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Ramster 2016-06-13 09:41 AM

It's Monday Another Week Underway
Good morning :)

Working this morning but I have some errands to run this morning then going golfing this afternoon with a bunch of friends. Be good to get out of the basement lol.

Terrible tragedy over the weekend in Orlando :( Anyone that thinks the guns laws in the US do not need to be changed think about this... The gunman, already investigated twice by the FBI for sympathies and ties to ISIL/ISIS, bought 2 military grade automatic weapons a week before walking into that nightclub and killing 50 people!

I'm all for guns (ok not really) but there is NO NEED for military grade assault rifles to be sold to regular citizens. ZERO!!!!!!!! Buy a handgun? ok. Buy a hunting rifle? ok. Automatic military grade assault rifle? Ummm no!

Cleo 2016-06-13 11:31 AM

Everyone down here is in a state of shock over the shootings. :(

On a much more positive note I finally went paddleboard snorkeling yesterday.

But was up most of the night in horrendous leg pain from overdoing it with my leg. The spot where I went was not my choosing and involved portaging her kayak, my paddleboard and all out other beach crap a long distance through sand and boardwalks. It was even too much for my very healthy 37 year old friend not to mention it was hot and humid as hell. At least now I know I can start snorkeling again, but never again at this spot as there are plenty of places to go with parking near the water. This spot isn't even a great place to snorkel.

I've got two of my newlywed girlfriends staying with me that are leaving today who want me to have lunch and stuff with them so probably won't get a lot of work done today not to mention I've had almost no sleep.

ecchi 2016-06-14 04:08 AM

Got pissed off with work on Saturday and took the weekend off. Am now frantically trying to catch up with all the work that should have been done two days ago.

CD Smith 2016-06-14 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Ramster (Post 543484)
Good morning :)

Working this morning but I have some errands to run this morning then going golfing this afternoon with a bunch of friends. Be good to get out of the basement lol.

Terrible tragedy over the weekend in Orlando :( Anyone that thinks the guns laws in the US do not need to be changed think about this... The gunman, already investigated twice by the FBI for sympathies and ties to ISIL/ISIS, bought 2 military grade automatic weapons a week before walking into that nightclub and killing 50 people!

I'm all for guns (ok not really) but there is NO NEED for military grade assault rifles to be sold to regular citizens. ZERO!!!!!!!! Buy a handgun? ok. Buy a hunting rifle? ok. Automatic military grade assault rifle? Ummm no!

As a Canadian living as the lint in Canada's belly button (Winnipeg) I'd have to say I've sometimes wondered over the years what it would be like to purchase and own a collection of weapons that included M-16's, AK-47's, Isreali Uzis, AR-15's, FN FAL, Colt Commando, H&K's, and the like.

But I've always decided to spend that money on other things, like a new house, a new kitchen, new siding, detailing on the car, a new 8-core badass computer, new flatscreen, ..... always something getting in the way of dropping thousands on that gun collection I've so long dreamed of. *sigh*

Come to think of it I think it's pretty difficult to own automatic weapons up here.

ecchi 2016-06-15 03:47 AM

In Britain it is hard to get a gun licence. In some professions you need a gun (e.g. a farmer really needs a shotgun) but you have to go through all sorts of tests both background tests (are you a criminal) and psychiatric tests (are you mad) before they will give you the licence even if your job requires one. Some years beck a friend was talking about what he would do if he won the lottery, his plans included setting up a nuclear survival bunker in case the balloon goes up. I asked him if I would get a place in his bunker if nuclear war did start and his reply was that I was high on his list simply because we would need guns, and I was the only person he knew who was sane and did not have a criminal record, so the only person he knew who could get a gun licence!

Pagan 2016-06-15 08:14 AM

It is easier to get a gun in the UK than it is here in Finland. It is very difficult, yet, we are seeing more and more gun violence each year. If you want a gun of any kind in Finland, you have to have a very very good reason and put it in writing. They got very strict on them after a couple of school shooting incidents a few years back. Even with all that red tape, it doesn't stop shootings. We had several over the last few months and I expect more later this month during the midsummer festivities.

CD Smith 2016-06-15 11:35 AM

Canada really zeroed in on drastically limiting the sale of ammo, as in who could buy certain types, especially the stuff used in automatic weapons, military and para-military style weapons.

You can get a hand gun license here, but you have to go through rigorous background checks, you have to have a gun safety course certificate, and there's a 28 day minimum wait period at point of sale. These kinds of guns must be registered as well, whereas hunting rifles and other long guns no longer have to be.

I like that I as a Canadian citizen still have the right to bear arms as it were, but must be competent and qualified to do so.

You can see how our gun laws evolved here:

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