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-   -   Calling all honest linklist owners, I have something special for you. (

plateman 2005-03-09 12:42 PM

I can safely say I can add them to my list of people never to do biz with along with the other cheaters spamers crooks and general assholes... |viking|

Useless 2005-03-09 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Lizzie
It is totally obvious that this is pretty much an exclusive link list club you've got going.

Lizzie, I started building and submitting free sites not that long ago when I was unknown here. My very first free site was accepted all over the place, not due to cronyism, but because I read and followed the simple rules.

This is isn't a club, it's a community. Remember how we all stood together in outing SponsorChat? You were part of that. TheButcher was doing things that violated the values of this community and insulting its members. This thread has become the same thing. If you insult a member of this community, you shouldn't be surprised if its other members rally in support of their own.

And don't tell me that I don't understand and that I should re-read the thread. You should have backed off and regrouped as soon as you noticed most of us were insulted.

MadMax 2005-03-09 12:54 PM

Well, I'm gonna jump back in here for a moment. I was doing a drive by yesterday when I posted and didn't read the entire thread until just now. I had no idea this sort of train wreck was brewing, so I'll take a moment to add my 2 cents.

First off, I send decline emails because my script does it automatically. I add reasons and comments because that function is integrated into my script, and for certain types of declines I offer second chance reviews. I have time to do this because I get a few dozen submits a day as opposed to several hundred or several thousand. I'll always send out emails but if I get to the point where I'm reviewing hundreds of sites a day I'll stop giving reasons because I simply won't have time. If my script didn't automatically generate accept/decline emails I wouldn't send them out because I wouldn't have time. Frankly, as a whole I think my submitters would rather have me focusing on driving traffic than writing emails anyway.

You've managed to come in here and piss off a lot of people that I respect as colleagues. These are people who have treated me as a member of their community since day 1 when I had no listings and shit for traffic, and what's more you're doing it by trying to tell them how they should run their own sites. This makes no sense to me. These people wouldn't be successful if they didn't know what they're doing, and competition for listings wouldn't be fierce if they didn't send good traffic. What is the point of intentionally pissing on people who would be happy to do business with a more civilized person? I just don't get it.

I review sites based on the sites, and blacklist for my own reasons as everyone does. I wouldn't decline a site just because of something I read on a board (and wouldn't have time to keep up with the unbelievable spreadsheets and databases that would be required to do so), but like everyone else here a submit that breaks the rules gets declined. With me, since I can and do put reasons in decline emails, when I decline someone four times in a row for the same reason I blacklist, because if they can't be bothered to read my explanations I can't be bothered to keep giving them, simple as that.

I'd still list any site that follows the rules, but neither of you has done anything in this thread but hurt your reputations; and if you don't think reputation matters ask Jay Servido.

Well, I guess that was at least 4 cents. :)

Tommy 2005-03-09 12:58 PM

I would like to add that I did over react and I know my over reaction fueled the fire

Cleo 2005-03-09 01:24 PM

I don't think we over reacted all that much.

I've worked very hard to get where I am today and I still work very hard each day. I think of myself as a honest and ethical business woman and I'm proud of that.

Had this thread been titled Looking for LL that send out declines I would have ignored it but it was titled "Calling all honest linklist owners" so being a honest webmaster I clicked on it only to see that it implied not sending out decline e-mails meant that I am not honest and I took great offense to that as did others.

RawAlex 2005-03-09 01:34 PM

At the end of the day, suggesting that linksite owners who don't send out rejection mails are somehow dishonest really irks me.

How we each choose to run our businesses is up to us. I feel comfortable being in a fairly decent group of link and TGP owners that don't waste their time sending out rejection mails (and answering the inevitable overflow of returning "I didn't break the rules!" and "your an asshole" emails). It is about making sure we have enough time to handle everything we need to do in a day, without spending out time on unproductive activities. Yes, sending out rejection emails to about 99% of people is a waste of time. Either because people are NOT reading their emails, have no intention of changing their sites, or are cheating multisubmitters that are just looking for tips to make sure you accept their crap sites in the future. None of those people deserve my time or effort.

