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Simon 2005-08-19 09:05 AM

Who knows about "sex story" free sites?
For our hosted free sites, we've been using the traditional free site structure. Index page, main page, two gallery pages with 10-15 photos per page.

Now we'd like to also offer some hosted free sites where the content is sex stories instead of photos. But I'm seeing that it's hard to find any guidelines for building a free site using sex stories for content.

We'd like to have our 'sex story' HFS sites conform to whatever the usual rules would be, but most links lists don't seem to have anything about this in their submission rules.

Can anyone here offer some suggestions on how sex story free sites should be constructed?

And on how much story content needs to be in one?

Or anything else that I'm forgetting to ask about..? :)


Surfn 2005-08-19 09:12 AM

Read this and I'll answer any other questions you may have :)

Simon 2005-08-19 10:07 AM

Damn |banghead|

I forgot to look in the other forums.
Hmmm...maybe this question belonged over there.

Looks like there are some dissenting opinions on how to do things in that thread. :D

I guess my real question is what do link list owners want to see in a HFS that uses sex stories for content? The intent is still to promote our paysite, which is not a sex story site. But since we have around 5,000 stories in the member area, it seemed like a good idea to use some of that as content for HFS/FHG too. Does that sound like it would be a good thing to do?

Surfn 2005-08-19 10:11 AM

If you have 5,000+ stories then sure go for it. :)

Useless 2005-08-19 11:33 AM

I'm going to weigh in because I'm a mildly opinionated person. |shocking| I tend to believe that many link lists expect to see too many stories on a single free site. Anyone who writes, has written, or has attempted to write, will see a greater value to each story and not expect so many, which is probably why you'll see MadMax state that he accepts sites with 3-4 stories while others seem to want more. Each story is a lot of work and (I'm betting) takes more time than most photo shoots. I think the value of good erotica is under-estimated in our biz.

LowryBigwood 2005-08-19 11:45 AM

As for myself, I generally approve freesites with story content that have at least 3 stories. I would probably allow as little as 2 stories, 1 per each gallery.

MorganGrayson 2005-08-19 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior
I'm going to weigh in because I'm a mildly opinionated person. |shocking| I tend to believe that many link lists expect to see too many stories on a single free site. Anyone who writes, has written, or has attempted to write, will see a greater value to each story and not expect so many, which is probably why you'll see MadMax state that he accepts sites with 3-4 stories while others seem to want more. Each story is a lot of work and (I'm betting) takes more time than most photo shoots. I think the value of good erotica is under-estimated in our biz.

UW...I love you...I've always loved you...I always will love you... |love|

amber438 2005-08-19 02:43 PM

I have to agree with UW..I think that each story in itself is a kind of work of art..and I like to see 2 stories, 1 per gallery, in a story free site if it's well written.
When it comes to stories, I think less is more.


Surfn 2005-08-19 02:54 PM

I don't know much about story sites I've only been building and submitting them for 7 years. I think LOR still has one or two of mine listed.

Whatever you decide Simon let me know ;)

RawAlex 2005-08-19 02:55 PM

5000 stories? Exactly how many did you get a license for?

Simon 2005-08-19 03:25 PM

Alex... we have probably closer to 7,000 stories, including member and visitor submitted stories, plus some that we've purchased in various quantities over the early years. We would only have the authors' permissions to use a certain amount of those this way. My point is that we have a lot of stories content to offer a prospective member, so maybe we should be saying that a little louder in some way, perhaps with some free sites focused on sex stories.

Is that what you meant by license..?

Simon 2005-08-19 04:01 PM

A little recap...
Okay... let me see if I can figure out what I've learned here so far about this.

Surfn says (in the other thread) 3-4 well-written ones per page. Also says go for it. :)

-- one question is, does that mean 3-4 total per free site, with them linked off the main page, or is that 3-4 per gallery page with 2 or more of those gallery pages linked off the main page?

MadMax has said 3-4 stories for a site.

LowryBigwood says at least 3 stories, maybe 2 sometimes.

Useless Warrior thinks stories are hard to write. ;)

MorganGrayson loves UW.

