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MadMax 2010-06-20 09:57 AM

Fetish Philes - Ideas/Suggestions Requested
I technically made the decision not to put a lot of work into Fetish Philes. The problem is, now that my feet are wet again, it seems like a crying shame to just let it sit there. Last night I checked my index hardlink trades and deleted about 75% of them because they were just plain gone. At this point, Fetish Philes is like a time capsule that still gets a few thousand hits of SE traffic every month.

So, I'm trying to figure out what the hell to do with it, if anything, and obviously there's no better place online to ask for ideas/opinions. Looking back, what burned me out was working on writing my own LL script while trying to handle 200 reviews a day by myself. I'm not going back to that model.

Ideas going through my head are:
--Clean up bad URLs/trades/sponsors and open to partner submits only, no reviews. Theoretically cleaning up all the bad links should improve SE traffic as well.
--Sell it, 3-4k visitors from Google every month +1k from other SEs has to make it worth something more than a sammich and a beer.
--Turn it into something else, ideas would be great (would seem to be a shame after all these years leeching ultra-targeted hits from SEs)
--Redirect it to my new project (after warning everyone here that they can pull their links, of course).
--Anything else you can think of.

I appreciate any input, I'm really stuck on this issue.

Cleo 2010-06-20 10:04 AM

Turn it into a tube.


MrMaryLou 2010-06-20 10:19 AM

Clean it up and use it as a hub :)

Useless 2010-06-20 11:07 AM

Go dual purpose on its ass. Continue cleaning it as time permits, but leave the link list pages in place. You can use the root index for your new project while still linking to the categories or main page somewhere down low so that the bots can continue to crawl them.

It was always a unique site because of its tons of categories. It would be a shame to see it go. Plus, if you killed those link list pages, those hits you do have would drop to zero within a couple of weeks - and that would suck balls. When you have time, you could always add some fresh/rotating content to the pages so that the bots will take interest in them.

Fonz 2010-06-20 11:21 AM

I liked Fetish Philes so I'd clean it up and do as UW said :)

babymaker 2010-06-20 07:51 PM

Maybe a fetish tube and porn forum :)

MadMax 2010-06-20 08:46 PM

Thanks everyone, I think I'm going to clean it up and use it for a hub. It still gets plenty of traffic to justify fixing the sponsor links and trolling the SE hits for whatever shakes loose. I'll be all over some new link trades once the pages aren't full of dead links anymore :)

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