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Greenguy 2019-05-09 08:14 AM

I binged Dead To Me yesterday & it was good. It stars Christina Applegate, Linda Cardellini (ER), James Marsden (Westworld), and Ed Asner. 10 30 min episodes, so about 6 hours. They set it up for a 2nd season & Will Ferrell is a producer, so I think it'll go forward |thumb

Ramster 2019-05-09 09:00 AM

I am seeing Dead To Me is getting good recommendations, might have to check it out. Friend watched Black Summer, he said it was good.

jollyhumper 2019-05-09 09:40 AM

I started a 14 day trial-period on a scandinavian thing called Viaplay.
They've made a documentary on Swedish pornographer Berth Milton. (Founder of Private in the 60's, supposedly not a good man). Just to find out it's released the day after the trial expires ... |banghead||angry|

So I'm watching s14 of South Park instead, which is available on Viaplay here in Scandinavia.


Greenguy 2019-06-05 12:26 PM

I just realized S5 of Black Mirror is out - 3 episodes, 60-70 min each. I need to come up with a lie to tell Ramster when he gives me work later |couch|

JustRobert 2019-06-06 10:06 AM

I finished Dead To Me yesterday and I liked this one.

I watched a couple others recently but can't remember as they were mediocre and really not worth mentioning anyways.

JustRobert 2019-06-07 11:08 AM

Binged the 3 new Black Mirror episodes yesterday and liked them all |thumb

In case you're not aware Jessica Jones season 3 comes out next Friday 6/14 :D

jollyhumper 2019-06-14 09:44 AM

I'm currently watching The Leftovers on HBO. Out of 3 seasons I had already seen 2, but there was so many details I couldn't remember, so I started all over.
I've also seen Chernobyl and it was pretty good.

It's not Netflix, though ... |facepalm| |lol|


JustRobert 2019-06-14 11:36 AM

Wife and I are watching the new season of Lucifer.
The first 3 season were on regular tv but when they canceled Netflix picked it up and released a 4th one a couple weeks back. It's filmed around Los Angeles so I see a lot of places I know. It's all the same cast so that's nice.

JustRobert 2019-06-23 11:43 AM

Finished the new season of Jessica Jones and I liked it.

Greenguy 2019-06-24 06:56 AM

The Bitch & I watched Murder Mystery with Adam Sandler & Jennifer Aniston and let's just say that The Bitch fell asleep & I was on the verge numerous times |zzzzzzzzz

We then started to watch Russian Doll with Natasha Lyonne (OITNB) and it's kinda a bad Groundhog Day until the end of E3. We've watched 4 of the 8 30 min episodes & hope we can finish it tonight. There will be a Season 2, so...

Greenguy 2019-06-26 09:35 AM

S5 of Black Mirror was AWESOME!!

I did start to watch Still Laugh-In: The Stars Celebrate, but the live audience stepped all over the one-liners, so I turned it off.

I think I'm gonna start Jessica Jones S3 today & hopefully I can finish it in the next week, as Stranger Things S3 comes out next Thursday |banana|

Almost forgot: I've been falling asleep each night for the last 2 weeks to Batman Begins & The Dark Knight, which are now on Netflix, as well as The Dark Knight Rises, which I previously bought on Prime. Re-watching them all in order has been really good because you forget a lot with 7 years between the 3.

Greenguy 2019-06-27 07:35 AM

Only had about 2 hours to kill yesterday, so I watched Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse & I really liked it. Not the greatest movie of all time, but funny & interesting enough to keep your attention.

Greenguy 2019-06-29 09:40 AM

Started Jessica Jones S3 yesterday. 13 1-hour episodes & I really think they could have shitcanned the 1st 4, because it seems like the last 9 are the main storyline.

Greenguy 2019-07-01 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 556916)
Started Jessica Jones S3 yesterday. 13 1-hour episodes & I really think they could have shitcanned the 1st 4, because it seems like the last 9 are the main storyline.

Finished it & really liked it! I take back what I said about the 1st 4 episodes |thumb |thumb

62.5 hours till Stranger Things S3 |banana|

jollyhumper 2019-07-04 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 556928)
62.5 hours till Stranger Things S3 |banana|

I've seen two episodes now and I don't get what all this establishing is for. Even the supporting actors gets cool entrances. And the main plot has hardly started. We DO know this people by now, right?

I hope it improves


jollyhumper 2019-07-04 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by jollyhumper (Post 556961)
I hope it improves


It does. The scene with Ell and the lifeguard was way cool!!


JustRobert 2019-07-05 11:12 AM

Wife and I binged all of Stranger Things yesterday :D

We normally go to the movies as they are pretty dead if you choose one that ends right about the time fireworks BUT this year the amount of fireworks that was going off starting at noon was fucking ridiculous. Seriously somebody must of had a sale on mortars because it was non stop. Figured it was just better to stay home plus the stray cat we feed came inside and did not want to go back out.

Greenguy 2019-07-06 05:51 AM

I binged it yesterday & thought it was great!

Next up, I'm looking at The Last Czars for one reason: Rasputin!

Greenguy 2019-07-08 10:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)

jollyhumper 2019-07-09 03:19 AM


Exactly! :)

JustRobert 2019-07-11 10:34 AM

So recently I watched:
Always Be My Maybe which is your typical cheesy romcom but I like Ali Wong so this was easy to do a bunch of work while listening to it mostly.

I Am Mother which was a pretty good SciFi flick and spent more time watching then working.

Finally got around to F1 Drive to Survive and I really liked this. After watching it I was hoping for a season 2 and they are with Mercedes signing on as well. Though I did like how this really showed what a lot of the struggling teams deal with. It's tough when you only have $125 Million budget.

