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ArtWilliams 2021-04-17 08:54 AM

Sat Apr 17 I Call Bullshit ...
Morning. |coffee

Toronto, where I live, is part of the Province of Ontario and our 16 million residents are now under a State of Emergency lock down as ICUs fill up. Our Conservative Premier, the brother of infamous Rob Ford, is an fucking idiot. Totally beholden to his business supporters. There is an advisory council of doctors and scientists and many want three things. Better ventilation in workplaces, more testing and paid sick days for all workers. What do we get? Mandatory police checks and parks closed. Oh yeah, the borders between Provinces will be closed now. Dickhead, no one wants to come here anyway! Now, the doctors are livid and saying that, within weeks, potential ICU patients will have to be triaged. People are going to unnecessarily die and it's the fucktard Premier's fault.

In other news, there is a double header on in |baseball| so I'll be watching that and very little else today.

Have a good one! |thumb

Pagan 2021-04-17 09:33 AM

What if the people respected the guidelines on their own, without government intervention? Does the government have to tell them what to do? Can't most of them figure out for themselves? Masking, distancing, and handwashing go a very long way and can be done without police intervention. For those that choose to believe otherwise and wish to party like there is no tomorrow, well, maybe there won't be. Maybe they will be the ones to be triaged right out of a hospital bed. Terrible choice, I know, but everyone has a choice to make.

Here in Finland they pointed it out from day one -- there are only so many ICU beds in the entire country, and we all have to share them. They make it sound almost patriotic to follow their guidelines. We are seeing a decline, but they have still cancelled 4 major rock festivals this summer.

Greenguy 2021-04-17 10:11 AM

Morning! |sars|

I fell asleep early due to being up so late on Thursday & popped up around 2AM, so I worked until 7, then grabbed another 3 hours |thumb

That's a literal FUCKLOAD of |hockey| on today. Games at 12:30, 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8 |banana|

Just gonna work & root for my fantasy players for the rest of the day.


Originally Posted by Pagan (Post 563945)
Can't most of them figure out for themselves?

You do realize McDonald's has to put "CAUTION! HOT!" on their coffee |lol||lol||lol||lol||lol||lol||lol||lol||lol||lol||lol||lol||lol||lol||lol||lol||lol||lol|

ArtWilliams 2021-04-17 10:14 AM

Pagan, people are following rules. People getting sick in this third wave are victims of their position in life.

Most of the transmission is coming from people who have to work and often ride a crowded bus or subway to get to their place of employment. Minimum wage workers don't have paid sick days and the Government is refusing to pass legislation to change that. If you have to make rent but have flu like symptoms you're still going to get on the bus and make it to the store where you work. According to science experts, this is a major cause of transmission.

Also, Ontario has 2,000 ICU beds but only 1,000 operate. They could have staffed up in the last year but did nothing. This is the same government that slashed billions from the health care budget a year before the pandemic.

Ramster 2021-04-18 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by ArtWilliams (Post 563947)
Pagan, people are following rules. People getting sick in this third wave are victims of their position in life.

Most of the transmission is coming from people who have to work and often ride a crowded bus or subway to get to their place of employment. Minimum wage workers don't have paid sick days and the Government is refusing to pass legislation to change that. If you have to make rent but have flu like symptoms you're still going to get on the bus and make it to the store where you work. According to science experts, this is a major cause of transmission.

Also, Ontario has 2,000 ICU beds but only 1,000 operate. They could have staffed up in the last year but did nothing. This is the same government that slashed billions from the health care budget a year before the pandemic.

The ICU beds is the PROBLEM! We've been in a pandemic for a YEAR and you, as a government couldn't better prepare for this? With over 15 Million people, 2,000 beds is a joke |angry|

Ramster 2021-04-18 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by ArtWilliams (Post 563943)
Morning. |coffee

Toronto, where I live, is part of the Province of Ontario and our 16 million residents are now under a State of Emergency lock down as ICUs fill up. Our Conservative Premier, the brother of infamous Rob Ford, is an fucking idiot. Totally beholden to his business supporters. There is an advisory council of doctors and scientists and many want three things. Better ventilation in workplaces, more testing and paid sick days for all workers. What do we get? Mandatory police checks and parks closed. Oh yeah, the borders between Provinces will be closed now. Dickhead, no one wants to come here anyway! Now, the doctors are livid and saying that, within weeks, potential ICU patients will have to be triaged. People are going to unnecessarily die and it's the fucktard Premier's fault.

