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Greenguy 2005-02-01 12:17 PM

The 7000+ Member Issue

1 - When you register for your board, you are forced to put in your birthday before you can do anything else:
Yet when your calendar was online, there were nowhere near 7000 birthdays listed. Can you explain how 95% of your members do not have birthdays when it's required to put on in when you register?

2 - A month ago, when you had 7000 members, you stated that the site was 2 months old. At that rate, you'd be getting 116 or so new members each day. Yet after Jim & I signed up, it was 40 hours until another new member registered.

3 - Everyone can see that your member list is down to 4000. You told me on ICQ that you deleted every member that hadn't posted in the last 75 days. Assuming that you've been open for 3 months now, which is 90 days, that means you had 3000 people register in the 1st 15 days & none of them have posted since?

4 - Back before you disabled some of the board functions in the admin, there was a day when there were 3438 active users on the board - 130 of them were viewing threads. Doesn't it seem a bit odd that 3300+ people were sitting there staring at the index page?

These are the questions that I'd like answered 1st :)

TheButcher 2005-02-01 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Jim
Have at it and say whatever you want to. We do not delete threads or ban members because we disagree with things said.

And I appreciate that. I want to answer the allegations as honestly as I can.

And yes I may have jumped the gun when I did that. But life is a learning experience and always willing to learn and make things right.

Jim 2005-02-01 12:28 PM

I will let you answer Greenies questions but, something I don't understand. We have a separate forum for moderators only, of course. But, there is nothing that they could leak that would piss me off. What exactly could she have leaked?

And, if I owed one of our moderators money, there would be nothing they could do to stop me from paying them. When someone does work, you pay them and being a backstabber should be separate from that. Money earned is money earned. You always pay what you owe.

TheButcher 2005-02-01 12:30 PM

GreenGuy, I deleted all non-posting members (3000) or so, all cookies are at 5 minutes now. The questions about hy memberlist and search are disabled are for the following reason. I have been told (right or wrong) that the fastest way to crash the server is to hit serach.php and or memberlist.php, so to eliminate the possibility of another hack attempt I took them down. I am always enouraging memebrs to fill in their profile and sig, I can't force anyone to do anything they don't wish to do.

I can tell you with 100% confidence, I have 2 usernames on my board

TheButcher and TheButcher(laptop).

There is this whole discussion about are the members real, yes they are. The bit about why post counts don't update immediatley, no idea have sent emails and posted on the vb site to see why it takes a few mins to update. The suggestions that the script has been manipulated or altered to reflect higher counts is not true. I have not paid, asked, changed any function in the script to show hgher post counts or more members.

TheButcher 2005-02-01 12:33 PM

Every fight on other boards gets us guests, I don't want fights but we get attention. Members read but don't log in, and we have more search engine spiders on our board than flies on shit.

I have to go into a meeting, I'll be back in an hour or hr and a half. I'd love to work thru any misunderstandings that there are and start out on a clean slate as co-operating webmasters not argumentative enemies.

thank you

urb 2005-02-01 01:02 PM

Welcome to Greenguy and Jim, TheButcher :)

I have two questions.

1) Did you adopt the name "TheButcher" as a knock at Meat from Netpond because he banned you for poaching Netponders to your board via PMs?
2) Did you ever manage to get your Internext pictures resized and online?

tjchuck 2005-02-01 01:06 PM

I am rather appalled by this thread and the immaturity of certain individuals.

I can honestly say that business is business whether it be adult websites or a corner grocery store.

The one golden rule in business (any business and even life in general) is not to burn bridges, as you never know when you might need to cross the river again.

It really is unfortunate that individuals feel they should cheat and screw people in order to get somewhere.

Even if it takes longer to reach some success, you will gain more respect from people if you go about it ethically.

I am a newbie and no one really knows me from a hole in the ground, but having another newbie piss off everybody does not benefit anyone especially us newbies.

fuckin sad

kristian 2005-02-01 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by tjchuck
I am rather appalled by this thread and the immaturity of certain individuals.

I can honestly say that business is business whether it be adult websites or a corner grocery store.

The one golden rule in business (any business and even life in general) is not to burn bridges, as you never know when you might need to cross the river again.

It really is unfortunate that individuals feel they should cheat and screw people in order to get somewhere.

