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TightTeela 2006-12-26 05:30 AM

promo section help
hey guys, getting back to work now that xmas is done, i'm trying to make my webmaster/affiliate section better, totally new to php, and i use dreamweaver for everything else. so bear with me, but if you can help i would appreciate it, the goal right now is to get a page so i can set up fhg's. my main sign up page is here its a work in progress :) and i want it to link to here so that people can log in to get their promo content. what i dont know is when someone logs in, where would that page be? and i'm hoping i can just make a page listing all the fhg's for the time being

LowryBigwood 2006-12-26 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by TightTeela (Post 321175)
my main sign up page is here its a work in progress :) and i want it to link to here so that people can log in to get their promo content. what i dont know is when someone logs in, where would that page be?

If I understand you correctly (it's a bit early and only on my first cup of coffee) , the page you have shown webmasterlogin.php is on the root of your domain giving the url you used.

TightTeela 2006-12-26 08:06 AM

ok so trying to common sense it, if i put the page with the fhg's in the same section as that page, it should work? i was thinking for some reason there should be more to it tho. maybe not.

LowryBigwood 2006-12-26 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by TightTeela (Post 321196)
ok so trying to common sense it, if i put the page with the fhg's in the same section as that page, it should work? i was thinking for some reason there should be more to it tho. maybe not.

The page with the fhg's will work wherever you put it. It's the link to it that you will have to get right. For example...

If you put the page freehostedgalleries.php in your root, then when you link to it you would use a link like

If you put the freehostedgalleries.php in a folder off your root like then you would have to use a link like

I think that is what you were asking...

There is another way of linking without using all the but I don't want to confuse you.

Hope this helps.

T Pat 2006-12-26 09:05 AM

Teela I only have one cup of coffee in me, so everything is a little fuzzy still. is this what your looking for:
Affiliates Grabe Your Banners, Photos And Galleries Here

Chop Smith 2006-12-26 10:28 AM

I am thinking that she is wanting to password protect her promos. Should that be the case she need to place them in a separate directory as suggested by LowryBigwood:


Originally Posted by LowryBigwood (Post 321199)
..If you put the freehostedgalleries.php in a folder off your root like then you would have to use a link like

I think that is what you were asking...

TightTeela 2006-12-26 09:32 PM

i dont worry about password protecting the promos as much as im worried that the affiliates will be getting the right codes for their fhg's. anyways thanks guys, ill dick with it today/tonight and see if i can get a better handle on it.

juggernaut 2006-12-27 01:25 AM

Is this what you are looking for?

TightTeela 2006-12-27 02:21 AM

awesome juggernaut, thanks, going to read that now

TightTeela 2006-12-27 04:17 AM

ok guys im stuck again, followed those instructions, so if im starting here , i can login , but it takes me to , i checked my code and it should be pointing to here , if you can help me out, thanks alot.

edit, sorry put in the wrong url

TightTeela 2006-12-27 04:28 AM

ok, looks like its working.

TightTeela 2006-12-27 04:36 AM

hopefully your following along, sorry for the rookie questions but here's where im at now.

i'm starting here , logging in takes me to here and if i click the gallery i get , it appears to be working except for the affiliate code, so where am i putting in the $id = $_GET['id'];
and does the rest seem right to you?

juggernaut 2006-12-27 10:41 AM

Contact Toby as he is the one who posted that code and I'm sure can help you better. I looked over you code and don't see the

anyplace. I wish I could give you more help but I'm sure Toby can.

Toby 2006-12-27 03:07 PM

Within hosted gallery page code:
PHP Code:

<a href="<?= $_GET['id'?>"

Your hosted gallery links would then look like:

The short snip of PHP code grabs the value for id from the URL and inserts it into the link.

Chop Smith 2006-12-27 03:21 PM

It does not look like the affiliate code is being transferred from the login page to gallery listing page.

TightTeela 2006-12-27 08:15 PM

yeah im pretty sure that

T Pat 2006-12-27 08:34 PM

are you missing a ">" at the end

TightTeela 2006-12-27 08:36 PM

heh this is where i say 'arrrggggh' and go for a smoke, thanks for the help so far

Toby 2006-12-27 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by T Pat (Post 321553)
are you missing a ">" at the end

Nice catch Pat, yes indeed there should be another > after the last quote in my previous post.

Toby 2006-12-27 08:44 PM

I see the problem. You used aff'] ?> in the page coding so the gallery link needs to be

It works fine now, the part in red is just a variable name. It can be most anything you want, it just has to be the same in the page code and the gallery link.

TightTeela 2006-12-27 08:46 PM

this is what i have put in the fhg where the link code would normally be

TightTeela 2006-12-27 08:48 PM

so add = to the end of the gallery url?

Chop Smith 2006-12-27 08:59 PM

I tested it here:

TightTeela 2006-12-27 09:11 PM

laugh chops, that looks like what i got. ok sorry guys, taking a time out and i'll come back to it in a bit.

juggernaut 2006-12-29 12:43 PM

I would contact ccbill. I tried to test this for you and do some debuging. But I can't log on. I tried to log on the ccbill afil section of ccbills website also but it wont allow me. It keeps bringing me back to the log on page like it should when there is a problem. But when I go to reset the password, It's telling me affilate ID does not match my email. Which is funny cause it's the email addy I received the confirmation from and it's listed in the confirmation. When I type in my affil ID to log on, it tells me
Invalid Affiliate ID The Affiliate ID does not exist. Hit your BACK button and enter a valid, existing ID, or create a new ID.
So I would be on the phone asap..

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