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Greenguy 2014-06-18 09:21 AM

I'm... ummmm... well... yeah...
I honestly have no idea what's going on with my body as far as this sleep apnea crap. The new med they gave me did nothing & there was a leak on the machine during the week long at-home test I did, so I'm almost back to square one :(

I do have appts today & tomorrow with my docs and hopefully they can get me on the right track, because my quality of life at this moment is shit.

javbucks 2014-06-18 09:29 AM

Sleep apnea sucks, know a friend who has it

pc 2014-06-18 09:50 AM

Greenie sorry to hear that youre still sufering.
As stupid as it sounds but hard "reset" sometimes helps me. Not that I have problems with sleep but very often theres just too much work on my agenda and very often stress and heavy thinking before sleep. Then I just work as much as I can , then comes weekend that I practically sleep through friday evening whole saturday and most of sunday. Monday morning I feel like brand new. But to achieve that I need to be really physicaly exhausted.
With your back condition that may be impossible.
The other stupid way ( also works for my overload of things ) is just get wasted and sleep for two days after.
But with meds you are taking this also might be impossible.
Just mumbling but for me there is some logic to it.

Cleo 2014-06-18 09:52 AM

Greenie maybe try to get more exercise during the day.

JustRobert 2014-06-18 12:27 PM

Soooo sorry to hear that Greenie.

Guess this is another reason to be glad my vacation got postponed to later this year, I believe. Hopefully by then you will have this sorted and back to somewhat normal.

Do your best to stay strong, taking it just one day at a time.

ecchi 2014-06-19 03:30 AM

Unlike other people in this thread I cannot offer you advice, because I know nothing about the condition from which you suffer. However you have my support and good wishes and I hope things improve for you.

All I can say is try to keep cheerful, I know that is hard, but concentrate on the good things in your life (your wife etc.). And believe that things will get better, that eventually the doctors will come up with a solution.

JAI-LING 2014-06-19 09:07 AM

Sorry to hear that, Greenie. Hope you get back on track and feel better.
Lose weight. I was having trouble with it. Doctor told me it was all the fat around my neck which puts pressure on your air tube and food tube...

Don't know if you have a weight problem but since I dropped 60+ pounds and counting, no more sleep apnea. Walking and diet has been critical. Hour++ long walks a day. They also help me to "reset" as someone mentioned.

Greenguy 2014-06-19 09:21 AM

Thanks everyone |shake| |smooch|

The good news is that I was able to get an appt for an overnight sleep study tomorrow night |bananna|

The bad news is that the other sleep apnea med that I've seen pop up when I use the Google is on the list of no-no's as far as my rehab/recovery goes, so I'll have to ask my counselor today at my appt if I'm allowed to try it until I get the results of my sleep study.


Originally Posted by pc (Post 534677)
...As stupid as it sounds but hard "reset" sometimes helps me...

I was going to ask my |loony| doctor about something like that today, but where I go off all my meds for 2 or 3 days & then add them back in every few days, just to see if one of them is messing with me.


Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 534678)
Greenie maybe try to get more exercise during the day.

I got on my excercise bike for 2 minutes on Tuesday & had to get off because my back basically locked up & started to revolt against my body :(


Originally Posted by JAI-LING (Post 534687)
...Lose weight...

That is on my list |thumb But 1st, I need to get the sleep thing under control. All of my doc's agree it's pointless to attempt anything else until I'm sleeping correctly.

CD Smith 2014-06-22 03:52 PM

How did that overnight sleep study go?

Was the nurse on duty hot? <------ key question

Greenguy 2014-06-23 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by CD Smith (Post 534712)
How did that overnight sleep study go?

It was uneventful, but they did want to start fresh with me, since it's been 5 years since I'd had a study done, so they didn't let me use the CPAP machine.


Originally Posted by CD Smith (Post 534712)
Was the nurse on duty hot? <------ key question

Yes, HE was!! |smooch|

That does bring up a thought I had: If I was a single man, this would be a great place to pick up BBW's that I have something in common with |thumb

LeRoy 2014-06-23 04:36 PM

Sucks to here this one Greenie!! Hope they can get you fixed up soon.

Greenguy 2014-06-27 09:50 AM

Well, since I'm on & forcing myself to work, here's an update...

I'm basically at a standstill. Don't see the sleep doctor til next week, and I already know they're going to have me do another sleep study, so 2 or so weeks until that gets situated.

The new med wasn't working as well as it should, so they up'd the dosage & it's still not working correctly, but it's only been 2 days & I know she won't up it again that soon.

My mood isn't exactly miserable, but it's not good. Kinda just blah. It's like my get up & go got up & went :)

And, when I do force myself to work, my back usually yells at me for sitting here too long.

But, I did manage to update LOR & the rest of the Link Lists are hopefully next :)

mOrrI 2014-06-29 05:06 PM

Man sorry to hear that...

Keep it strong!

Hopping you get better :)

jollyhumper 2014-06-30 12:06 PM

Sorry to hear this GG, i sure wish it will improve for you soon.