Even if it takes longer to reach some success, you will gain more respect from people if you go about it ethically.

I am a newbie and no one really knows me from a hole in the ground, but having another newbie piss off everybody does not benefit anyone especially us newbies.

fuckin sad

Well said.

swedguy 2005-02-01 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by TheButcher
Every fight on other boards gets us guests, I don't want fights but we get attention.

Things that make ya go hmmm.

(sometimes I tend to think out loud)

keke 2005-02-01 01:34 PM

Here's thebutchers payment timeline :

November 6, 2004 - he paypal me $20 and $30, one for referrals and the other wrong payment for banner but he told me to keep it as advanced payment for moderating which is he offered $200 per month and i agreed. Its an echeck from after almost 2 weeks of waiting the echeck didnt clear.

November 16, 2004 - he said he'll send me a check instead but same thing happened no check show up in my mailbox.

So now theres november and december payment that he needs to pay me.

He paypal echecks again which after more than 2 weeks cleared BUT according to paypal he reversed it again. The money was reversed by thebutcher for the reason he only knows.

BEFORE he went to the internext. He said he will send me MY money via western union, he send nothing!!!! Then he told me again he sent a check (for the 3 mods) 3 weeks ago but where is the check?

He is really getting pissed that i am reminding him of MY money for 3 months now and that $1000 for charity/red cross (this contest ends thanksgiving 2004) that he said he sent but didnt get to the destination.

You can call me whatever word you want but it still come to the fact that you owe me money and you dont have any intention of paying me and the other mods except now that this thing happens and im glad you WILL pay them or my coming out will not make sense.

you delete post/thread when a member asked when they will get paid.

you said that i worked for "them" since day 1 and leaked the information. Now you can ask them if i do! But now im talking this might not be in the mod forum but this is what i know since day 1.

you are so sneaky, you know im going out & thats the time you posted keke is me and then you told me to "go" have time with my husband then you deleted my account.

i dont know if other board will do such stupid things.

by the way, im glad im out of your board :) you can have as many nicks as you want and win as many contests as you want. For me you are history and RIP to you.

TheButcher 2005-02-01 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by urb
Welcome to Greenguy and Jim, TheButcher :)

I have two questions.

1) Did you adopt the name "TheButcher" as a knock at Meat from Netpond because he banned you for poaching Netponders to your board via PMs?
2) Did you ever manage to get your Internext pictures resized and online?

Nope, on both counts

Linkster 2005-02-01 02:12 PM

Since you are answering questions here - I frequent many domain boards, and in the past have seen you post a few messages about domains you have bought, and the number of domains you own as a hobby ( I believe the last number I read that you posted was 3200 domains)
First off - why would you register domains like and unless you are planning on obtaining traffic by spoofing/scraping/scamming?

Second - if you say you have 3200 domains, yet some posts I saw on php and hack boards you claim to have just gotten into the internet business this fall (which does coincide with everything Ive seen you post under other nicknames on other boards) how are you going to afford the renewals if you cant afford to pay for posting anymore?

For that matter - based on what Ive read on your views on domain disputes and trademark issues on the domain boards in the last three months, I would make a recommendation that you talk to a legal adviser if you really have that many domains as it sounds like you have already set yourself up for a few lawsuits.

TheButcher 2005-02-01 02:27 PM

I do own some number close to that, I buy domains all day long and have people work for me who register domains, I don't have a complete list of them, I trust my employees to make purchases for me. None of my domains redirect anywhere nor do they have an index page. I either park them at the various registrars or on my servers.

Hope that helps

TheButcher 2005-02-01 02:31 PM

Another thing, I have no doamins registered to any address in France, there seems to be some confussion about people who were on IP's I have my chatboard on that used to have domains registered to in some address in france. When I was made aware of the fact I made sure that my techs or hosts blocked all domains that were still pointed to those IP's.

I do not allow any illegal chat on my board nor do I do anything that is not 100% above the law. So that should explain this confussion of domains that are not mine.

Nick@ilynx 2005-02-01 02:32 PM

Where are you based?

TheButcher 2005-02-01 02:33 PM

keke the fact that you first didn't know who keke was, then it was your husbands nick, I have been investigating you and your actions for a long time. And I do not support, help or pay for double crossing back stabbing individuals on my payroll.