I find myself agreeing with all the above... and not just to feel the love (but I'm not turning any down). It seems that a story free site should provide about the amount of entertainment that a site with photos provides. So 3-4 stories might be plenty.

My guess from reading what Stu was saying in the thread that Surfn mentioned above would apply more to another kind of story free site, perhaps designed to hold the surfer/reader inside its pages longer.

I guess we could test both versions.

Either that or I'll ask Surfn. :)


MorganGrayson 2005-08-19 04:40 PM

I love UW because...well, many things...but the relevent one is his respect for writers. The hacks have ruined our business.

Writing a *good* porn story *is* difficult. I write porn stories the same way I write anything else: people walk into my head and I write down what they say and do. It's the same with novels, only shorter and using words like "cocksucker." (That was for UW!) Then, after however many hours it takes to create it, comes grammer check, spell check, editing...just like any other writing. Sometimes I sit down and stare at a blank page in Word and nobody walks into my head. That's scary. It's like going blind or deaf would be to somebody else.

My site Erotica by Morgan has too many stories on it for a free site, but that's not primarily what the site is for. It's for webmasters to be able to read my writing. When you're in the business of selling porn stories, it's nice to have a site up for webmasters to peruse.

I don't like calling my work "erotica." D.H. Lawrence wrote "erotica." I write hardcore fuck stories for the internet.

docholly 2005-08-19 05:37 PM

weighing in here..

I agree with someone who said.. you want to tease the surfer into buying the sponsor so why give them more than just a chapter or 2 per free site.. with a to be continued link to the sponsor.

I make picture story sites.. i have girls who will give me 10 themed pictures and I write stories around them. Of course I haven't submitted them anywhere because I could never find in anyones rules where they'd be accepted. When TGP2 was alive and kicking, it was great because I could put a picture then write 200-300 words of text around that picture.

and as a matter of fact we are going to have a new site very soon (by the end of the year) that is based on that format.. 10-12 pictures and a story written around them.

GREAT for SE spider food, Great for bandwidth.. and for some micro niches good for conversions..

Ok i'll shut up before TART hits me with a wet spoon.. er noodle.


Simon 2005-08-19 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by MorganGrayson
Writing a *good* porn story *is* difficult.

Okay, I'll say it... you write damn good hardcore fuck stories for the internet. :)

And I really do agree about quality writing being hard to find. An awful lot of the surfer-submitted stories at the sex story archive sites we run are truly awful. Makes you wonder how someone can want to submit it for others to read.

MorganGrayson 2005-08-19 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Simon
Okay, I'll say it... you write damn good hardcore fuck stories for the internet. :)

And I really do agree about quality writing being hard to find. An awful lot of the surfer-submitted stories at the sex story archive sites we run are truly awful. Makes you wonder how someone can want to submit it for others to read.

Thank you, Simon. You've made my week. |love|

They submit them because they *think* they're good. A lot of people think stories that have "...and then she sucked his cock..." in them are *good* stories, because they've never actually read a good story.

Any "writer" who would advertise his/her own work with "my stories are cheap!" writes crap. No real writer would ever put his/her own work and the word "cheap" in the same sentence.

Ah...pic gallery stories! I started doing that this year. (One of my kazillion projects.) When I wrote poetry, I wrote for pictures. I'd stare at a photograph, and out came the poem. It's the same with a series of pics. I love doing that. I used to have a linksite and snapped one day over the lousy descriptions I was getting. ("20 pics of a blonde"??? C'mon. Accurate though that may be, it just doesn't scream "click me!" to me.) I wrote lengthier, better descriptions...and my traffic soared. Spiders love words, and a good, keyword laden story to go with your pics can do wonders for your traffic.

mikeyddddd 2005-08-20 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by MorganGrayson
Then, after however many hours it takes to create it, comes grammer check, spell check, editing...just like any other writing.

Something didn't look right, so I did a spell check on your "grammer". I'm a programmer. I don't know much about pro grammar.

Simon 2005-08-20 12:45 PM

Yeah... and the period goes inside the closing quotation,
but she still writes hot stories. :)

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