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SheepGuy 2007-05-01 06:06 PM

Question for owners & submittters
Hypothetical question.
I get a submission that in it's recip tables has Tommy and DD, both of whom require partner accounts. It's a good submission from someone new to me so I list it, but keep an eye out to see if Tommy or DD list it, and they don't. So I get 4 or 5 more good sites from the same guy with the same recip table and list them. The big guys don't.
For link list owners, what would you do?
For submitters, why would you link to someone who requires an account that you don't have? Why not have a LL in those spots who will at least look at your submission, or, in Tommy's case, buy an account next time around. Seems a little deceptive.

Surfn 2007-05-01 08:09 PM

I get those type of submits all the time. My delete button is nearly worn out...

oldbrad 2007-05-01 09:39 PM

Maybe it is a doorway page that they put those links on just to give people the impression that it will get tons of traffic. If a webmaster sees one of those recips perhaps they are more likely to list it.

Check some of the other sites on the table to see if they are listed or see if you get hits back. If so it still might be worth listing or contacting him.

Mr Spock 2007-05-02 03:03 AM

Doesn't seem logical to me|huh

Maj. Stress 2007-05-02 03:33 AM

One option would be to ask the list owner if that submitter is a partner. ;)

I see submits all the time with recips to link lists that are closed to submits or I know for a fact that they are not following the rules of some of the sites in the recip table. I delete em. No sense in wasting time trying to figure out what is going on. And I damn sure don't let a recip from a bigger list influence accepting a site that does not follow my rules.

oldbrad 2007-05-02 03:51 AM

Also, i just thought about the fact that some ll's require you to provide samples with a recip in place. I think mpl does this though i'm not 100% sure. If he built a couple sites submitted to you that were his samples, it could be he is waiting on his approval. I know i am waiting for one that has been about 2 weeks so far.

About tommys, maybe he is buying gallery listings. I think you submit a full list in advance for that so that could be as well. These prolly aren't likely, but if the quality of the sites are good it might be worth an email to the submitter asking whats up. I'd prolly delete them if i had listed sites and not received a single hit back, because they prolly weren't listed elsewhere.


tigermom 2007-05-02 04:29 AM

Could be they just have an old recip table and they copy from there, not even bothering to check? I am not a LL owner, but seems to me this is not grounds for rejection, as long as you see enough LL's there in the recip table that you know are active.

You could try emailing the guy and ask what's up.

ladydesigner 2007-05-02 06:51 AM

I get submits like that all the time. To me that's very deceptive and I delete the sites. |angry|

stfuvt 2007-05-02 08:04 AM

I never paid attention actually, but I thought its possible. |huh

obalee 2007-05-02 10:57 AM

I just recently got back into the business and have been building sites and galleries. In the past, I didn't have to submit the sites that I built but now I do. I've noticed that a lot of list want you to have the recip in place before you submit. Maybe the recip was put there and they didn't get listed or accepted as a partner and just didn't take it off before submitting to other places. Although that seems like you're promoting a site without getting anything in return, I didn't realize that you could get listed just by having a certain recip on your page.|crazy|

oldbrad 2007-05-02 11:13 AM

What i meant by this is that some people want to be listed on the same page as "big name" link lists and so even if a person isn't submitting to them they might use the recip to give the other link lists the impression it would be submitted to them and perhaps help it get listed. Perhaps being the keyword.

It's not my practice, just stating a reason as to why it could be. And i didn't say could, i said perhaps they are more likely to list it. If you don't think a recip table could sway the vote for a site a little i believe your wrong.

Whether or not it should, i think that if there are 2 sites with equal quality and one has 10 sites in the recip that are newer or not very well known and you have one with all the big players and they had to choose 1 site, the big name one would be chosen over the other. Or if the reviewer is on the fence as too accept it and it could go either way, i think seeing the recips could sway it a little.

obalee 2007-05-02 11:37 AM

I see what you're talking about, I guess I would be doing the same thing if I owned the list. It just seems like it would be extra work to have to check up on every submission to see if they were listed on the big sites.