Greenguy 2019-07-11 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 556976)
Next up, I'm looking at The Last Czars for one reason: Rasputin!

I did start watching this & it's interesting, but what I really like is that it's a mix of a series & a documentary, where in between scenes, they have historians speak about this & that. It's NOTHING like those horribly reenacted scenes that you see in documentaries. This feels like a legit series AND a legit documentary...and it's got Rasputin |thumb

Greenguy 2019-07-20 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 557031)
I did start watching this & it's interesting, but what I really like is that it's a mix of a series & a documentary, where in between scenes, they have historians speak about this & that. It's NOTHING like those horribly reenacted scenes that you see in documentaries. This feels like a legit series AND a legit documentary...and it's got Rasputin |thumb

Finished it yesterday. Not as much Rasputin as I'd hoped for, but worth a watch |thumb

Greenguy 2019-07-22 09:18 AM

I 1st watched A Futile And Stupid Gesture which was a movie about Doug Kenney, who co-founded National Lampoon & co-wrote Animal House & Caddyshack. I recommend it, especially if you know nothing about him |thumb

And then the pop-culture roles reversed...


Originally Posted by JustRobert (Post 555824)
I finished The Umbrella Academy and it was enjoyable. I actually wished there were more episodes to watch.

I finally started watching The Umbrella Academy & I really like it. I paused it 1/2 way thru E7 after saying I was going to bed after E4, E5 & E6 because there's not a lot of cliffhangers in the middle of an episode :D

Greenguy 2019-07-23 06:46 AM

I forgot that I also watched NOVA: Building Chernobyl's MegaTomb, which I assume was suggested due to popularity of HBO's Chernobyl series. It's amazing that they not only built this, but that it actually worked.

JustRobert 2019-07-23 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 557151)
I finally started watching The Umbrella Academy & I really like it.

Had to look this up because I forgot |pokefun|JR

Also I just finished What/If and it was pretty good drama though I will say then ending/last episode was a bit hokey for me.

Greenguy 2019-07-24 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 557151)
I finally started watching The Umbrella Academy & I really like it...

I finished this yesterday & thank |buddy| there's a Season 2 |thumb

Netflix alerted me to a new doc called The Great Hack which is described as:
"Explore how a data company named Cambridge Analytica came to symbolize the dark side of social media in the wake of the 2016 U.S. presidential election."
So I might watch that today, unless CSPAN is more interesting...|couch|

Greenguy 2019-07-27 09:11 AM

The Bitch & I watched the HBO Documentary Who Killed Garrett Phillips? which was yet another "small town cops railroad an innocent person". It's a great doc, but I lost count of how many times we each went |facepalm|

Netflix has some popular series back or returning soon:
Yesterday: Orange Is The New Black S7
2019-08-01: The Sinner S2
2019-08-09: Glow S3
2019-08-16: Mindhunter S2
2019-09-20: Disenchantment Part 2


Greenguy 2019-08-09 10:05 AM

2019-07-26: Orange Is The New Black S7 <--- We're thru 6 or 7 episodes & it's pretty good so far |thumb
2019-08-01: The Sinner S2 <--- REALLY GOOD! Would've been nice is dummy realized it was released on The USA Network 7 months ago |facepalm|
2019-08-09: Glow S3 <--- That's today! |party2

Bill 2019-08-09 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 557160)
I forgot that I also watched NOVA: Building Chernobyl's MegaTomb

I know, that was surprisingly watchable, even riveting in ways. Really it's just putting a big new roof over a collapsing old roof, but there was something about it, the problem solving in the face of a radioactive monster maybe, that I dug.

Bill 2019-08-09 11:37 AM

Wind River, I learned, is leaving netflix in a few days, so I watched it. And watched the whole thing, which I don't always do. That thing at the end - holy shit. That the final ending moments too. Intense.

Glad I watched it before it was gone.

Greenguy 2019-08-10 07:42 AM

We finished Orange Is The New Black S7 last night and all I'm gonna say is: Niagara Falls Franky baby, Niagara Falls |cry|

JustRobert 2019-08-16 11:10 AM

Yesterday I binged all of GLOW season 3 (I liked) and started Another Life which is ok. I'll continue with that mostly because I can still do some work while watching it.

Greenguy 2019-08-20 08:59 AM

The Bitch & I binged Mindhunter S2 Sun/Mon & it was really good with a lot of unanswered questions, so there best be a S3 |club|

JustRobert 2019-08-22 09:38 AM

Finished Orange Is The New Black and that was really good.

Not sure what I'm watching next but the queue is full so there has got to be something in there.

Greenguy 2019-08-23 11:47 AM

Finished Glow S3 which I assume has another season coming because they left a lot of storylines wide open.

Then I watched The Family about a BTS Jesus group that has all kinds of political influence here & around the globe. 5 episodes & just over 4 hours (but I think they could've squeezed it into 2)

Greenguy 2019-08-25 11:32 AM

The new PBS Woodstock Rockumentary was pretty good. Not a lot of performances, it was more all the BTS stuff that went on.

I'd never seen 2009's Monty Python's Almost The Truth: The Lawyers Cut & that was well worth watching |thumb

JustRobert 2019-08-25 01:55 PM

I watched the season of Wu Assassins and it was alright. It did feature the sexy 42 year old Katheryn Winnick who also plays Lagertha on Vikings, so I was good just with that :D

Fonz 2019-08-26 08:26 AM

I'm watching Wu Assasins at the moment.
It started promising the first 2 episodes but now at episode 5 there's much of the same happening. But i'll finish the season anyway.

The Great Hack was a nice watch but nothing I didn't knew already.

JustRobert 2019-08-26 10:22 AM

Wife and I binged Bodyguard yesterday which I thought was really good.

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