Greenguy 2014-07-03 09:21 AM

Well, med #3 seems to be a dud :( The only good thing about today is that I finally get to see a sleep doctor, even though I know I'll need at least 1 more sleep study before things start to go better. One thing I do know about having incorrectly or untreated sleep apnea is that meds don't work at 100% - so instead of needing 1 pill, you might need 2 or 3 to get the same effect as you would when you're sleeping correctly.

This concludes my sleep update :)

Greenguy 2014-07-12 05:42 AM

Well, since I just know that you are all on the edge of your seats waiting for another update from me, let me say that I FINALLY got my sleep study crap finished & last night was the 1st on my new machine & settings - and boy oh boy do I feel NORMAL!! |thumb

I really do hope I've turned a corner on this & won't have to look back :D

mOrrI 2014-07-12 07:22 AM

Fingers crosses...

Hope this time u get and stay NORMAL!

Fonz 2014-07-12 01:42 PM

Let's hope this is te breakthrough you've been waiting for. It's great to feel normal!

Hang in there |fonz|

Rik 2014-07-12 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 534675)
I honestly have no idea what's going on with my body as far as this sleep apnea crap. The new med they gave me did nothing & there was a leak on the machine during the week long at-home test I did, so I'm almost back to.....

Hey man,
Just got around to poking my head in here, but I will say this. I don't know you, but I've 'known' you since 1998 (yup) and been following your stuff ever since.

With that said, I just read about this thing with you and had to chime in. I had a terrible problem too. And I went through well over 5 years of it, and after spending $1000s upon $1000s on every test, sleep doctor, Western doctor, Eastern doctor, etc. It came down to this:

If and whenever this started, were you on any long term antibiotics (for whatever reason?) And this means a run lasting longer than 2-3 weeks of high doses? Because that's what it was with me. It was a severe fungal infection caused be massive doses of the antibiotics (some are worse than others). In fact, some of the readers may have already heard about or know about Candida. A very fucked up situation for men. In fact, ---> ALSO: if you've been a chick for any length of time who has/had chronic yeast infections, you can get it that way too. This is common knowledge that is widely known, and has been written about in Playboy, Penthouse, yada, yada. Men get these yeast infections big time, and the symptoms are many.

Once I got the fungal/yeast infection eliminated (it had gone systemic by then), my sleep/insomnia/apnea slowly went away after some weeks..

Just my 2 cents.

Hope you get better man.


MeatPounder 2014-07-13 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Rik (Post 534913)
if you've been a chick for any length of time w

I honestly do not think Greenie was ever a chick for longer then a few weeks at a time at any point, but I may be wrong.

You could check with Yell or Useless to be sure though

Rik 2014-07-13 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by MeatPounder (Post 534916)
I honestly do not think Greenie was ever a chick for longer then a few weeks at a time at any point, but I may be wrong.

You could check with Yell or Useless to be sure though

ROTF!! Thanks for pointing that out Meat. Hahaha.

Of course I meant, .."WITH a chick"

Spell check can only get you so far...

Greenguy 2014-07-29 08:55 AM

Well, as everyone probably guessed, I had a setback of sorts :( For some reason, my mood went to complete shit about 2 weeks ago & I really only snapped out of it yesterday.

So yesterday was pretty good & so far today, I'm feeling decent/good. I'm just hoping that it lasts more than a couple of days :)

mOrrI 2014-07-29 10:11 AM

Well glad to hear from ya man! :)

pc 2014-07-29 02:11 PM


JustRobert 2014-07-29 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 535043)
I'm just hoping that it lasts more than a couple of days :)

Sure hope that it does this time.

Cleo 2014-07-29 09:21 PM

Maybe try tickling your brain with a Q-tip

ecchi 2014-07-31 05:54 AM

Glad you're back, I was beginning to worry.

jollyhumper 2014-08-02 05:17 PM

Hang in there |greenguy|!


Simon 2014-08-03 06:07 AM

Still keeping you in my thoughts down some Q-Tips if you need them.


PhoneMistress 2014-08-07 02:50 PM

Drop the weight. The weight is what is screwing up your sleep, right? I dragged my father kicking and screaming to a sleep clinic. They told him to stop smoking and to drop the weight. He decided to try smoke cessation first. Riiight. Needless to say that did not work. Matter of fact he tried everything in the world and refused ...REFUSED to drop weight. Finally several years later after a surprise physical exam (DoD requirement), my dad finally decided to lose weight. He was at the time morbidly obese, 350+. Now he never listens to me but saw what my advice had done for other members of the family. So, with his tail between his legs asked me for my trick. He dropped 20 pounds within 2 weeks and another 30 by the end of the following month. He is still losing weight. So, it's up to him what happens next.

Definitely follow your doctor's advice and get a second opinion. From personal experience I have learned the best time to lose weight is right now not after so and so but right fucking now because 9 times out of 10 your medical is a symptom of the weight. Good luck and as always you are in my prayers.

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