I clearly state in my rules:

We reserve the right to refuse listings and service to anyone. This is a private website. You can be declined, refused or have your listing removed for any reason. We reserve the right to blacklist domains, email addresses, hosts, and IP addresses without notice, and without notification. If you submit multiple sites that violate the rules, you domain(s) will be blacklisted without notice. We do NOT send decline messages. If your don't like it, get a lawyer and waste your money. :-)
Again, reading the rules will solve all your problems.

Additionally, I have clear links all over to this board, where anyone who doesn't get listed is more than welcome to post up their stuff and we can chat (not PMs, please... post in public, it's better for EVERYONE).

How any of this makes me dishonest or somehow a lesser link site owner is beyond me.


pornrex 2005-03-09 06:01 PM

In spite of the fact that this thread was a big shouting match to a degree, I still did learn quite a few things nonetheless.

If your a newbie, read the rules and follow them. Plain and simple. There's really nothing more to say and no other way about it.

Also, slinging insults and shit at the good folks of ANY board will get you nowhere. Your better off going for a walk or counting to 10 or even 1000 if you have to calm yourself down. Besides, expressing yourself angrily is not the answer to any dilemma.

There are gonna be webmasters and linklist operators/reviewers out there that play favorites or show nepotism to anyone they damn well please for whatever reason. That's a fact of life. That will never change no matter what your chosen profession.

Except for one thing: The "honest and ethical" webmasters know exactly who they are how they operate and to them I 'd like to express my gratitude. Talking about being ethical and honest is one thing. Practicing it, is quite another.


Jim 2005-03-09 06:31 PM

pornrex, I agree with you on everything. Even I have submitted to Greenie and not gotten listed. Nah...just kidding. I submitted a full page ad once and it was listed :) But, anyone can get listed at almost any link list...just follow the rules. There is no secret handshake or club. But, of course, once link list owners get to know a submitter, they will get listed more often and usually quicker.

I knew this thread was going to be ugly :)

RawAlex 2005-03-09 06:51 PM

Let's say I see 10 submits from someone... all 10 of them are great sites and I accept them gladly. Trust me when I say I will look at that webmaster's stuff more favorably in the future. 10 bad ones, 100% rejected, and you know how I will feel about submit #11.

I want to list sites from good people trying to make an honest (for porn) buck... not people trying their damndest to screw the system.


Thumbler 2005-03-09 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by RawAlex
I want to list sites from good people trying to make an honest (for porn) buck... not people trying their damndest to screw the system.

Alex, I've spent most of my internet life in mainstream, and in my opinion there is far more honesty in the porn business than there is in mainstream. I've never been screwed (yet) by a porn sponsor, but I have by mainstream sponsors

Cleo 2005-03-09 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Thumbler
Alex, I've spent most of my internet life in mainstream, and in my opinion there is far more honesty in the porn business than there is in mainstream.

I've heard that from a lot of people who have been in mainstream.

Joe 2005-03-09 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Thumbler
Alex, I've spent most of my internet life in mainstream, and in my opinion there is far more honesty in the porn business than there is in mainstream. I've never been screwed (yet) by a porn sponsor, but I have by mainstream sponsors

Really? What mainstream business were you in?

I've been the complete opposite. As far as adult sponsors ago, I've had no problems (a few late payments, but no biggie).

But I've been scammed a few times here and there ever since I started in the adult business a couple years ago.

Thumbler 2005-03-09 08:17 PM

I've dabbled in quite a few different mainstream areas, at one time I had a big webmaster resource site and used to write a weekly newsletter for webmasters. I've also run a free stuff directory, in fact I still do but the site desperately needs updating. My main interests these days are personals and webcams, that's how I got involved in what I normally refer to as the adult entertainment industry :D

BruceKelly 2005-03-09 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Jim
...I knew this thread was going to be ugly :)

Yep. post 24. enticed me into reading the whole damned thread.

RawAlex 2005-03-09 09:38 PM

Thumbler, while I had only been gently screwed by a couple of sponsors (mostly those going out of business rapidly but still accepting traffic to their URLs), I can tell you that there are plenty of people out there willing to fuck you over in this business as quick as they can.