Greenguy 2005-02-01 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by TheButcher
...I am always enouraging memebrs to fill in their profile and sig, I can't force anyone to do anything they don't wish to do.....

That's the problem - you DO force them to put in their birthdays, yet around 95% of the members do not have birthdays on your calendar.


Originally Posted by TheButcher
....Every fight on other boards gets us guests, I don't want fights but we get attention. Members read but don't log in, and we have more search engine spiders on our board than flies on shit. ....

That's all fine & dandy, but when you showed 3438 members & guest online & only 130 of them are reading thread a thread & the other 3300 are viewing the board's index page, something is wrong.

We get hit with SE spiders all the time & oddly enough, the spiders do what spiders are meant to do - they go thru the entire site & spider it. They do not stop on the index page & just sit there.

Go take a look are ours: - Currently Active Users: 250 (116 members and 134 guests)
What are most, if not all, of those "guests" doing? I think I counted 6 or 7 that are "Viewing Index" The rest are "Viewing Thread" or "Searching Forums" or 'Viewing User Profile" or whatever. Some are legit people, some are spiders.

What I can't figure out is why about 95% of your guests are looking at your index when only 5% are looking at ours.


I don't think you answered either of these questions:

Originally Posted by Greenguy
2 - A month ago, when you had 7000 members, you stated that the site was 2 months old. At that rate, you'd be getting 116 or so new members each day. Yet after Jim & I signed up, it was 40 hours until another new member registered.

3 - Everyone can see that your member list is down to 4000. You told me on ICQ that you deleted every member that hadn't posted in the last 75 days. Assuming that you've been open for 3 months now, which is 90 days, that means you had 3000 people register in the 1st 15 days & none of them have posted since?.

TheButcher 2005-02-01 03:09 PM

I have answered everything as honestly and truthfully as I can, I really don't want to start repeating myself or arguing for the sake of arguing. I came here, I appreciate being allowed to reply. I hope what I said can be taken at face value and not "spinned." I have tried to fix any misunderstandings that may have been. I invite you GreenGuy and Jim back to my board. I hold no ill intents or wishes towards anyone here especially you two old time webmasters. I hope you can all keep an open mnd and try work as professionals, which I know you are.

Are we competition? absolutely, are we enemies or need to "spin" things absolutely not. Can we co-exist in peace and harmony? absolutely. Are we the only 2 boards, no.

I'm doing my best to make positive gestures in all fairness and have a cordial working relationship.

Am I arrogant? absolutely not, I made this initiative with your permission to get all misconceptions out of the way.

Do I believe, appreciate or agree with angelmaries/keke et al? absolutely not. She in my book is a distressed confussed individual witha very wild and active imagination. I suggested she goes to Hollywood. She might do well as a story writter. Maybe as a floor sweeper at McDonalds at Universal studios.

But to everyone else here who can see thru the crap she has said and made up, I want to live in peace and prosper together.

Thank you GreenGuy and Jim for allowing this venue, thankyou to all who have spent the time to read it.

Cleo 2005-02-01 03:10 PM

I just want to see the pics

Linkster 2005-02-01 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by TheButcher
Another thing, I have no doamins registered to any address in France, there seems to be some confussion about people who were on IP's I have my chatboard on that used to have domains registered to in some address in france. I do not allow any illegal chat on my board nor do I do anything that is not 100% above the law. So that should explain this confussion of domains that are not mine.

I dont think I asked anything about domains in France?
I was specifically interested in:
Which are registered to your company in London - Northfield Ventures LTD
and on your Oxeo server - as well as the other 20 domains that you have boasted about buying recently on your own board and Namepros board

Nick@ilynx 2005-02-01 03:23 PM

You never answered a single direct question...

Jim 2005-02-01 03:25 PM

Yep, this went exactly as I thought it would

Nick@ilynx 2005-02-01 03:29 PM

He is a bare faced scammer.

There are threads in detail on Oprano concerning him.

Greenguy 2005-02-01 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by TheButcher
I have answered everything as honestly and truthfully as I can....

Can you please show me where you answered or clarified any of my questions?

Tommy 2005-02-01 03:41 PM

What did you guys expect, some magicial explation ???

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