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Greenguy 2012-02-22 12:04 PM

**IMPORTANT** Help Test A Page For Our Host cd34
From Twitter:

Please help test: Hit the url, leave it open in a tab/window. Tell friends, I need 50k simultaneous viewers. Thanks!

pc 2012-02-22 12:25 PM

shared on fcbk & twtr

Cleo 2012-02-22 12:28 PM

Hit, shared, mailed...

Fonz 2012-02-22 12:34 PM

423 currently connected, 49577 to go

Greenguy 2012-02-22 12:37 PM

I have it open in 2 browsers :D

Simon 2012-02-22 12:50 PM

Leaving it open here too

gnarpen 2012-02-22 01:41 PM

Leaving it open in 9 different browsers until tomorrow evening

cd34 2012-02-22 04:40 PM

I think you for this.

I didn't really expect it to gain that much traction until the weekend, but, I've seen peaks of 800+ (currently at 827). There are people opening 20, 50, 100+ connections which isn't overly bad, but, isn't as real-world as I had hoped. Based on the adoption rate, I think it might hit a few thousand later tonight. I had suspected it would take a week or two to hit 50k, but, if the numbers keep growing like they have been, it is possible I might hit it early next week.

My suspicion is that once it hits about 22k sessions, it'll have issues. While I've benchmarked it with 70k sessions, real world is proving to show some issues that I wasn't able to duplicate in a 'lab' setting.

I do appreciate it.

Cleo 2012-02-22 04:47 PM

I've left it open in Chrome since I don't usually use this browser so it's just doing it's thing hidden in the background.

It just turned green.

cd34 2012-02-22 07:12 PM

So far, it seems to be doing just fine. It gets bursts of traffic from people opening 50 windows on it, but, overall appears to be holding somewhat steady.

LeRoy 2012-02-22 08:44 PM

I've had it open all day.

On two PC's :)

I'll leave them open till the morning. Hope this helps your test |thumb

cd34 2012-02-22 09:46 PM

It all helps. I do appreciate it.

pornsprite 2012-02-23 09:57 PM

842 currently connected, 49158 to go

Bill 2012-02-24 09:00 PM

etc - dunno if you gonna make 50k

cd34 2012-02-24 09:38 PM

Yeah, I thought it would keep climbing, but, it got to about 1100 last night with someone tossing 400+ at it.. I did find a few things that were interesting, but, will probably leave it running for a while

Bill 2012-02-24 09:49 PM

I could try posting notice of it at gfy but am not really a popular character there - so would probably only add a few connects.

not sure where else to try to get connects.

Cleo 2012-02-24 09:49 PM

I have a gallery that is going to be listed on the Hun in the next week or so. Could the page be iFramed in my gallery as one pixel?

cd34 2012-02-24 10:38 PM

It could be iframed, but, I don't really want that to set off any alarms. Socket connections open another iframe, which opens another external script. Not that it is really that bad, I wouldn't want someone to report it as suspicious.

JK 2012-02-25 02:47 AM

1 more connection added, not that it'll help much but I've added it to my bookmarks toolbar and will visit when I remember to.

Thanks to this test I learned something today too, after checking the source code I was curious about the meta property's and learned about the Open Graph Protocol.

I've got to keep up with social media more. I guess being kinda anti-social puts me at a disadvantage when it comes to social things.

cd34 2012-02-25 07:42 AM

If you use wordpress, was a quick plugin I wrote to handle that.

However, just using those codes will work - make sure your icon graphic is at least 125x125 or google will miss it - though, google does have its own meta tags I've been playing with:

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