Presmar 2005-03-10 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Adult Traffic
If you're willing to honestly look at my freesite when I submit it to you and if you don't like it but are willing to be honest & send me an e-mail even if it says "fuck off" then this is what I will do for you. I will do this regardless of your size of how much traffic you send.

I send both accept and reject emails because I don't know how to turn the automation off...:)

Adult Traffic 2005-03-10 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by plateman
I can safely say I can add them to my list of people never to do biz with along with the other cheaters spamers crooks and general assholes... |viking|

For one, fuck you, personally, cock sucker. There has not been one motherfucker on the whole web who has ever called me a crook or a cheater who had anything to stand on other than their own fat mouth. Nothing more.

If you have it, post it. Otherwise, suck .. my .. cock.

The rest of you, I guess I don't care who's side you're on. Usually I figure that I'm the only one that's right and that's the way it'll be. There is no other option.

Remember, we got this far because I told someone to fuck off who jumped MY thread, and the rest of you FUCKING SHEEP never said a GOD DAMNED word until you realized it was someone who you had your nose up their ass.


Now, as far as submitting free sites..

I've been doing it for less than a week, fuck, I only have 6 of them total... Maybe they suck, but your friends DO list them

Today: (NOT all freesite sales, obviously)

[none] (refer) 0 1 sale 0 1 sale 0 1 sale 0 1 sale 0 1 FREESITE
[none] (refer) 0 1 0 1 (MYGAL) 0 1 (FRONT) 0 1 (MYGAL) 0 1 0 1 (FREESITE) 0 1 (MYGAL)

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 .. So fuck off :) I really need Tommy and Cleo and Linkster and Link-O and JJ like a hole in the head.

The sad truth is, Most of you don't have stats like that from ONE (1) 2 week old sponsor per day, much less all of your sponsors combined over a few years. MOST of you do not and never will.

Think I'll stop submitting to freesites? Nope.

List me or not. Don't and I pull your link. Simple. But I still submit WHERE THE FUCK I WANT TO, and no one on this board will ever change that, no matter what you think.

Believe me, plenty list me no matter what you all say :)


Originally Posted by Tommy
I would like to add that I did over react and I know my over reaction fueled the fire

Thank you. Maybe I did too here and there.


Originally Posted by Cleo
I don't think we over reacted all that much.

"WE?". You have shit on your nose. Whether you see it or not doesn't mean it's pretty. Wipe it the fuck off. Damn it girl.


Originally Posted by Tommy
I noticed your boyfriend keeps saying this is his thread, and dare and me both jumped in it so we had a bashing coming

Yes you did have a bashing coming. Things got bad. You really do think I deserved what I got from the dog pilers and that it'll make me a more congenial person too, huh?

Oh, and 19 years and 3 kids later makes a "boyfriend-girlfriend". LOL. Get yer facts straight since you have all this collected info on me and all..


Originally Posted by Cleo
I've come to the conclusion that AT and his "GF"..

You have shit on your nose. WIPE IT OFF.


Originally Posted by Tommy
I would like everyone to think about what these 2 are gonna say about your LL's when they get listed and only get 50 to 100 hits will they say its quality and thanks for the link or will they be making fun of you

You're speculating, and you're full of shit on that count, you're grasping at straws. I SAID I don't care about the traffic. I SAID if I run your link you better by gods run mine. Didn't I Tommy? I have hard link partners that send 1 hit a week for the last fucking 2 years FYI. Speculate on that.

Oh, the answer is that I'll say "thanks for the link". That is, unless YOU can say where I've fucked one of my friends. Ever.. Then post it or don't shoot off, K sport ?


Originally Posted by linkster
and yes Im much older than you

Really? Where did you come up with this special tidbit? How old am I anyhow?


Originally Posted by linkster
I would say with your attitude none of this will change a damn thing and I'm probably setting my "expectations" way too high.

Congrats. You hit the nail on the head. :)


Originally Posted by linkster
what threw me off is after being told that a bunch of places wouldnt list you - you are still running their recips???

