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sexVip 2004-06-29 02:50 PM

Re: Review Questions for Jays XXX go here

Originally posted by dareutwo
If you didn't know already - I am now helping out with reviews for Jays XXX Links.

If you have questions, please post them right here. No need to start multiple threads is there?

Hello there Dareutwo

I had a quick question as to why my sites are not getting listed. Can you please take a look at the site below and give me some pointers on what I am doing wrong.

I will change what ever you suggest for future sites. I have been trying to submit one a day

Thanks Man

dareutwo 2004-06-29 05:46 PM

First off the recip to Mark's is wrong...
(so I just stop there)

But after that, why do the pictures look like the trademarks have been removed?

Dangerously close to looking like sponsor a big ad sponsor gallery.

Fix that, and we'll go from there.
Since you posted, I'll send you an email if and why you get declined.

sexVip 2004-06-29 06:26 PM


Originally posted by dareutwo
First off the recip to Mark's is wrong...
(so I just stop there)

But after that, why do the pictures look like the trademarks have been removed?

Dangerously close to looking like sponsor a big ad sponsor gallery.

Fix that, and we'll go from there.
Since you posted, I'll send you an email if and why you get declined.

Thank you for your reply
I have fixed the marks link. The images looked like my branding system messed up. I do have permission from the sponsor to band the images with my domain.
I also removed a text link from above the half page add to make it less intrusive.

I have re submitted to Jays :)

xxxjay 2004-06-30 12:32 AM

Fot those of you who haven't noticed...posting here is the best way to fix your listings blues. |smooch|

kbbq 2004-06-30 12:35 AM

i'll post my first site question here. This is just my test first site.

Let me know if there's anything that I need to fix from being listed and also any other tips are appreciated.


rob1005 2004-06-30 01:03 PM

Hey there, I submitted the following site a while ago and was wondering why it did not get listed.

dareutwo 2004-06-30 04:40 PM

rob1005 - over used sponsor content

kbbq - this thread is for people who have already been declined, and want an explanation to get listed in the future.
Though I would replace "blah blah blah" with some sexy text and submit it.

ampleskin 2004-07-02 05:27 PM

after reading I realize it's probably the content. But I'd hate to make a bunch more and realize it's something else!

much appreciated...

dareutwo 2004-07-02 05:31 PM

ampleskin - I don't think you've submitted this.

I'll list this one, just don't go hog wild with similar content. Make different sites for different niches.

ampleskin 2004-07-02 05:34 PM

somebody crawled it yesterday. busy people, I understand.

are you suggesting that I make other sites besides softcore, or that I grab some different softcore content?

thanks for the super quick reply!

dareutwo 2004-07-02 05:44 PM

ampleskin - resubmit.
It's not in for review... just did them all.

other sites besides softcore? Softcore, hardcore is up to you. Just don't make 15 Babe sites in a row. Make Babe, a Fetish, a BBL etc....

As for being quick, just lucky... normally it's within a day. I just happened to be working.

ampleskin 2004-07-02 10:55 PM

resubmitted. got a confirmation e-mail, but I did last time too. hope everything went through alright this time :)

xxxjay 2004-07-03 05:15 PM


Originally posted by rob1005
Hey there, I submitted the following site a while ago and was wondering why it did not get listed.

I take movie sites like that all day at

sexVip 2004-07-10 05:37 PM

Re: Re: Review Questions for Jays XXX go here

Originally posted by sexVip
Hello there Dareutwo

I had a quick question as to why my sites are not getting listed. Can you please take a look at the site below and give me some pointers on what I am doing wrong.

I will change what ever you suggest for future sites. I have been trying to submit one a day

Thanks Man

Dareutwo I resubmitted this site about 12 days ago. Can you tell me if you recieved it?

Thank you

Fonz 2004-07-11 09:01 AM

Dare or Jay,

submitted this site a couple of days ago, could you tell me why it didn't get in please?


dareutwo 2004-07-11 09:55 AM

Fonz -
resubmit that one... I thought it was added

Parasso 2004-07-12 11:14 AM

Hi Jay & Dare

You usually accept my sites within a day, but this one (submitted on 7th July) haven’t been listed:

Could you please tell me if this one wasn’t accepted or just waits in the queue?


dareutwo 2004-07-12 03:21 PM

Parasso -
Was not accepted. Too many submits with that same template.
Make some new templates and resubmit.

Parasso 2004-07-13 11:19 AM

OK - thanks for advice Dareutwo!


Bunnyhop 2004-07-15 07:35 AM

I started getting listed on Jays last week...but my last handful of submissions seem to have been rejected.

Could you please let me know what I'm doing wrong so I can correct the problems.

Thank you =)

dareutwo 2004-07-15 09:09 AM

Sites all look the same (templates) read above posts.

Scooter 2004-07-17 03:08 PM

Hi dareutwo and also Jay!
I am post this site 12.07.04 and was whounder cas it was not listed...
and also another 2 pages was not listed:
i don't think that this could be same content ;) and templates seems like different but :(.
And Jay how often did you update your Movies Link List? i got confirmation email like Thank you bla bla bla but sites was not listed :(
Dunno what to do.
Mark i am post sites for site already about month... 1 in a day... no one listed :(
Have you updates Marks-Links?
Thx Gues ;) |waves|

ampleskin 2004-07-17 04:38 PM

hey daretwo, after decent success with number one here's number 2

please let me know if it's acceptable or what can be better. thanks a ton for all your assistance

Bunnyhop 2004-07-17 09:27 PM


Taking your advice, I submitted one of the old sites that were rejected using a fresh template still seems to have not made it through.

What did I do wrong?

dareutwo 2004-07-18 09:56 AM

FYI for all - depending on my schedule, weekly backups are done on Saturday or Sunday - No reviews are done then for Jays or Marks. (this week is was Saturday)

Bunnyhop shoot me an icq 1723977 didn't see your site in for review.

Scooter - over used sponsor content. - and Marks has NOT been updated in awhile... hopefully live this week sometime. Long story getting longer.

Ampleskin - sponsor content and blind links

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