting movies to suck in general always turns them into alright viewing experiences. ;)


Originally Posted by Greenie (Post 445480)
The Bills sent me a survey yesterday...just another step towards the Toronto Bills in 2012 |banghead|
Bills In Toronto Survey


Have a good monday.

smutguy 2009-03-23 10:31 AM

Good morning everyone

Tommy 2009-03-23 10:38 AM

Good Morning :-)

LeRoy 2009-03-23 10:49 AM

Good morning everyone. I'm back on coffee :)

Let's do this.

sue-fl 2009-03-23 11:03 AM


Yesterday we celebrated our granddaughters first birthday |bananna| My husband and I were tired when we crawled into bed, it might of had something to do with the fact we had 7 under two, and 5 over two all day |crazy|

Have a great day all |thumb

JustRobert 2009-03-23 12:22 PM

Good Morning :)
Time for work

stuveltje 2009-03-23 12:46 PM

Good late afternoon all:) its 5:43 late midday here!
Gosh.. i had most fucking boring day today, i did totally nothing, oke i made is bad, tons of rain and wind ...yukkie.|cry|
This eve i am gonna think hard what to do tomorrow, because i would not survive a boring day like this again tomorrow!
For this eve its movie watching with the hubby, he only dont know that yet:D
I wish you all a great day and eve!|boobies|

docholly 2009-03-23 12:58 PM

|yawn| Morning..
We had our "final" walk through yesterday but seems that several key issues weren't taken care of. Luckily we did it early enough so that the owner can get them fixed this morning. Again we'll have to go over just before heading to the lawyers for the big payout. In compensation for this additional trip, the future former owner agreed to meet at our attorney's office so I don't have to schlep over to file the homestead paperwork. Of course this just leads me one day closer to the IRS day of reckoning. |banghead|

But at 3:05pmish, PST..I'll be the sole owner of a newish house. |bananna| Life is good. |thumb

Have a good one, make some money and try to enjoy the day. |headbang|

Mr Exotic 2009-03-23 01:26 PM

Just another day of getting a 5yo ready and taken to kindergarten, then taking care of an almost 3 month old baby, and trying to keep a 4yo boy entertained, all while trying to get some work done while the old lady is at work. My son has been begging to play on the old computer, he usually just plays the Xbox all day long, haha, but I got him set up to play the sponge bob games at and that seems to keep him busy.

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