Believe it or not I actually have a career and clients outside of editing those 6 free sites. Those links WILL come off :)


Originally Posted by linkster
Most of us are now also running scripts that check whois info, redirections etc that are much more sophisticated than what you are used to in the TGP world - very rarely will you be able to tell when someone has reviewed your site.

See, now THAT's important. Thank you. VERY advanced stuff. |thumb

Congratulations, You have succeded in showing that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, starting with the "age" comment and a few other things, like the super-secret-advanced-script-bat-checker.. and more.

The one thing that's clear is that:

I have run on facts alone, not thrown out any bullshit or smoke..

So far, I have been told I'm a cheater,
a scammer,
that I was going to be "ruined" on the adut web,
that I'm a kid,
that my wife of almost 20 years and the mother of my kids is my "girlfriend',

...that I'm a blowhard about the traffic that I already move and the sales I ALREADY MAKE. Not counting webmaster sales ..

...that I try to force you into doing business a different way (I WASN'T, as if I give a fuck, read the first post so many of you skipped).

...that all the link list owners act like they can snowball someone into thinking you have to type each e-mail by hand, and we ALL KNOW that's utter bullshit. For FUCK SAKES PEOPLE... I own fucking scripts. Jesus Christ. That's a stupid position to take.

Even though I never ASKED you to send me special mails, you act as though that's what this thread is about.
Read it again.

...marks - umm.. does anyone ever go there ? .. OHH, bad bad bad. The worst thing EVER. Oh my gods.. I ask again,
does anyone ever go there?

Now, ban me. I won't shut up and you can't make me. I will never see it your way, and I am the only one that's right.

Fucking brown nosing whiners.


swedguy 2005-03-10 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Adult Traffic
Ok, I don't have either one of you in my recip table. I will add you right now.

I take that back. Don't bother adding me. Thank you.

Jel 2005-03-10 06:08 AM

Wow. AST, don't bother adding my recips to any freesites you make.

plateman 2005-03-10 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by Adult Traffic
For one, fuck you, personally, cock sucker. There has not been one motherfucker on the whole web who has ever called me a crook or a cheater who had anything to stand on other than their own fat mouth. Nothing more.

If you have it, post it. Otherwise, suck .. my .. cock.

The rest of you, I guess I don't care who's side you're on. Usually I figure that I'm the only one that's right and that's the way it'll be. There is no other option.

Remember, we got this far because I told someone to fuck off who jumped MY thread, and the rest of you FUCKING SHEEP never said a GOD DAMNED word until you realized it was someone who you had your nose up their ass.


Now, as far as submitting free sites..

I've been doing it for less than a week, fuck, I only have 6 of them total... Maybe they suck, but your friends DO list them

Today: (NOT all freesite sales, obviously)

[none] (refer) 0 1 sale 0 1 sale 0 1 sale 0 1 sale 0 1 FREESITE
[none] (refer) 0 1 0 1 (MYGAL) 0 1 (FRONT) 0 1 (MYGAL) 0 1 0 1 (FREESITE) 0 1 (MYGAL)

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 .. So fuck off :) I really need Tommy and Cleo and Linkster and Link-O and JJ like a hole in the head.

The sad truth is, Most of you don't have stats like that from ONE (1) 2 week old sponsor per day, much less all of your sponsors combined over a few years. MOST of you do not and never will.

Think I'll stop submitting to freesites? Nope.

List me or not. Don't and I pull your link. Simple. But I still submit WHERE THE FUCK I WANT TO, and no one on this board will ever change that, no matter what you think.

Believe me, plenty list me no matter what you all say :)

Thank you. Maybe I did too here and there.

"WE?". You have shit on your nose. Whether you see it or not doesn't mean it's pretty. Wipe it the fuck off. Damn it girl.

Yes you did have a bashing coming. Things got bad. You really do think I deserved what I got from the dog pilers and that it'll make me a more congenial person too, huh?

Oh, and 19 years and 3 kids later makes a "boyfriend-girlfriend". LOL. Get yer facts straight since you have all this collected info on me and all..

You have shit on your nose. WIPE IT OFF.

You're speculating, and you're full of shit on that count, you're grasping at straws. I SAID I don't care about the traffic. I SAID if I run your link you better by gods run mine. Didn't I Tommy? I have hard link partners that send 1 hit a week for the last fucking 2 years FYI. Speculate on that.