Lemmy 2007-05-02 12:22 PM

The grouping of my recip on a freesite doesn't sway me at all with regards to whether or not I will list it. I judge each site on its own merits and couldn't care less who else it gets submitted to. That said, I do raise an eyebrow when I see my recip with the big boys. I guess the submitter is a newbie and doesn't know any better.

I do consider padding your recip table with "fake" recips to be cheating and react accordingly. I need to be certain, though. Not long ago I thought I smelled a rat and e-mailed a subitter to ask if he really had an account with such-and-such LL. Turns out he did and he gave me the links to prove it. He took it nicely though and still submits to me. :D

Tommy 2007-05-02 12:58 PM

one answer might be that he doesn't have a partner account and doesn't know he needs one

he keeps submitting and doesn't pay any attention to if he is getting listed or not

maybe using an auto submitter

I will give ya an example
787 Accepted submissions in the last 24 hours (1448 rejected submissions)

accepted means thats the number of what gets thru the filters and then goes on to be reviewed
which the only filter now is having a partner account

so in the last 24 hours I got 1448 submits from non partners that were auto deleted

ponygirl 2007-05-02 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Tommy (Post 345541)
so in the last 24 hours I got 1448 submits from non partners that were auto deleted


wow, that's a lot :D

one thing I do try to check if possible is if they have mirrored pages with the same recips on there's 5 mirror entrance pages, all with Tommy's (and the other big guys) recips on them. Then I know they just stuck mine on there and aren't really subbing to the others.

LowryBigwood 2007-05-02 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Tommy (Post 345541)
I will give ya an example
787 Accepted submissions in the last 24 hours (1448 rejected submissions)


How many reviewers does it take to handle that kind of volume? At least 2/3 are filtered out right off the bat, but 800 subs in 24 hours... That's gotta take some manpower there. |headbang|

Tommy 2007-05-02 01:50 PM

thats 2 very well paid and crying every day like a bitch reviewers

in fact sometimes I avoid anwsering the phone when they call

you gotta be fast here
the funny thing is once in a while i talk to someone that reviews for some other site

they always think they are pretty good but after a few mins I can tell they would never cut it here |jester|

LowryBigwood 2007-05-02 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Tommy (Post 345549)
thats 2 very well paid and crying every day like a bitch reviewers



Originally Posted by Tommy (Post 345549)
in fact sometimes I avoid anwsering the phone when they call

you gotta be fast here
the funny thing is once in a while i talk to someone that reviews for some other site

they always think they are pretty good but after a few mins I can tell they would never cut it here |jester|

Yeah, 400 reviews a day each is going to require some speed. At least they're paid well. On a side note, I will have Fios soon (15MB/2MB) connection if you need any help. ;)

SheepGuy, I pretty much agree with everyone else's ideas and thoughts behind the recips. Some might use them to give off the impression that they are being listed on higher traffic sites and some might do it hoping to be listed on those sites. Either way, I'm not sure how harsh I'd be unless I knew the guy was doing it in a way to deceive others.

Shoot him an email and see what he says. |thumb

SheepGuy 2007-05-02 03:26 PM

Thanks everyone!
I am getting traffic back from this guys sites and he is getting listed with a lot of the biggies, so I'm not going to drop his sites. But I will send him an e-mail next time he submits, and I will keep an eye out for "mirrors" with BS recips.

HowlingWulf 2007-05-02 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Tommy (Post 345541)

I will give ya an example
787 Accepted submissions in the last 24 hours (1448 rejected submissions)

Wow. Makes me feel much better I have an acct and get my sites listed at Tommys. |thumb

Preacher 2007-05-03 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Tommy (Post 345541)
...I will give ya an example
787 Accepted submissions in the last 24 hours (1448 rejected submissions)...

Tommy makes my dick feel small.

Thanks Tommy! |waves|

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