Exactly. He was doing so good at the start but now he's just a fucking babbling idiot with a "deer in the headlights" look as cases go up. He has NO IDEA what to do |huh

Ramster 2021-04-18 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Pagan (Post 563945)
What if the people respected the guidelines on their own, without government intervention? Does the government have to tell them what to do? Can't most of them figure out for themselves? Masking, distancing, and handwashing go a very long way and can be done without police intervention. For those that choose to believe otherwise and wish to party like there is no tomorrow, well, maybe there won't be. Maybe they will be the ones to be triaged right out of a hospital bed. Terrible choice, I know, but everyone has a choice to make.

Here in Finland they pointed it out from day one -- there are only so many ICU beds in the entire country, and we all have to share them. They make it sound almost patriotic to follow their guidelines. We are seeing a decline, but they have still cancelled 4 major rock festivals this summer.

People are FED UP. Ontario has been in some type of lockdown since September. We've been "closed" more than open for the past 7 months. We were closed in the fall, closed again December 26th to Feb 19th and closing again April 3rd to May 20th. Since Christmas, Ontario has been open for a total of 44 days, out of the past 97 and "cases" are at an all time high now. Why? Like Art said, many offices are opening and people have to work. Lower income people have to work. Amazon warehouse had a HUGE outbreak, Amazon apparently has to work. Factories have to work. Essential workers (Walmart, Costco, Liquor/beer stores, etc) have to work. And younger people aren't dying so they aren't as careful.

Pagan 2021-04-19 11:40 AM

We get tired of it too, Ramster. Lockdown here has been in place more or less for the last 13 months now, and it isn't easing up yet. We are in our 3rd full wave of this stuff, with new variants all the time. At least our government supports the workers who are unable to go to work and the businesses that must shutter. They opened our restaurants again today on a limited basis. The caution they put out there is that younger people *are* dying with these new variants, so masks/distancing/handwashing are all still expected. Funny part is, even though we are fed up, we still respect the guidelines. And it is working. It isn't instant, but it is getting better again. We won't have our treasured summer music festivals again this year, but maybe next. Instead of my area being able to look forward to vaccinations for any group other than the over 70's, the vaccines will be diverted to the big cities. We are okay - we haven't had them available yet, so we aren't missing anything. Our stores have never really closed to anyone except for maybe a day to set up distancing (which is respected) and plexiglass shields for the workers. I would say that 99.5% of the people I see are masked. We want this over with, and maybe this fall it will be for us. At least for this round.

Useless 2021-04-20 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Pagan (Post 563945)
What if the people respected the guidelines on their own, without government intervention? Does the government have to tell them what to do? Can't most of them figure out for themselves?

That's hilarious.

People don't do the right thing. They don't care about others. I have worked full time for the entirety of the pandemic in a place that has a mandatory mask policy. HALF of these stupid fucks don't wear a mask, so we have had a lot of employees miss work due to quarantines. The company doesn't police the policy, so these morons do what they want. |banghead|

Pagan 2021-04-21 05:02 AM

Maybe that is why I never really fit in when I lived in the States, Useless. Common sense says respect the guidelines. I hate wearing a mask but I do it because our government has said it is necessary and that by doing so we are helping. There are always a few that don't understand that, or simply don't care. One of our government officials yesterday said, "Even one death is too much".

JAI-LING 2021-04-22 06:12 AM

You might like it here, Pagan. People do care about one another. To the extent they do not wish to cause any hassles or problems for other people. Two of the most common phrases I hear countless times a day, Su mi masen, "Sorry for the trouble" and Go men na sai, "Please excuse me."

Lockdown does not mean that much to us. We are already locking down as much as possible. If the gov tightens it this week, we will tighten up too.
I really can't be bothered going to crowded restaurants, bars and clubs. Been there done that.

I hope everyone here makes it through okay. Ive head from family members in the medical field that bad cases are so horrific you would not want to wish the experience on anyone. Even someone you despise.

ArtWilliams 2021-04-22 08:09 AM

With our tool of a Premier doing the wrong things, the local Chief Medical Officers of Toronto (2.7 million people) and adjoining Peel (1.3 million people) have instituted a Section 22 health order. That means any workplace with more than 5 COVID cases will be shut down for 10 days. The positivity rate in parts of Peel is 22%! ICU occupancy rate in Ontario is at 80%. "Shit is getting real" as they say.

A couple of Amazon warehouses are located in Peel as well as the main postal sorting facility for the greater Toronto area (7.0+ million people).
Both have had outbreaks in the past with hundreds infected. No word yet if they're on the new list which will go public tomorrow.

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