Oh, the answer is that I'll say "thanks for the link". That is, unless YOU can say where I've fucked one of my friends. Ever.. Then post it or don't shoot off, K sport ?

Really? Where did you come up with this special tidbit? How old am I anyhow?

Congrats. You hit the nail on the head. :)

Believe it or not I actually have a career and clients outside of editing those 6 free sites. Those links WILL come off :)

See, now THAT's important. Thank you. VERY advanced stuff. |thumb

Congratulations, You have succeded in showing that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, starting with the "age" comment and a few other things, like the super-secret-advanced-script-bat-checker.. and more.

The one thing that's clear is that:

I have run on facts alone, not thrown out any bullshit or smoke..

So far, I have been told I'm a cheater,
a scammer,
that I was going to be "ruined" on the adut web,
that I'm a kid,
that my wife of almost 20 years and the mother of my kids is my "girlfriend',

...that I'm a blowhard about the traffic that I already move and the sales I ALREADY MAKE. Not counting webmaster sales ..

...that I try to force you into doing business a different way (I WASN'T, as if I give a fuck, read the first post so many of you skipped).

...that all the link list owners act like they can snowball someone into thinking you have to type each e-mail by hand, and we ALL KNOW that's utter bullshit. For FUCK SAKES PEOPLE... I own fucking scripts. Jesus Christ. That's a stupid position to take.

Even though I never ASKED you to send me special mails, you act as though that's what this thread is about.
Read it again.

...marks - umm.. does anyone ever go there ? .. OHH, bad bad bad. The worst thing EVER. Oh my gods.. I ask again,
does anyone ever go there?

Now, ban me. I won't shut up and you can't make me. I will never see it your way, and I am the only one that's right.

Fucking brown nosing whiners.


Hey listen asshole that's what my list has on it and those other terms don't fit you proof wise so I should have left them off.. but you more than deserve the general asshole title.. and you can throw in cock sucker and dickhead also.. |viking|

Linkster 2005-03-10 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Adult Traffic
Really? Where did you come up with this special tidbit? How old am I anyhow?

39 - which makes you 3 years older than my son

Congrats. You hit the nail on the head. :)
Thank you

See, now THAT's important. Thank you. VERY advanced stuff.

Since you believe everything you see thats good - means the scripts are working correctly

Congratulations, You have succeded in showing that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, starting with the "age" comment
See above

and a few other things, like the super-secret-advanced-script-bat-checker.. and more.
Fortunately Im actually really glad that you dont believe things like that exist

So far, I have been told I'm a cheater,
a scammer,
that I was going to be "ruined" on the adut web,
that I'm a kid,
Wouldnt go so far to call you a cheater - just uninformed - I might suggest reading Kaths article recently at Klixxx about Link Lists and using their traffic to your benefit

...that all the link list owners act like they can snowball someone into thinking you have to type each e-mail by hand, and we ALL KNOW that's utter bullshit.

Actually I believe they said they have to make a choice in what comments to put in each email - using either a boiler-plate comment or typing in a comment to let you know what was wrong with the site - which is doing each one by hand

...marks - umm.. does anyone ever go there ? .. OHH, bad bad bad. The worst thing EVER. Oh my gods.. I ask again,

Well - since you use Alexa data to prove points I would again have to say that you are uninformed

Fucking brown nosing whiners.

I believe you are confusing brown nosing with a community - which it seems you really aren't familiar with - a community tends to accept people that are willing to give and take (one of the reasons that so many people here jumped in to try to help you with understanding the link list world as you - this is not intended to be a bad thing - dont understand)
Of course - again you are definitely always entitled to your opinion and wrong or right, no one can change that - I apologize for trying to be helpful and wish you much success in the future

Thumbler 2005-03-10 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Jim
I knew this thread was going to be ugly :)

Yeah, but did you know it was going to get this ugly

Wazza 2005-03-10 08:17 AM


Wazza 2005-03-10 08:18 AM

Can I have a buddy Christ yet?

Wazza 2005-03-10 08:19 AM


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